صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

2. "All the wise institutions of the lawgiver, all the doctrines of the sage, all the ennobling strains of the poet, had perished in the ear, like a dream related, if letters had not preserved them."

3. "The dimensions and distances of the planets, the causes of their revolutions, the path of comets, and the ebbing and flowing of tides, are now understood and explained." 4. "The mighty pyramid, half buried in the sands of Africa, has nothing to bring down and report to us, but the power of kings, and the servitude of the people. If asked for its moral object, its admonition, its sentiment, its instruction to mankind, or any high end in its erection, it is silent; -silent as the millions which lie in the dust at its base, and in the catacombs which surround it."

5. "Yes, let me be frèe;t let me go and come at my own will; let me do business, and make journeys, without a vexatious police or insolent soldiery to watch my stèps; let me think, and do, and speak, what I please, subject to no limit but that which is set by the common wèal; subject to no law but that which conscience binds upon me; and I will bless my country, and love its most rugged rocks, and its most barren soil."

Exception 3.Poetic and Pathetic Series'.
Ex. 1. "Wheresoe'er thy lot command,
Brother, pilgrim, stránger,

God is ever near at hand,

Golden shield from danger."

2. "Rocks of gránite, gates of brass,
Alps to heaven soaring,

Bow, to let the wishes pass

Of a soul imploring."

3. "From the phantoms of the night,

Dreaming horror, pale affright,

Thoughts which rack the slumbering breast,

* All emphatic series, even in suppositive and conditional expression, being, like enumeration, cumulative in effect, and corresponding, therefore, to climax in style, are properly read with a prevailing downward slide in the 'suspensive' or slight form, which belongs to incomplete but energetic expression, and avoids, accordingly, the low inflection of cadence at a period.

Emphasis, and length of clause, may substitute the 'moderate' falling slide for the slight 'suspensive' one. But the tone, in such cases, will still be perfectly free from the descent of a cadence, which belongs only to the period.

Fears which haunt the realm of rest,
And the wounded mind's remorse,
And the tempter's secret force,

Hide us 'neath Thy mercy's shade."

4. "From the stars of heaven, and the flowers of earth,
From the pageant of power, and the voice of mirth,
From the mist of the morn on the mountain's brów,
From childhood's song, and affections vów;
From all save that o'er which soul* bears sway,
There breathes but one record,' passing away!'"

5. "When the summer exhibits the whole force of active nature, and shines in full beauty and splendor; when the succeeding season offers its 'purple stores and golden grain,' or displays its blended and softened tints; when the winter puts on its sullen aspect, and brings stillness and repose, affording a respite from the labors which have occupied the preceding months, inviting us to reflection, and compensating for the want of attractions abroad, by fireside delights and home-felt jóys; in all this interchange and variety, we find reason to acknowledge the wise and benevolent care of the God of seasons.

6. "In that solemn hour, when exhausted nature can no longer sustain itself, when the light of the eye is waxing dim, when the pulse of life is becoming low and faint, when the breath labors, and the tongue falters, when the shadow of death is falling on all outward things, and darkness is beginning to gather over the faces of the loved ones who are weeping by his bedside, a ray of immortal Hope, is beaming from his features: it is a Christian who is expiring.'

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Note 2.-Exercise 1. Repeated and heightening Rising Inflection'. I ask, will you in silence permit this invasion of your rights, at once wánton, mischievous, uncalled for, and unnécessary? Will you patiently tolerate the annihilation of all freedom, the appointment of a supreme dictátor, who may, at his will, suspend all your rights, líberties, and prívileges? Will you, without murmur of dissent, submit to a tyranny which nearly equals that of the Russian áutocrat, and is second to that of Bonaparte* ?" "Was

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2. Repeated and increasing Falling Inflection '.t

*The inflection of any clause always lies on the emphatic word; and, if that word is a polysyllable, on the accented syllable chiefly, although not always exclusively.

+ This inflection both begins higher, and ends lower, every time it is repeated.

it the winter's storm, beating upon the houseless heads of women and children; was it hard labor and spare mèals;—was it disease, was it the tòmahawk; was it the deep malady of a blighted hope, a ruined énterprise, and a broken heart;was it sóme, or all of these united, that hurried this forsaken company to their melancholy fate ?"

3. "Yes, after he has destroyed my belief in the superintending providence of God,-after he has taught me that the prospect of an hereafter is but the baseless fabric of a vision,

after he has bred and nourished in me a contempt for that sacred volume which alone throws light over this benighted world, after having argued me out of my faith by his sophistries, or laughed me out of it by his rìdicule,-after having thus wrung from my soul every drop of consolation, and dried up my very spirit within me;-yes, after having accomplished this in the season of my health and my prosperity, the skeptic would come to me while I mourn, and treat me like a drivelling idiot, whom he may sport with, because he has ruined me, and to whom, in the plenitude of his compassion,-too late, and too unavailing, he may talk of truths in which he himself does not believe, and which he has long exhorted me, and has at last persuaded me, to cast away as the dreams and delusions of human folly."

