8 Thou dost my friends from me estrange, And mak'st me odious, Me to them odious, for they change, 35 And I here pent up thus. Mine eye grows dim and dead, 9 Through forrow, and affliction great, Lord, all the day I thee intreat, My hands to thee I spread. 40 10 Wilt thou do wonders on the dead, Shall the deceas'd arife And praise thee from their toathsome bed 11 Shall they thy loving kindness tell 45 On whom the grave hath hold, Or they who in perdition dwell, Thy faithfulness unfold? 12 In darkness can thy mighty hand Or wondrous acts be known, Thy justice in the gloomy land 13 But I to thee, O Lord, do cry, And up to thee my pray'r doth hie, Each morn, and thee prevent. 14 Why wilt thou, Lord, my foul forsake, And hide thy face from me, 15 That am already bruis'd, and || shake 50 55 With terror fent from thee? || Heb. Pra Concussione. Bruis'd, Bruis'd, and afflicted, and so low While I thy terrors undergo 16 Thy fierce wrath over me doth flow, 18 Lover and friend thou hast remov'd, They fly me now whom I have lov'd, A Paraphrafe on PSAL.C This and the following Pfalm were done b fifteen years old. W HEN the blest feed of Teral Why fled the ocean? And why skipt the mountains? Why turned Jordan tow'rd his crystal fountains? Shake Earth, and at the prefence be aghast 15 Of him that ever was, and ay shall laft, That glassy floods from rugged rocks can crush, And make foft rills from fiery flint-stones gush. L PSAL. CXXXVI. ET us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord, for he is kind, For his mercies ay indure, Ever faithful, ever sure. Let us blaze his name abroad, For of Gods he is the God; For his &c. O let us his praises tell, Who doth the wrathful tyrants quell. 5 10 Who with his miracles doth make For his &c. 15 Who by his wisdom did create Who did the solid earth ordain 20 To rife above the watry plain. Who Who by his all-commanding might And caus'd the golden-tressed sun, All the day long his course to run. The horned moon to shine by night, He with his thunder-clafping hand Smote the first-born of Egypt land. 25 30 35 40 And in despite of Pharao fell, The ruddy waves he cleft in twain 45 |