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watch over one another in love, that they may help each other to work out their salvation." *

He speaks more definitely in his "Earnest Appeal," where he says, "The case in London stands thus: In November, 1739, two gentlemen, then unknown to me, Mr. Ball and Mr. Watkins, came and desired me once and again to preach in a place called the Foundery, near Moorfields. With much reluctance, I at length complied.-The United Society began a little after." +

The larger of the United Societies Mr. Wesley divided into classes, each of which was placed under the care of a Leader, and met once a week in order to the spiritual improvement of the members.

"It can scarce be conceived," says he, "what advantages have been reaped from this little prudential regulation. Many now happily experienced that Christian fellowship of which they had not so much as an idea before. They began to bear one another's burdens, and naturally to care for each other. As they had daily a more intimate acquaintance with, so they had a more endeared affection for, each other. And, speaking the truth in love, they grew up into Him in all things, who is the head, even Christ; from whom the whole body, fitly joined together, and compacted by that which every joint supplied, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, increased unto the edifying of itself in love.""

The title given by the Wesleys to the societies which were raised up by their instrumentality, describes their nature in one very important particular. They were not distinct and independent churches, but United Societies, being all governed by the same dis

• Works, vol. viii. p. 269. ↑ Ibid. vol. viii. pp. 37, 38.

Ibid. vol. viii. p. 254.


cipline, and placed under the same pastoral care. The adoption of the connexional principle from the first has led to the most beneficial results. Not only has an identity of character been impressed upon all the societies, but those which have been strong, in consequence of their numbers and property, have rendered seasonable help to such as were poor and feeble; and thus the work in many places has been perpetuated where it would otherwise have become extinct, and extended to neglected districts where the truth could not otherwise have been carried. What one or two societies could not do has been easily accomplished by the combined exertions of the body. Its strength, under God, consists in its unity; and were this dissolved, the Methodist societies would be comparatively powerless, both at home, and in the Mission field. All attempts to invade the connexional principle Mr. Wesley strenuously resisted; and his sons in the Gospel have hitherto wisely followed in the same course. Without adopting the principle in question, the Wesleys might have been very useful in large and populous towns; but neither they nor their successors could have carried the truth into the scattered villages and hamlets of the agricultural districts, where many hundreds of small chapels now stand, surrounded by the cottages of the poor, and frequented by thousands of devout and happy peasants. It is thus that the system of Methodism adapts itself to the necessities of the humbler classes of society.

"It was by this means," the formation of societies, says Dr. Adam Clarke, "that we have been enabled to establish permanent and holy churches over the world. Mr. Wesley saw the necessity of this from the beginning. Mr. Whitefield, when he separated

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from Mr. Wesley, did not follow it. consequence? The fruit of Mr. Whitefield's labours died with himself. Mr. Wesley's fruit remains, grows, increases, and multiplies exceedingly. Did Mr. Whitefield see his error? He did; but not till it was too late. His people, long unused to it, would not come under this discipline. Have I authority to say so? I have; and you shall have it. Forty years ago I travelled in the Bradford, Wilts., Circuit, with Mr. John Pool. Himself told me the following anecdote. Mr. Pool was well known to Mr. Whitefield; and having met him one day, he accosted him in the following manner :-Whitefield: Well, John, art thou still a Wesleyan?' Pool: Yes, Sir; and I thank God that I have the privilege of being in connexion with him, and one of his preachers.' Whitefield: John, thou art in thy right place. My brother Wesley acted wisely. The souls that were awakened under his ministry he joined in class, and thus preserved the fruits of his labour. This I neglected; and my people are a rope of sand.' And what now remains of this great man's labours? Multitudes were converted under his ministry, and are gone to God; but there is no spiritual succession.'” *

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This statement of Dr. Clarke, though substantially true, needs some qualification. The labours of Mr. Whitefield, it is presumed, were principally merged in those of Lady Huntingdon's Connexion, and in the Dissenting churches. It is in these communities that the fruit of his most powerful and effective ministry is to be traced.

Some of the earlier societies formed by Mr. Wesley were severely persecuted, not only by riotous men, but in domestic life, and by their employers; being • Miscellaneous Works, vol. xiii. p. 257.

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not unfrequently deprived of their only means of subsistence. The following is his own appeal to a persecutor of this class :-"You employed A. B. for several years. By your own account, he was an honest, diligent man. You had no objection to him but his following this way. For this reason you turn him off. In a short time, having spent his little all, and having no supply, he wants bread. So does his family too, as well as himself. Before he can get into other business to procure it, through want of convenient food to eat, and raiment to put on, he sickens and dies. This is not an imaginary scene. I have known the case, though too late to remedy it.

"And what then?' What then! you are a murderer! O earth! cover not thou his blood!' No; it doth not. 'The cry thereof hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabaoth.' And God requireth it at your hands; and will require it in an hour when you think not. For you have as effectually murdered that man, as if you had stabbed him to the heart.

"It is not I then who ruin and starve that family: it is you; you who call yourself a Protestant! you who cry out against the persecuting spirit of the Papists! Ye fools and blind! What are ye better than they? Why, Edmond Bonner would have starved the heretics in prison; whereas you starve them in their own houses!" *


As the Wesleys were led through the force of what they conceived to be providential circumstances * Works, vol. viii. p. 127.

in adopting the practice of field-preaching, and in the formation of religious societies, so they were induced in the same manner to accept the assistance of Preachers who had neither been educated with reference to the Christian ministry, nor formally ordained to that holy service. The first that was thus employed was Thomas Maxfield, a young man, who had been converted under Mr. John Wesley's preaching at Bristol, in May, 1739. He became deeply pious; and prayed, exhorted, and expounded the Scriptures with uncommon power. Lady Huntingdon, who knew him well at this period of his life, speaks of him in terms of the highest admiration. He was appointed to assist in the society in London in the absence of the Wesleys, and there he began to preach. Complaint of this was forwarded to Mr. Wesley, who hastened to London, with all speed, to stop the alleged irregularity. His mother then lived in his house adjoining the Foundery. On his arrival she perceived that his countenance was expressive of dissatisfaction, and inquired the cause. "Thomas Maxfield," said he abruptly, "has turned Preacher, I find." She looked attentively at him, and replied, "John, you know what my sentiments have been. You cannot suspect me of favouring readily any thing of this kind. But take care what you do with respect to that young man; for he is as surely called of God to preach as you are. Examine what have been the fruits of his preaching; and hear him also yourself." He took the advice, and submitted to what he believed to be the order of God.*

One of the most distinguished of all Mr. Wesley's early Preachers was John Nelson, a stone-mason of Birstal, in Yorkshire; a man of deep and fervent Moore's Life of Wesley, vol. i. p. 507.

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