صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

October 31. The grand day. A full and respectable meeting. 640 summonses taken at the door, besides many who came in without any. Dr. Ryan's speech the best. Gog mortified thereat; consults Mr. Hutton whether he shall venture to speak after the Doctor. Fishing! Mr. Hutton advises him to speak by all means, and throws in sundry compliments, whereat Gog rises. All fair! Gog's speech rambling and confused, but full of matter. Dine and crack nuts at my father's.

November 1. Dinner at Warren's. A long set of the chief United Irishmen. All very pleasant and good. Mr. Huttonendeavors, being entre deux vins, to delude the gentlemen presentinto forming a volunteer company on good principles, civil and military. A. H. Rowan rises thereat, also Magog. Mr. Hutton a little mad on the subject of volunteering; would be a great Martinet Army, damn me!" Talk a great deal of tactics and treason. Mr. Hutton grows warm with the subject; very much surprised, on looking down to the table, to see two glasses before him; finds, on looking at Hamilton Rowan, that he has got four eyes; various other phenomena in optics equally curious. Mr. Hutton, like the sun in the centre of the system, fixed, but every thing about him moving in a rapid rotation; perfectly sober, but perceives that every one else is getting very drunk; essays to walk across the room, but finds it impossible to move rectilineally, proceeding entirely from his having taken a sprig of watercresses with his bread at dinner. God bless every body." Sundry excellent toasts. A round of citizens; that coming into fashion; trifling as it is, it is a symptom. All embrace and depart at 12. Fine doings! fine doings!

2d. Sick as Demogorgon; purpose to leave off watercresses with my bread. Dinner at John Sweetman's. Capt. Sweetman there. Has a great deal of the old school of popery in politics about him. Mr. Hutton and he argue for three hours, by Shrewsbury clock. Mr. Hutton victorious in the opinion of himself and all present, save his adversary. Huzza! Bed early.

3d. Go out to Gog to prepare his speech. Correct it abundantly. Dine with Gog, who fishes for compliments with the old bait; civilities to Mr. Hutton on his excellent pamphlet, &c. Mr. Hutton rises and throws a bucket full of flattery in Gog's face, who receives it with great affability. Mr. Hutton tells him that Dr. Ryan is a schoolboy to him, which Gog believes

religiously. Vain as the devil. Gog goes into a critical investigation of the merits of both speeches, and modestly insinuates the superiority of his own, to all which Mr. Hutton agrees. All fair! Mr. Hutton comes into town and writes twelve letters to different persons, enclosing copies of the proceedings of the 31st; all well written, and done very speedily. Mr. Hutton would make a good private secretary. Apropos! On the 31st, Mr. Hutton being at breakfast with the honorable George Knox, and talking with great asperity and vehemence, according to his custom, against the folly and wickedness of the Government, the following dialogue ensued:

Mr. Hutton. I wish to God, Knox, you were Secretary here.
Knox. I wish I was; will you be my private Secretary?
Mr. Hutton. That I will, most willingly.

Knox. Very well, remember.

Mr. Hutton. Remember.-Exit Mr. Hutton.

November 4, Sunday. Dine at Macdonnell's with United Irishmen. Tandy tells me the volunteers refused to parade round King William's statue, this being the birth day of that monarch; they have also abolished orange cockades. Bravo! A few of them met to-day as at an ordinary parade, and wore national (green) cockades. This is a striking proof of the change of men's sentiments, when "Our Glorious Deliverer" is so neglected. This is the first time the day has passed uncommemorated since the institution of volunteers. Huzza! Union and the People forever! Another thing-Sall and Potter, two of the most violent champions of Protestant ascendency in the corporation of Dublin, and mos tactive in carrying the late manifesto of that body against the Catholics, have lost their election; notwithstanding Mr. Sall brought in a copy of the said manifesto in a gilt frame, and displayed it to the Cyclops of his corporation. What is more, the man who comes in in his room is a United Irishman, one Binns. This is a very remarkable circumstance, for the Smith's corporation is one of the most bigoted in the city. Mr. Hutton exercised his franchise this week by voting for common councilmen among the Sadlers. Mr. Hutton a free Sadler, and invited to dine with the candidates, which he respectfully declines. 5th. Gunpowder Treason!

"This is the day, I speak it with sorrow,

“ That we were all to've been blown up to-morrow." Rochester.

Mr. Hutton, on his return from the post-office this evening, where he had been to put in a letter to P. P. is startled by a vision of Guy Vaux, which appears to him at Alderman Hart's door. Mr. Hutton speaks Latin to the said vision, on which it proves to be a police man. Mr. Hutton diligently inspects the pantry, lest the Catholics might have conveyed combustibles therein, and so burn him and his innocent family in their beds. Wishes to have a fire engine in his bed chamber, for fear of accidents from these bloody, barbarous, and inhuman Papists.

9th November. At court. Wonderful to see the rapid change in the minds of the bar, on the Catholic question; almost every body favorable. Some for an immediate abolition of all penal laws; certainly the most magnanimous mode, and the wisest. All sorts of men, and especially lawyer Plunkett, take a pleasure in girding at Mr. Hutton, "who takes at once all their seven points in his buckler, thus." Exceeding good laughing. Mr. Hutton called Marat. Sundry barristers apply to him for protection in the approaching rebellion. Lawyer Plunkett applies for Carton, which Mr. Hutton refuses, inasmuch as the Duke of Leinster is his friend, but offers him Curraghmore, the seat of the Marquis of Waterford. This Mr. Hutton does to have a rise out of Marcus Beresford, who is at his elbow listening. Great laughter thercat. The Committee charged with causing the non-consumption agreement against Bellingham beer. Mr. Hutton, at the risque of his life, asserts the said charge to be a falsehood. Valiant! All declare their satisfaction thereat. Every thing looks as well as possible. Huzza! Dine at home with Stokes, &c. Very pleasant and sober.

