صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

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unite in thanksgivings with you, yet these external marks
of homage and respect, will not be without a good result.

When a child has formed a rational idea of the love and
power of the Deity, then let it be instructed to pray; not
however, in a studied or written form, but with the zeal
and spirit of devotion. The heart knows nothing of what
is only repeated from memory. It becomes a habit, mark-
ed with the utmost indifference, and is little less than a
complete profanation of all religion.

The christian mother will take her child occasionally into solitude. There she will tell it in the simple language of her heart, how many blessings it has and may still expect to receive, from the hands of a beneficent creator. She will kneel down in prayer, and learn it to follow her example, and to unite in her supplications; while the Omnipotent looks down and blesses them both. When time sweeps on, and she is trembling with age or infirmity; thus will her dutiful children, in remembrance of her precepts, implore for her, in like manner, the benedictions of the most High.

The devotion of children must be voluntary. Every constraint destroys the efficacy of worship. Nor should they be compelled to go at too early an age to church. Much injury has been done in this way, by pious and zeal. ous parents. It is time enough to usher them into the temple of holiness, when they can comprehend the spirit and nature of religious exercises; when they will not be likely to feel an indifference on account of the often repeated custom

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to excite their disgust. It is not the altar alone tha lows and purifies the heart; therefore, they should be worshippers of God, before they have passed the thre of a church. Point out to them the deceit and hypo of professing christians, who pray one moment and sla their neighbor the next, in order that they may av similar error themselves. When assembled at the g of a friend or acquaintance, let them know that whil body has gone down to mingle with the dust, there immortal spirit destined to live through all eternity. these ideas, however imperfect they may be at first, up with the child, and become firmly rooted in its n These instructions, however, should be in accordance its years. When it can weep under the blood stained ner of Christ, with tears of love and gratitude; wh can feel a thrill of joy, even in the thought of being ca one of his disciples; then make it acquainted with his ferings, and the magnitude of the sacrifice he made f sinful and wicked world. Thus, almost unconsciously intellectual character will be improved, and religion m peace and the anchor of its hope, and the source of its piness, in the days of manhood and old age. Do not suffer the religion of your children to becom mere shadow of the feelings. Do not deceive their im nations, and be content with moving them to tears by s affecting narration. Such sensibility, however amiab may appear, cannot from its nature, be of long durat The ebullition of pious feelings are only as the buds blossoms, and not the golden founts of religion. It is

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by listening to the word of Christ, but by attending faithfully to his precepts, that constitutes the true christian. He who will not perform works meet for repentance-he *who is not meek, humble, and contrite in heart-he who is unwilling to sacrifice himself for the welfare of his brethren, as did the Saviour of the world, has not yet prepared himself for the enjoyments of heaven.

Fathers, mothers and christian parents! consecrate to the living and eternal father, the tender and beloved children which he has entrusted to your care. Infuse into their infant minds a spirit of pious and holy zeal, that they may receive strength and power to contend and struggle with every misfortune of life. And if death compels you to a separation for a short time on earth, you will have the blessed hope of being again united with them hereafter. When you are summoned before the judgment seat of God, you can say, here are the little ones which thou hast given us. They have indeed, travelled with you the same pathway to eternity. They have been animated by the same love and faith in life; and they have been made glad with the same triumphant hope in death. Oh, how sweet is the voice of revelation? Like distant music it steals into the soul, and ravishes it with ineffable transport and beauty.


How often with admiration and delight, have I per the early history of mankind, as it has been given u Moses. The same delightful harmony and order that vaded the works of nature then, still continues to e Man, too, who was formed out of the dust of the ea and woman, bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, remains the same.

The Lord said, it is not good that man should be al Solitude destroys every enjoyment. A pleasure which cannot divide with others, is not worthy of the name; an affliction which an amiable wife mutually shares us is infinitely lighter.

The union of persons in a state of matrimony, is decree of an all-wise creator. It is a custom pecu even to the most heathenish and unenlightened peopl the earth. But all men are not in a condition to e this happiness. It may be prudent for them to cont in a state of celibacy. So it happened with the apos who remained unmarried; not that they thought ma mony an evil, but because they could see little else t persecution in store for them, while they, without a 1 ing place or a country, were determined at every sacri

to road the truthe of the gospel Therefore they

I perused iven us by er that per es to exist. the earth; s flesh, still

d be alone.

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ony, is the m peculiar,

d people of on to enjoy continue e apostles, ght matrie else than hout a rest

commended to others, who had undertaken the accomplish-
ment of the same holy designs, to follow their example.

A matrimonial alliance is the most sacred of all others,
and ought to be the most productive of human happiness.
Other connexions may be broken off. Friendships may
be severed in a thousand different ways; but the tie which
unites man and wife, forever remains unaltered. They are
the same to each other in adversity as prosperity; they
share alike the sunshine and tempests of life. Although
the sympathy of the world may have been entirely with-
drawn from them, still they are happy in the existence of
each other.

In the married life we have comfort in distress, advice in difficulties, attention in sickness, and consolation in the hour of death. But the man who stands alone in society; who has no partner in his joys, or companion in his sufferings, how miserable must be his situation. Who pities him when he is misjudged, or misrepresented by the world? Who watches him when death is stealing upon him? or weeps over his lonely grave? Alas! he is entirely deserted; he is a stranger among men.'

Many are the sorrows of life; but labor and hardships are rendered lighter by conjugal love. Our efforts have then a direct object. We care not for the toils of the day, because it adds to the enjoyment of our family. Parents also, find new and unexpected delights in the existence of their offspring. A thousand joyful emotions swell in their bosoms, of which no one, save a father or mother, can

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