صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Icones Plantarum rariorum Horti Regii Bo-
tanici Berolinensis. Figures and Descrip-
tions of rare Plants in the Royal Botanic
Garden at Berlin. By H. F. Link, Fr.
Klotzsch, and Fr. Otto'
Icones Plantarum; or, Figures, with brief
descriptive Characters and Remarks, of
new or rare Plants selected from the Au-
thor's Herbarium. By Sir William Jackson
Hooker, K.H., LL.D., &c.
Traité de la Composition et de l'Ornement
des Jardins, &c.

Design for laying out the Inner Circle of the

Regent's Park as a Garden for the Royal

Botanic Society of London

The Eastern Arboretum, or Rural Register
of all the remarkable Trees, Seats, Gardens,
&c., in the county of Norfolk. By James
The Eastern Arboretum, or Rural Register
of all the remarkable Trees, Seats, Gardens,
&c., in the County of Norfolk:-Trees and
Gardens of Norwich, continued; Cossey
Park; Dereham and its Neighbourhood.
By James Grigor
- 600. 661
William May's Priced Catalogue of select
Plants grown in the Hope Nursery, Lee-
ming Lane, Bedale, Yorkshire
Traité des Végéteaux qui composent l'Agri-
culture, Horticulture, &c.
- 659
The Flora of Yorkshire. By Henry Baines 660
A History of British Ferns. By Edward
Newman, F.L.S.
Annales des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles,
d'Agriculture et d'Industrie, publiées par
la Société Royale d'Agriculture de Lyon
- 553
A Flora of North America; containing
abridged Descriptions of all the known in-
digenous and naturalised Plants growing
North of Mexico; arranged according to
the Natural System. By John Torrey and
Asa Gray

Illustrations of the Botany and other Branches

of the Natural History of the Himalayan

Mountains, and of the Flora of Cashmere.

By J. Forbes Royle, M.D., F.R.S., &c. &c. 348

Icones selectæ Plantarum quas in Pro-

dromo Systematis universalis, ex Herbariis

Parisiensibus præsertim ex Lessertiano

descripsit Aug. Pyr. DeCandolle. Editæ

a Benj. De Lessert

Exposition des Fleurs et d'autres Produits,

&c. à Lyon

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General Subject - Historical. The Penny Post,

as a Gardening Measure, 96; Seeds received

from Friends, A. G., 220; Seeds sent by Post,

268; Botanical and Horticultural Works,

Amicus, 268; The most curious Gardens in

Europe, especially in Britain, about the Year

1730, 223; Nurserymen's Catalogues, 97; The

late Mr. Roscoe originally a Gardener, 219;

The skilled Gardener, 669; Rural Enjoyment,
218; Clegg and Samuda's Atmospheric Rail-
way, 564.

Scientific. Soil and Vegetation supplied by

Nature with Sea Salt, Thomas C. Brown,

217; Influence of various Circumstances in the

Growth of Plants in modifying their Physio-

logical Action, 417; Excrementitious Exuda-

tions of the Roots of Plants, R. Lymburn, 218;

Aiding the Germination of Seeds by Quick-

lime, R. Lymburn, 218; Preservation of Grain

or Seeds, 669; Mudie's Views of the Adapta-

tions of Nature in the Vegetable Kingdom,

J. M., 220; New or concentrated Manures,

John Spencer, 358; Effect of Light which has

passed through coloured Glass on Plants, J.

B. W., 301; The Effect of Light passing

through coloured Glass on Plants, John Spen-

cer, 419; Experiments with a Liquid obtained

from Bones, R. Glendinning, 607; Supplying

packed Plants with Water during long Voy-

ages, 609; Burning Gas for warming Rooms

or Greenhouses, 220; Temperature, 300; Tem.

perature of Plants, 418; To destroy Worms,

A Subscriber, 37; Sunk Waterholders, Samuel

Taylor, 302; Calcareous Concretions on the

Bottoms of Steam Boilers, &c., 97; Wooden

Pavement for Streets, 564; Radiation from

Trees, 97.

Landscape-Gardening and Garden-Architecture.

