صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

"General Cobb also said that the forms of proceeding at headquarters were exact and precise; orderly and punctual. At the appointed moment, Washington appeared at the breakfast-table. He expected to find all the members of his family (Cobb, Hamilton, Humphreys were among them) awaiting him. He came dressed for the day, and brought with him the letters and despatches of the preceding day, and a short memoranda of the answers to be made; also the substance of orders to be issued When breakfast was over, these papers were distributed among his aids, to be pu into form. Soon afterward he mounted his horse to visit the troops, and expected to find on his return before noon, all the papers prepared for his inspection and signature. There was no familiarity in his presence; it was all sobriety and business. His mode of life was abstemious and temperate. He had a decided preference for certain sorts of food, probably from early associations. Throughout the war, as it was understood in his military family, he gave a part of every day to private prayer and devotion.

"While he lived in Philadelphia, as president, he rose at four in the morning; and the general rule of his house was, that the fires should be covered, and the lights extinguished at a certain hour; whether this was nine or ten is not recollected.

"In the early part of his administration, great complaints were made by the opposition of the aristocratic and royal demeanor of the president. Mr. Jefferson makes some commentaries on this subject, which do no credit to his heart or his head. These are too little to be transcribed from the works of this 'great and good man.' Dr. Stuart, of Virginia, wrote to him of the dissatisfaction which prevailed on this subject in Virginia. In the fifth volume of Marshall, page 164, will be found an extract of Washington's vindication of his conduct, and a most satisfactory one, which shows the proper character of Mr. Jefferson's 'Anas.' These complaints related, in particular, to the manner of receiving such visiters as came from respect or from curiosity, of which there were multitudes. The purpose of Washington was, that such visiters should accomplish their objects without a sacrifice of time, which he considered indispensable to the performance of his public duties.

"He devoted one hour every other Tuesday, from three to four, to these visits. He understood himself to be visited as the president of the United States, and not on his own account. He was then to be seen by anybody and everybody; but required that every one who came should be introduced by his secretary, or by some gentleman whom he knew himself. He lived on the south side of Chestnut street, just below Sixth. The place of reception was the dining-room in the rear, twenty-five or thirty feet in length, including the bow projecting into the garden. Mrs. Washington received visiters in the two rooms on the second floor, from front to rear.

"At three o'clock, or at any time within a quarter of an hour afterward, the visiter was conducted to this dining-room, from which all seats had been removed for the time. On entering, he saw the tall figure of Washington clad in black velvet; his hair in full dress, powdered and gathered behind in a large silk bag; yellow gloves on his hands; holding a cocked hat, with a cockade in it, and the edges adorned with a black feather about an inch deep. He wore knee and shoe buckles; and a long sword, with a finely-wrought and polished steel hilt, which appeared at the left hip; the coat worn over the blade, and appearing from under the folds behind. The scabbard was white polished leather.

"He stood always in front of the fireplace, with his face toward the door of entrance. The visiter was conducted to him, and he required to have the name so distinctly pronounced that he could hear it. He had the very uncommon faculty of associating a man's name, and personal appearance, so durably in his memory as to be able to call any one by name who made him a second visit. He received his visiter with a dignified bow, while his hands were so disposed as to indicate that the salutation was not to be accompanied with shaking hands. This ceremony never occurred in these visits, even with the most near friends, that no distinctions might be made.

"As visiters came in, they formed a circle around the room. At a quarter past three the door was closed, and the circle was formed for that day. He then began on the right, and spoke to each visiter, calling him by name, and exchanging a few words with him. When he had completed his circuit, he resumed his first position, and the visiters approached him in succession, bowed, and retired. By four o'clock this ceremony was over.

"On the evenings when Mrs. Washington received visiters, he did not consider himself as visited. He was then as a private gentleman, dressed usually in some colored coat (the only one recollected was brown, with bright buttons), and black on his lower limbs. He had then neither hat nor sword; he moved about among the company, conversing with one and another. He had once a fortnight an official dinner, and select companies on other days. He sat, it is said, at the side, in a central position; Mrs. Washington opposite; the two ends were occupied by members of his family, or by his personal friends."

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* This was first written for, and published in, the American Portrait Gallery.

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