Simple Concluding Series.

Exercise 1. "It is a subject interesting alike to the óld, and to the young."

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2. "Nature, by the very disposition of her elements, has commanded, as it were, and imposed upon men, at moderate intervals, a general intermission of their toils, their occupátions, and their pursuits."

3. "The influence of true religion, is mild, and soft, and nóiseless, and cònstant, as the descent of the evening dew on the tender herbage, nourishing and refreshing all the amiable and social virtues; but enthusiasm is violent, sudden, rattling as a summer shower rooting up the fairest flowers, and washing away the richest mòuld, in the pleasant garden of society."

Compound Concluding Series.

Exercise 1. "The winter of the good man's age is cheered with pleasing reflections on the pást, and bright hopes of the future."

2. "It was a moment replete with joy, amazement, and anxiety."

3. " Nothing would tend more to remove apologies for inattention to religion, than a fair, impartial, and full account of the education, the characters, the intellectual processes, and the dying moments of those who offer them."

4. "Then it would be seen, that they had gained by their skepticism no new pleasures, no tranquillity of mind, no peace of conscience during lífe, and no consolation in the hour of death."

5. " Well-doing is the cause of a just sense of elevation of character; it clears and strengthens the spirits; it gives higher reaches of thought; it widens our benévolence, and makes the current of our peculiar affections swift and deep."

6. 66 A distant sail, gliding along the edge of the ocean, was sometimes a theme of speculation.-How interesting this fragment of a world, hastening to rejoin the great mass of existence! What a glorious monument of human invention, that has thus triumphed over wind and wave; has brought the ends of the earth in communion; has established an interchange of blessings, pouring into the sterile regions of the north all the luxuries of the sòuth; diffused the light of knowledge, and the charities of cultivated life; and has thus bound together those scattered portions of the human race, between which nature seemed to have thrown an insurmountable barrier!"

Exception 1.-' Disconnected Series'.-Exercise 1. "Youth, in the fulness of its spirits, defers religion to the sobriety of manhood; manhood, encumbered with cares, defers it to the leisure of old age; old age, weak and hesitating, is unable to enter on an untried mode of life."

2. "Let me prepare for the approach of eternity; let me give up my soul to meditation; let solitude and silence acquaint me with the mysteries of devòtion; let me forget the world, and by the world be forgotten, till the moment arrives in which the veil of eternity shall fall, and I shall be found at the bar of the Almighty.'

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3. " Religion will grow up with you in youth, and grow old with you in age; it will attend you, with peculiar pleasure, to the hovels of the poor, or the chamber of the sick; it will retire with you to your clòset, and watch by your béd, or walk with you, in gladsome union, to the house of God; it will follow you beyond the confines of the world, and dwell with you for ever, in heaven, as its native residence."

* Accidental falling' inflection, for contrast.

Emphatic Series'.-Exercise 1. "Assemble in your par ishes, villages, and hamlets. Resolve, petition, address."

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2. "This monument will speak of patriotism and coùrage; of civil and religious liberty; of free government; of the moral improvement and elevation of mankind; and of the immortal memory of those who, with heroic devotion, have sacrificed their lives for their country."

3. "I have roamed through the world, to find hearts nowhere warmer than those of New England, soldiers nowhere bràver, patriots nowhere pùrer, wives and mothers nowhere trùer, maidens nowhere lòvelier, green valleys and bright rivers nowhere greener or brighter; and I will not be silent, when I hear her patriotism or her truth questioned with so much as a whisper of detraction."

4, "What is the most odious species of tyranny? That a handful of men, free themselves, should execute the most base and abominable despotism over millions of their fellowcreatures; that innocence should be the victim of oppression; that industry should toil for ràpine; that the harmless laborer should sweat, not for his own benefit, but for the luxury and rapacity of tyrannic depredàtion:-in a word, that thirty millions of men, gifted by Providence with the ordinary endowments of humanity, should groan under a system of despotism, unmatched in all the histories of the world.'

Exception 3.- Poetic Series'.

Ex. 1. "He looks in boundless majesty abroad,


And sheds the shining day, that burnished plays

On rocks, and hills, and towers, and wandering streams,
High-gleaming from afar."

"Round thy beaming car,
High-seen, the Seasons lead, in sprightly dance
Harmonious knit, the rosy-fingered Hours,
The Zephyrs floating loose, the timely Rains,
Of bloom ethereal, the light-footed Déws,
And, softened into joy, the surly Stòrms."
3. "Hear him compare his happier lot, with his
Who bends his way across the wintery wolds,
A poor night-traveller, while the dismal snow
Beats in his face, and dubious of his paths,
He stops and thinks, in every lengthening blast,
He hears some village mastiff's distant howl,
And sees far streaming, some lone cottage light;
Then, undeceived, upturns his streaming eyes,
And clasps his shivering hånds, or, overpowered

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