صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Poets of America, and Poets and Poetry of the West, by Coggeshall, and also from special Biographies and The critical matter, besides owning the above sour been drawn from the ablest magazines of the day American and English, while the extracts presente invariably been made from reliable editions of the a works, and with a view to being both characteristic teresting.

From the number and variety of the extracts fu it will be seen that this work may be used, apart specific intent, as a repository from which to dra tions either for reading or for declamation, and th great measure, answer the ends of both advanced "P and "Speakers."

In the arrangement of the work the author has to sacrifice what might be deemed a strictly chro order to one which he believes will the better addr to the attention and also the comprehension of the although, it is claimed, there is nothing in the arrangement that will prevent the student from any order of study he may prefer.

The author would here express his obligations t James R. Osgood & Co. for permission to make us able extracts from their copyright editions of the prominent American authors.

That this book may prove so far palatable to t ful student that, from its meagre store, he shal educated appetite, to the bountiful feast provid works themselves of our eminent writers, is th sincere wish.

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