صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Can anything be made of history?
Imperfect and fragmentary as our knowledge of the past is, the

general facts stand out clearly

The question is, whether what we know of man's past career, can teach us any moral lesson. Our ignorance of the great world order is beside that question

Every historian is more or less of a philosopher

The macrocosm must be interpreted by the microcosm: history must be viewed in the light of primary ethical truths

St. Augustine and Bossuet's synthesis is imperfect.

main idea, which is evolution, is the real basis of historical

Evolution, Progress, Development is the universal law






But their




The history of man is, in spite of immense drawbacks, a history of material, social, ethical, and religious progress.

The never-ceasing process of evolution, the perpetual becoming, which prevails throughout the universe is, in man, conscious: and the highest form of it is the feeling after the Infinite . Obedience to law is the condition of progress-material, social, ethical, and religious

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The law of virtue is the law we are born under: it rules over
nations as over individuals: the first fact about man is his
concept of duty
The root of all greatness, national or individual, is in loyalty to
truth, to right, to justice, all summed up in the old phrase of
fearing God
The progressive and conservative principle of civilization is the
idea of God, and of the duties binding upon us because He is
what He is

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The probation of nations, as of individuals, is in their following the highest ideal set before them. "The history of the world is the judgment of the world"

Here too we are thrown back on free will, and the last word is personality.


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Our inability to reconcile the solidarity of races, of nations, of
families, with individual responsibility, is no reason for denying
either of these truths.

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Great men are the founts of great thoughts; and the trial of the
multitude lies in the loyalty with which they follow the Revela-
tions made at sundry times and in divers manners, by these
Prophets of the Most High

Mr. Spencer's contrary doctrine examined

Great men are authoritative teachers so far as they are ethical, so
far as they correspond with the truth of things, and no further

The great lesson deducible from history is Discite justitiam moniti

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Object of the present volume: to consider some of the relations
between Christianity and Modern Civilization
What is meant by Modern Civilization

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Subject of Chapter I.: Christianity in its earliest epoch, extending

to the year 70

Three successive phases in this epoch

What Christianity was in its first phase-the three years of its
Divine Founder's preaching and teaching

Sources of evidence as to that preaching and teaching examined
Substance of Christ's teaching-the Fatherhood of God and the
exhibition of Himself as the Way to God.

His Gospel no catalogue of dogmas, but the manifestation of a

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Object of this Chapter : to consider, a little more closely, the revolu-
tion wrought by Christianity, first, on the individual man and,
secondly, on that civil society which is man's normal state
We shall learn this best and most clearly from St. Augustine, and
especially from his Confessions and his City of God.

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