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النشر الإلكتروني

Deac. Bow down thy head, and receive the Benediction.

Here the perfon to be admitted a Catechumen shall kneel down; and the Priest after having figned him with the fign of the cross upon his forehead, fhall lay his hands upon him, while he fays the following prayer over him bowing his head. WE adore thee, O God, thou Lord of the uni

verse, and give thee thanks in behalf of thy creature, for that thou haft sent thine only begotten Son Jefus Chrift to fave man by blotting out his tranfgreffions, to forgive him his fins and impieties, to purify him from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, and to fanctify him according to the good pleasure of his loving kindness: Do thou, O Lord, look down upon this thy creature, infpire him with the knowledge of thy will, enlighten the eyes of his heart that he may confider thy wonderful works, and make known unto him the judgments of thy righteousness; that he hating all manner of iniquity, and walking in the way of thy truth, may become worthy of being washed in the laver of regeneration, and thereby obtain the adoption of children which is in Chrift; that being planted together in the likeness of his death, in hopes of the glorious fellowship, and being mortified to fin, he may live unto thee in thought, word, and deed, and have his name written in the book of life, through Jefus Christ our Lord; by whom and with whom, in the unity of the Holy Ghoft, all honour and glory be unto Thee, O Father Almighty, world without end. Amen.


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Then fhall the Prieft fay,

HE Lord Jefus Chrift, who hath overcome Satan, and delivered us from the wrath to come, receive thee into his moft mighty protection, that thou mayeft come at last by his bleffing to his heavenly kingdom. Amen.

And then the person shall take his ftation among the


The Form of admitting a Penitent to Penance,

To be used on Sunday morning immediately before the Prayers for the Penitents.

Note, This Office is to be performed by no Priefts but thofe who are thereto licensed by the Bishop himself.

Pr. What is thy defire?

Anfw. I humbly defire to be admitted to Penance. Pr. Art thou ready to make thy confeffion? Anfw. I am.

Then the Penitent shall kneel down before the Prieft, and make his confeffion in the following form. Unworthy finner do humbly confefs to Almighty God in the presence of this congregation, that I have been guilty of manifold and grievous tranfgreffions, in thought, word, and deed, [particularlyHere the Penitent is to name the crime or crimes for which he is to be put under penance, unless it be judged improper

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improper fo to do:] through my fault, through my great fault, through my exceeding great fault. I do earneftly repent, and am heartily forry for all my mifdoings. I am ftedfaftly refolved with God's affistance to lead a fober, righteous, and godly life for the future. I earneftly implore the mercy of Almighty God, through the merits and mediation of Jefus Chrift my Saviour; and that I may obtain it, I humbly beg to be admitted to penance, and earnestly defire the prayers of the church.

Then the Prieft fhall declare to the Penitent the penance which the Bishop bath ordered him; after which he shall ask him,

Wilt thou perform this?

Penitent. I will by God's grace religiously perform it.

Pr. Our Lord Jefus Chrift, who hath faid, Whofoever fhall confefs me before men, him will I also confefs before my Father who is in heaven, grant thee his bleffing and remiffion of thy fins.

Then fhall the Prieft lay his hands upon him, while he fays the following prayer over him bowing his bead.


God, whofe long-fuffering is not wearied

by our fins, but who alloweft us to appease thy wrath by our repentance; mercifully look upon this thy fervant, who confeffeth his fin unto thee: Give him a broken and a contrite heart, that he may recover from the fnare of the devil, wherein he is now entangled; and graciously accept his penance, that by his continuance in a state of mournful confeffion and prayer to thee, he may the fooner obtain


thy merciful pardon, and being restored to the privilege of communion with thy church upon earth, may be again entituled to thy kingdom in heaven, through Jefus Christ our bleffed Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Then fhall the Prieft fay,

THE Almighty God be thy helper and protector, and grant thee the pardon of all thy fins, through Jefus Christ. Amen.

And then the Penitent shall take his ftation among the Penitents.

The Form of abfolving a Penitent, To be used on Sunday morning immediately after the Prayers for the Penitents.

Note, This Office is to be performed by no Priests but thofe who are thereto licensed by the Bishop himself.

Pr. What is thy defire?

Pen. I humbly desire the benefit of Absolution. Pr. Haft thou performed the Penance enjoined thee?

Pen. I have with God's affiftance fincerely performed it.

Then the Penitent shall kneel down, and the Priest fhall fay this Prayer.

Lord and holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God, who wouldeft not the death of a finner, but defireft rather that he should live: We humbly befeech

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beseech thy majefty to regard with much mercy this thy fervant, here prefenting himself before thee; look down upon him here proftrate at the footstool of thy throne, turn thou his heaviness into joy, put off his fackcloth, and gird him with gladness; that after his feparation from the delicacies of thy table, he may henceforth be satisfied with the plenteousness of thy house, and entring into thy chamber, O King, may praise and glorify thy name for ever and ever, through Jefus Chrift our bleffed mediatour and advocate. Amen.

Then fall the Prieft lay his hands upon the Penitent, while he fays the following prayer over him bowing his head.

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Lord Jefus Chrift, Son of the living God, thou Shepherd and Lamb, who takest away the fins of the world; thou who didst graciously remit to the two debtors what they owed thee, and didft pardon the woman who was a finner coming unto thee, and befides the forgiveness of the Paralytick's fin, didft grant him moreover a cure of his disease: Do thou, O Lord, remit, blot out, and pardon whatsoever this thy fervant may have committed difobediently against thee, either through ignorance or with knowledge, through infirmity or with wilful guilt. And whereinfoever he hath erred from thy commandments in word or deed, as being encompaffed with flesh and blood, or as inhabiting this world of fin, or as feduced by the inftigations of Satan; or whatever peculiar bond he is bound with, by the difcipline of thy church: I pray and befeech thy ineffable goodness to abfolve him with thy word, and to loose his bond, according to thy mercy. O Lord and Mafter, hear my prayer for


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