صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Let the Minifter introduce the Service by reading the following Sentences; the Congregation rising up.


O BE joyful in the Lord all ye people, ferve the Lord with gladnefs, and enter. into his courts with praise.

Know ye, that the Lord he is God; it is he that hath made us, and not we ourfelves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Let us come into his prefence with thanksgiving, and give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name.

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For the Lord is good, his mercy is everlafting, and his truth endureth to all gene



Unto the Lord will we lift up our fouls, and magnify his name together.

The Introductory Prayer, the People kneeling.
OHOLY, holy Lord God Almighty, be-

fore whom all creatures bow, and unto
whom all hearts are open, we acknowledge
ourselves unworthy to appear in thy pre-
fence, and to join in the folemnities of thy
worship: We defire, therefore, to prof-
trate ourselves before thee with the most
profound humility; may we celebrate thy
perfections, and fpeak of thy wonderful
works with attention and reverence; give
thanks unto thee, and fing thy praises with
joy and gladness; confefs our fins before
thee with fincere and contrite hearts; and
pray unto thee, under a just sense of our
dependance upon thy providence, and

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with fervent charity to all men; and may these our religious fervices, which we offer as the difciples of Jefus Chrift, be accepted of thee, O God, our strengh and our Redeemer. Amen.

¶ Then let the Minister and People, standing, alternately recite the following Act of Adoration.


WE praife thee, O Lord; we worship

thee as the most glorious and excellent of beings, the Creator and Governor of all things.


O Lord God, thou art greatly to be praised, and to be bad in reverence of all who draw nigh unto thee.


We acknowledge thee, the one living and true God; God in heaven above, and earth beneath, and throughout all worlds; there is none befides thee.

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Unto us there is but one God, to whom be

glory for ever.


Thou alone art from everlasting, without beginning of days and end of years; thou livest and reigneft for ever and ever.


We magnify thee, the high and lofty One who inhabiteft eternity.


Thou art a fpiritual and incorruptible Being, who dwelleft in light inacceffible, and full of glory; whom no mortal eye hath feen or can fee.


We would worship thee, who art a spirit, in Spirit and in truth.

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Infinite art thou, O God! thou dwelleft not in temples made with hands: the


universe is thy temple; thou art present at all times, in every part of thy dominion.


In thee we live, and move, and have our being.


Thou art perfect in wisdom, wonderful in council, and excellent in all thy works.


To the only wife God be honour and glory

for ever.


Holy art thou, O God! thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity; thy countenance regardeth the upright.


We reverence thy name, for thou art boly.


Thy righteousness is like the great mountains: juftice and judgment are the everlasting foundations of thy throne.

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