10th. Hear that government is very much embarrassed to know what to do. Toler has been sounding D. T. O'Brien, a rich and timid Catholic, of some consequence in the party; wished to frighten him, but failed in his attempt. Bon! Sir F. Blacquiere has been with T. Broughall, on the same plan, with the same success. Also, an anonymous personage with J. Sweetman. The Chancellor, we hear, talks big. If he attempts to use violent measures, I believe a war will be the inevitable consequence. My own conviction is, that Government must concede. Gog, Magog, and Warren, three leading Catholics, had rather be refused this session, in order, thoroughly, to rouse the spirit of the people. Right! I rely very much on the folly and

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intemperance of Government for the complete emancipation of the country. Early and moderate concessions to the just demands of the nation may prevent mischief, but that is a degree of wisdom which Fitzgibbon never will be able to reach. My advice has been for the Catholics, at every refusal, to rise in their demands, like the ancient Sybil; which they seem determined to do. No want of spirit apparent yet. The Committee, under the new organization, is called for the 3d December. We have this day returns from twenty-five counties and all the great cities of Ireland, with a strong confidence that we shall have the remainder before the day of meeting. The circumstance, of the time being fixed, will probably bring in the out-lyers. We have got Kerry, in spite of Lord Kenmare. Mayo has been off and on three or four times, owing to the manœuvres of that rascal, Dennis Browne, (vide this Journal of Oct. 26, 27); now they seem stout again. The Connaught gentry, more valiant than wise, easily led, especially by a great man, or a great man's man. Bad! But they will mend of all that. Hope we shall have returns from Mayo, after all. If we do, a great victory! The Northern Whig Club have adopted the resolutions, which I sent to Sinclair, on the 29th ult. Halliday the only dissentient. I did not expect they would have passed; this is another proof of the gradual change of the public mind. Custine is said to have advanced so far in Flanders, that his retreat is cut off. A lie, I hope, like that about Dumourier. Right or wrong, success to the French; they are fighting our battles, and if they fail, adieu to liberty in Ireland, for one century! Apropos of fighting! Mr. Hutton has bought a fine sword, of which he is as vain as the devil; intends to sleep on it to night. Quere, May he not wear it in the court of chancery, with his wig and gown, to edify Lord Fitzgibbon? Mr. Hutton proposes to make it the pattern sword for his regiment, when he has one.

11th, Sunday. George Knox shows me a memorandum or abstract of Lord Abercorn's answer to his letter on the subject of Gog's famous plan for turning out the Ministers here, (vide journal, &c.) Lord Abercorn quite wild; his idea is that the Catholics should renounce their present system, for the chance of what he would do for them. Damned kind! Mr. Hutton observes, coolly, that his Lordship does not bid high enough, and so the negotiation ends; Knox declaring himself of Mr. Hutton's opinion.

12th. At Gog's to prepare papers, viz: petition to the King, petition to Parliament, address to the nation, &c. Hear a report that Foster is afraid of being assassinated. The rascal deserves it, if any thing can justify assassination. Hard at work.

13th. A plot in Lower Ormond against the committee. The Tolers, Pretties, and other great landholders there, are compelling their tenants to sign some paper adverse to the Catholic claims. One priest, Mr. White, has the courage to refuse. Write a letter from the Sub-Committee, applauding him. Major and Secretary Hobart has sent for Dr. Troy, to pump him; talks a great deal of stuff, that Government is determined to resist all violence; that Government in England will support them; that we have not the North, save only Belfast, &c. Sad stuff! By laying such stress upon the North, he is exposing his own weak side, and, of course, pointing out the best place for us to direct our batteries. Please God, the hint shall not be lost. We may work the major yet. Busy at the petition, &c.

14th. All the morning at work. Dine in town, at R. Dillon's. After dinner, turn the discourse to the probability of raising a new corps of volunteers. Resolve that the party shall meet on Saturday next, to devise a plan. All provoked at an unnecessary affront the Dublin corps received last Sunday; an officer of the regulars took away a drummer, belonging to his regiment, whom the volunteers had hired for the day, and the poor fellow has been sentenced to receive two hundred lashes. Strange policy of Government, in such a time as this, to chuse to pick a quarrel with the volunteers! Trifling as this circumstance is, it will assist in laying the foundation for a corps, which may vex Government hereafter. Return to Mount Jerome. Propose to Gog to go to some expense in fitting up the room for the meeting of the committee, as it will give the country delegates a high idea of their own consequence, and the importance of the business, when they see every thing respectable and handsome prepared for their reception. All fair!

15th. Hear, to-day, that Ponsonby is come over. If it be so, a great point. Hard at work.

16th. Hear that the Castle-men say, that our address to the King, if we persist in that idea, will embarrass his MajestyThe devil it will! And who doubts it, or who cares? We will address him, please God, and let him refuse it, if he pleases.

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