| James Ussher - 1660 - عدد الصفحات: 628
...kindred, and though before he had affinity with the greatest, yet here he gets a new affinity : " He saith to corruption, thou art my father, and to the worm, thou art my mother and my sister." The worm is our best kindred here ; the worm is our best bed ; yea worms thy best covering".... | |
| John Piggott - 1714 - عدد الصفحات: 554
...this Book, is very exprefs in this matter ; Job 17. 13, ff i wit, the Grave is my ffoufe / have faid to Corruption, Thou art my Father , and to the? Worm, Thou art my Mother, and my Sifter. He expedted to be gnawn by Worms, and to become an Entertainment for the moft contemptible Infeds.... | |
| Lewis Bayly (bp. of Bangor.) - 1719 - عدد الصفحات: 490
...dofl now fo dainitly feed, muft be fthou knoweft not how {bon) Meat for Worms: c When thoti Jbalt fy to corruption, thou art my Father, and to the Worm, thou art my Mother, and my Sifter. 7. Meditate, how that many a d Man's Tallt is made his Snare'. So that through his Intemperance and... | |
| 1737 - عدد الصفحات: 354
...Perfection as his Father, and the iighefl Order of Spirits as his Brethren, may in another refpect fay to Corruption, thou art my Father, and to the Worm, thou art my Mother and my Sifter, 0' H No.5-io. Monday, Oftobenj. IQuis defidtriojtt puAor aut modus Tam chari capitis ! Hor. Mr. SPECTATOR,... | |
| James Hervey - 1746 - عدد الصفحات: 234
...Pretenfkms. They acknowlege Kindred with creeping Things, and quarter Arms with the meaneft Reptiles, *' They fay to Corruption, Thou art my " Father ; and to the Worm, Thou art my *' Mother and my Sifter." O mortifying Truth! Sufficient, one wou'd think, to wean the moft fanguine Appetite from this tranfitory... | |
| Charles Wheatly - 1746 - عدد الصفحات: 420
...that " unite the vifible and invifible World toge" ther? Infomuch that he who in one Re" fpect may fay to Corruption, Thou art my " Father, and to the Worm, Thou art my «, .Mother and my Sifttr, Job xvii. 14. may " in another Refpe<3 be aflbciated with An"gels and Archangels, may look... | |
| James Hervey - 1748 - عدد الصفحات: 316
...Pretenfions. They acknowlege Kindred with creeping Things, and quarter Arms with the meaneft Reptiles. " They fay to Corruption, <' Thou art my Father ; and to the Worm, Thou. " art my Mother and my Sifter." — Q mortifying Truth ! Sufficient, one would think, to wean the moft fanguine Appetite from this... | |
| Isaac Watts - 1753 - عدد الصفحات: 360
...Diforder, and where the Light is as Darknefs. 'This is my Houfe, there have I made my Bed : I have faid to Corruption, Thou art my Father, and to the Worm, Thou art my Mother and my Si/ler : As for my Hope, who jh all fee it ? I and my Hope go down together to the Bars of the Pit,... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1753 - عدد الصفحات: 376
...father, and the higheft order of fpirits as his brethren, may in another refpect fay to corruption, tbou art my father, and to the worm, thou art my mother and my Jifter. O Fades non omnibus ana, Nee dwerfa tamen ,. Ovid. THOSE who were skilful in anatomy among... | |
| James Hervey - 1767 - عدد الصفحات: 566
...xxv. 40. t Johnxvii. 22, 23. I Eph. iii. 19. How pleafing, yet how amazing the Thought ? Shall We, who fay to Corruption, Thou art my Father; and to the Worm, Thou art my Mother and my Sifter * : fliall We be permitted to fay, concerning the HEAD of all Principality and Power, We are Members... | |
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