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النشر الإلكتروني

8. It is required, that every thing which the monthly societies settle, should be accordant with the word of God, and with the rules of the connexion, founded on that word.


1. The association is to reckon only such persons as its members who are in church offices; such as preachers and leaders of the private societies of the counties of Wales, and of the societies in those parts of England where the connexion is established.

2. The association is to be convened twice every quarter of a year; once every quarter in South Wales, and once every quarter in North Wales. The time and place is to be fixed upon by the association, which is required to act in conformity with the wishes of the monthly societies of the several counties, on that subject.

3. At every association the whole connexion is to be supposed present through its representatives; and the decisions of this meeting is deemed sufficient authority on every subject relating to the body through all its branches. It has the prerogative to superintend the cause of Christ among the Welsh Calvinistic Methodists through Wales and England, to inquire into the affairs of all the private and monthly societies, and to direct any changes or alterations which it may think requisite.

4. The nature and order of the quarterly association require, that every one, who may be present thereat, should view himself as bearing relation to the whole connexion, in the same degree, in every place, divesting himself of all his local prejudices, lest his partiality for some particular place, should so affect the decisions of the connexion, as to cause the general good, by that means, to be overlooked.

5. The association thinks it proper in every quarterly association, to choose a moderator and a secretary, for the sake of preserving order, and of facilitating the business of such meeting at its private societies.

6. The quarterly association is to consist of the public preaching of the gospel, according to the general practice of the body for some years, and of at least three private meetings of the preachers and leaders only. In the private societies of the first day, the temporal affairs of the connexion are to be treated of; and, in that of the second day, matters which relate to doctrine, experience, and discipline.*

7. In every quarterly association the affairs of the connexion in the county in which it is held, are to be first introduced to the

*The monthly society of that county in which the association is held is required to send two or three preachers and leaders as messengers for the county to the association, who are to meet together at eight o'clock in the morning of the first day, to fix on the principal subjects which are to be brought under the consideration of the private societies of that association.

notice of the assembled body, unless necessity should require otherwise; afterwards, the affairs of the connexion in general. All who are engaged in the work of the ministry, are to be conversed with at the private society of the association, before they can be permitted to preach in any other county than their own, with regard to their experience of the Holy Spirit's work on their souls, their knowledge of the elementary truths of the gospel, and the motives which induced them to become preachers.

8. In the private society of the quarterly association, those shall be approved of who shall have been chosen to administer the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper; and it is there that authority will be granted them to engage in that work, according to the rules which have been established by the body on that subject.

9. The quarterly association, in all its decisions, is to keep its eye seriously fixed on the word of God, and to conduct its affairs according to the settled rules of the connexion; and if at any time it should be thought that some rule is unnecessary, or incomplete, it is at the association to be either annihilated or corrected, as may then be deemed best; but, before this is done, it is to have the serious and deliberate consideration of at least two quarterly associations; then, if the whole body, or even the major part of it, is of opinion that a change is necessary, the rule is either to be altered, or to be entirely dispensed with.

10. It is advisable, that every subject which shall be brought under the notice of the quarterly association, should be placed before the connexion as clearly and conspicuously as possible, that it may be properly determined by the greater part of the assembly; but, important points, either of doctrine or of discipline, if the body be greatly divided on the subject, must be dealt with deliberately at several associations, until the far greater part of the connexion become of the same opinion; or if this cannot be effected, the subject must be dropped either in part or entirely.

11. As this body has not been formed by joining several societies or churches together, but, at its formation, already possessing within itself such societies, (as the natural body at its formation contains all its member), it cannot, according to the law of its nature, permit any secession from it, by allowing some of its societies to form themselves into distinct independent churches; nor can it suffer that any of its ministers should labour among such seceders.



FOR the purpose of securing order and method in our Societies, we think it necessary that some settled Rules (brief and clear). should be given to our members, by which we wish and expect them to regulate their conduct. We are of opinion the following will be found to have their foundation in Scripture; (which we take as our unerring guide); and we cannot receive any as members of our private societies who will not consent to them, and who will not do their utmost to walk according to them.

I. That they be in some degree convinced of sin by the Holy Ghost; possessing some degree of poverty of spirit, of godly sorrow on account of sin, and of an earnest desire of deliverance from its bondage. John xvi. 8. Acts ii. 37, 38.

II. That they be, in a measure, more or less convinced of their need of Christ, his righteousness, and his grace; feeling their necessity of Him, as an all-sufficient Mediator, and an all-powerful Saviour. John xvi. 8, 9. Phil. iii. 8. 9.

III. That they feel such a hunger and thirst for Christ and his righteousness, as to make them diligent in attending the means of grace; hearing the word, the use of the ordinances of the Gospel, and the assembling of themselves together apart from the world; that they may grow in the knowledge of Christ, and in their likeness to him. Matt. v. 6. Heb. x. 25. Rom. x. 17.


IV. That they hold no opinions or tenets contrary to the fundamental principles of Christianity. (See the Confession of Faith). V. That they be not contentious, proud disputers, doting about questions and strife of words;" but humble, meek, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, and willing to be taught in the way of God more perfectly. Acts xviii. 26. 1 Tim. vi. 4.

VI. That they be willing and determined in the strength of the Lord, to forsake every evil way; to renounce the pomps and vanities of this wicked world: to dissolve association with sinful companions to abstain from all corrupt practices, such as card playing, going to plays, and assemblies for dancing; from intemperate feasting, rioting, and drunkenness; and to behave themselves as becometh Christians, in all holy conversation and godliness. 2 Cor. vi. 7. Rom. xii. 2. 1 Cor. x. 31. Eph. v. 1, 4, 7, 18. Tit. ii. 11, 12. Isaiah v. 22. ¡ Pet. iv. 3.

VII. That they be not unequally* yoked in the marriage state

* Besides the heathen nations, who have never been favoured with the Gospel of Christ, we deem the following characters as in the rank of unbelievers, though they bear the name of Christians:

1. The enemies of the power of godliness, and the pursecutors of such would live godly in Christ Jesus.

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