-Glazing with Lead instead of Putty, Amicus,

299; Pocock's Patent Flexible Asphalte Roof-

ing, 269; The Triumphal Arch, 303; Ironwork

coated with Gas Liquor, Tar, or Pitch, P. S.,

514; A Layer of Bitumen, a Preventative of

the Ascent of Moisture in Walls, 564; Ap-

proach Roads, 564; Ornamental Pottery, 269;

Caithness Flagstone, 97; Taste, 223; Wetter-

stedt's patent Metal, 37; Preservation of Wood,

358; Preserving Wood, 302; Dry Rot, 609.

Arboriculture. The Oak, 219; The Mistletoe,

219; Quercus Cérris, 219; A new Cedar, W.

H. W., 419; Raising Coniferous Plants from

Seed, 303; The Genus Vaccinium, S. M., 303;

Grafting the Lilac on the Ash, J. Scott, 37; Use

of Lime in planting Trees, $7.

Floriculture. Clerodendron squamàtum Vahl

and Hort. Brit., speciosissimum Part., D.




Garden of Baron Zanoli, Giuseppe Manetti, 98;
Villa Mallerio at Gernetto, 304; Villa Silva at
Cinisello, 305; Communications from Monza,
804; Villa Litta, at Lainate, 306; the Garden
of Cavaliere Dr. Luigi Sacco in Milan, 306;
Imperial and Royal Villa, 225; Commercial
Horticulturists in Milan, G. Manetti, 225; Root-
grafting, Giuseppe Manetti, 309; Pópulus fas-
tigiata at Pavia, 224; Milan, Brera, 225.


The Grecian Cottage of the present Day, 303; A
Classical Lease, 226; A Group of Grecian
Plants, 303; Mode of felling Trees in Greece,
225; The Corn-Drag of Greece, 226.


Gardening at Cronstadt, B. C., 41; Gardening in
Moscow, 565; New Ribes, F. E. Wagner, 99.


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General Subject.- Effects of the Winter of
1837-8, 667; Opening Public Gardens and Mu-
seums to all the Public, 361; Curtailing the
alleged Species of Herbaceous Plants, 668;
Gardener's Benevolent Association, 269; Pri-
son Gardening, 44; The Chester Nursery,
T. B., 44; The Horticultural Fête at Chiswick,
May, 310, June, 360; The South London Hor.
ticultural Society's Show, 361; An Addition
to the Regent's Park, 566; An additional
Park in London, 565; Kew Gardens, 566;
Public Park at Liverpool, 566; The Leeds
Zoological and Botanical Gardens, 566; Gar-
dening in the Neighbourhood of Liverpool,
W. H., 269; Wreath of Flowers formed from
dried Specimens, 101; Artificial Flowers and
whole Plants made of Feathers, W. A. M.,

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Landscape-Gardening. Mr. Nichols of Blun-

derstone, as a Landscape-Gardener, T. Fenn,

44; Improvements at Bedgebury Park, Kent,

T. B., 311; Enville, the Seat of the Earl of
Stamford, in Worcestershire, L. P., 514.
Implements and Machines. A new Hedge-
Pruner, James Wright, 312; Mr. Read's Hy-
draulic Machines, J. R., 361.

Arboriculture. Specimens of Trees and Shrubs

received from the Sawbridgeworth Nursery,

100; Mr. Knight's Catalogue of Coniferæ, 311;

Trees and Shrubs in Croome Park, W. Clarke,

45; Cedar of Lebanon, its Varieties, J. B. W.,

172; Acer créticum, W. Clarke, 45; Acer

Lobèlii, W. Clarke, 44; English Elms, 44;

Quercus pedunculata, 668; A transplanted

Mulberry Tree, which remained a Year dor-

mant, T. Rutger, 566; Folding Swine among

Oaks, Scott Portland, 101.

Floriculture.- Rhododendron arboreum hýbri.

dum, B. B. Billington, 269; Wistària sinensis,

W. Pamplin, jun., 311; The Caper, 46; Roses

in November, 45; Yucca gloriosa, 101; Rho-

dánthe Manglèsii, 45; Victòria règia Lindl.,

566; New Annuals raised in the Clapton Nur-

sery, H. L., 45; Works on the Cacti, 311;

Rhizomórpha subterrànea, 173.

Horticulture. A Fine-Fruit Company, 312;

Berries of Black Hamburg Grapes, T. C., jun.,

101; The Vine at Valentines, J. J., 311; A new

Variety of Peach, 312; The Crop of Apples in
Berkshire, 672.

Agriculture. -Pearson's Draining Plough,

C. M. B., 102; The Knepp Castle Kidney Po-

tatoe, 101; Cannabis sativa var. gigantèa, W. P.

Taunton, 609; The Bokhara Clover, 46; The

Bokhara Clover, Samuel Taylor, 567; The

Bokhara Clover, T. Taylor, 101; Heracleum

aspérrimum, Bernard Saunders, 45; Naked

Barley, or Barley-Wheat, Charles Aldermann,

Kenbury, 312; The Rot in Sheep, J. D. C.

Sowerby, 313.

Education.-State of Knowledge of the Mid-

dling Classes, in a Village in Suffolk, J., 174.

Belfast Botanical Society, 363; The Belfast Bo-
tanic Garden, 567; National Education in Ire-
land, 567.


Erratum, 272; Mr. Main's Theory of Vegetable

Developement, R. Lymburn, 325; Mr. Main's

Theory of Vegetable Developement, J. Main,

518; Moistening the Air of Hot-houses by

Steam, John Lyons, $73; Constitutional

Changes in Plants by being grown in Cli-

mates not natural to them, D. Beaton, 326;

Anomalous Productions of Hybrids, Surrey-

ensis, 568; The Construction of Mr. Penn's

Hot-houses, 375; Bartram's Botanic Garden,

J. M., 180; New Plants raised in the Birming-

ham Botanic Garden, David Cameron, 102;

Disadvantage of a Gardener boarding with the

House Servants of a Family, W. B., 180; Mr.

Penn's Mode of Ventilating, &c., D. Beaton,

229; Remarks on Mr. Penn's Mode of Warming

and Ventilating, J. R., 272; Mr. Penn's Mode of

Warming and Ventilating, Benjamin Fowler,

323; On Mr. Penn's Method of Ventilation, and

Mr. Rogers's Conical Boilers, William Ander-

son, 273; The Advantage of placing Hot-water

Pipes higher than the Boiler, J. R., 322; Mr.

Rogers's Boiler, and Mr. Beaton's Remarks,

W., 227; The Conical Boiler of Mr. Rogers, W.,

519; Proportion of Hot-Water Pipe required

for heating, Alexander Forsyth, 103; The

Grand Conservatory at Chatsworth, Alexander

Forsyth, 103; The Grand Conservatory at

Chatsworth, 180; The Conservatory at Chats-

worth, Alexander Forsyth, 229; The Grand

Conservatory at Chatsworth, Amicus, 275;

Joyce's Stove, D. Beaton, 276; Glazing with

Lead Lap instead of Putty, Veritas, 424; Sir

John Robison's Plant Case, Sir John Robison,

230; The Plates to Prince Puckler Muskau's

Hints on Landscape Gardening, John Adey

Repton, 615; An Attempt to build in Lincoln's

Inn Fields, J. Main, 518; Paring the Verges of

Walks, Alexander Forsyth, 103; Ricauti's

Rustic Architecture, reviewed, S. J. Ricauti,

519; Large Trees, 181; Pinus Pinsàpo and P.

cephalonica, D. B., 277; Pinsàpo, Vilmorin,

568; Pópulus græ'ca, J. Mease, 231; Ulmus

fúlva, J. Mease, 231; Native Scotch Pine, R.

Lymburn, 104; Mr. Rivers's Roses, 47; Graft.

ing the Orange on the Pomegranate, J. M.,

180; Inaccuracies in the Names of Fruit Trees,

&c., E. B., 278; The Black Eagle Cherry,

J. B. W., 520; The Elton and Black Eagle

Cherries, T. R., 375; The Van Mons Leon

Leclerc Pear, L. Leclerc, 616; Mr. Lymburn

on the Culture and Preservation of the Po-

tato, J. Main, 278; Mr. Lymburn on the Po-

tato, D. B., 277; Storing Carrots for Winter

Use, John Pearson, 47; Mr. Gorrie's Horse-

hoe, 48; Naked Barley, 672; Yellow Clover

and Black Nonsuch, 278; The Calling of the

Queen Bee, W. Dunbar, 181; Habits of the

Jackdaw, John Wighton, 275; Braithwaite's

Kitchen-Range, G. M. Braithwaite, 281.

Mr. Main's Remarks on a Review of some of his
Works which appeared in the "Athenæum,"


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