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النشر الإلكتروني

and prepare materials for the accomplishment of his plan. And though reason and scripture affirm that the plan of God is the result of infinite wisdom and goodness, yet how do the hearts of many rise with indignation at the declaration 'that God hath fore-ordained whatsoever comes to pass?'-That God hath determined or decreed to accomplish a plan, dictated by infinite wisdom and goodness?

that he should bring into existence works of his hand. These ideas, though essential to the character of a being of infinite perfections, are rejected and condemned by many. They claim a privilege to themselves, which they deny to their Maker. These things, they highly approve and commend in themselves and their fellow-creatures, and practise so far as their limited capacities will admit. Those, therefore, who object to the foreknowledge and eternal purposes of God, are not only fighting against reason and revelation, but are judged and condemned by their own conduct.

The Psalmist saith, that "the counsel of the Lord standeth forever the thoughts of his heart to all generations;"-which evidently shows, that God did, before he began to create, concert a plan-determine to what use he should appropriate all the works of his hand; and that his plan is eternal, immutable and unfrustrable. And God saith by the mouth of his prophet, "I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me; declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, my counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." In this the eternal and unalterable purposes or decrees of God are as fully and forcibly taught, as the power of language is able to communicate.

The end is declared from the beginning. It must, therefore, have been made certain. And if the end be made certain, then all the means to accomplish that end must be fixed upon and made certain likewise. And before a being or thing exists, nothing can render its existence certain, but the cause of its existence. And as God is the cause of the existence of all creatares and events, he must, in order to declare the end from the begin ning, determine, before he began to create, what he should create, and for what end he designed all the

2. When a person has concerted a wise and good plan, he will proceed to execute it.

Should he neglect or refuse to do this, his conduct would be considered very inconsistent and blameworthy. And the more perfect his plan, the more criminality would be attached to his conduct, in not carrying it into complete execution. Of what avail would it be to a person, if he should concert a wise and good plan of a house, and even procure materials for the same, unless he proceed to prepare his materials and complete his building? Of what avail would it have been to these United States, to have concerted their present plan of government-to have formed a wise and good constitution, if they had not proceeded to organize their government accordingly and carry their plan into execution? And who would not have considered them as criminal, in neglecting or refusing to use all their exertions to complete a plan, calculated to secure the peace and happiness of the nation? And where is the person to be found, who does not approve and highly commend every person who endeavours to the utmost of his ability, to carry into execution a well concerted, good plan? But the od 649017 A

feelings of many are quite the reverse of this towards their Creator, in regard to his carrying into execution his great and glorious plan. Although they are constrained to acknowledge, that he has devised and adopted the best possible system, and does bring into existence materials for the accomplishment of his own gracious and benevolent purposes; yet they are unwilling that he should prepare the materials for their respective uses-that he should superintend, direct, and govern all things. They revolt from what God claims as his prerogative. He saith, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace and create evil. I the Lord do all these things." And it is repeatedly and abundantly declared in the scriptures of truth, that the Divine agency is continually exerted in forming, upholding, governing and directing all things, both in the natural and moral world that his agency extends to the very hairs of our headsthat the preparation of the heart in man and the answer of the tongue is from the Lord-and that he worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will.

These declarations of divine inspiration fully coincide with the most familiar dictates of reason; that a divine influence is continual ly operating throughout the whole created, dependant system-that God does constantly survey, move and direct all the works of his hand, and that he is preparing them all for the accomplishment of his wise and holy designs; or in the language of scripture, that the worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will.' And does not every person practise and highly approve in their fellow creatures, the method of working

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all things according to the pattern or plan; if it be good?

But many disapprove this method of procedure in their Maker.They feel unwilling that the Lord God, omnipotent should reign.And they will not admit that he does work all things after the counsel of his own will. To this, they feel decidedly opposed, though they practise what is similar and approve it in their fellow-creatures. Their own conduct does, therefore, judge and condemn them.

3. When a person is treated injuriously, when he is unjustly deprived of his property, or his character defamed, he thinks it just and proper to obtain redress, by the punishment of the offender. This mankind generally practise and approve.

Almost all who live in a Christian country, acknowledge civil government to be a great bles sing. And the main design of that is, to protect and defend the innocent, and punish the guilty.Hence laws are enacted, defining the boundaries of right and wrong between man and man-penalties are annexed to them-courts of justice are established-and imple ments to inflict condign punishment are prepared. essentially injured, in his property, character, or person, repairs to a proper officer, discloses the atrocity of the villain, and causes him to be brought to deserved and exemplary punishment.

Whoever is

Rulers, to merit the approbation of their subjects, must preserve an unshaken attachment to the laws of justice and equity. And they are considered as exhibiting as great a degree of benevolence in condemning and punishing the guilty, as in freeing and protecting the innocent.

Every chief magistrate of a na tion is considered as worthy of esteem, who preserves tranquillity and maintains peace throughout his dominions, by distributing justice, and by punishing offenders. And if a number of his subjects should make an unprovoked at tack upon his person or character, what would be the language of the nation? Would they not cheerfully acquiesce in the punishment of the criminals? And should he, at a large expense and great sacrifice, provide a way in which he could maintain the honour and dignity of his government,in the bestowment of pardon upon the offenders, on the condition of their confessing their fault and returning to obedience under his government; should he hold out to them this proclamation of pardon, for a certain space of time, stating to them the conditions, and likewise send messengers to them to show them the necessity of a compliance to pourtray to them the beneficial effects which would result to them from a compliance, and also the deplorable consequences of a refusal-and should they obstinately reject and despise these gracious overtures of his clemency; would not all mankind applaud the chief magistrate's conduct, in causing them to suffer a punishment, adequate to their crimes?

But are there not many, who disapprove and complain of what is similar to this, in the Judge of the universe? Are there not some, so blinded and infatuated, as to declare, that it will be cruelty in God, to inflict future punishment, ac cording to personal desert ?!

It is an incontrovertible fact, that all mankind have revolted from their Maker that they have made an unprovoked attack upon his character-that they have un

reasonably transgressed his holy and righteous requirements; so that judgment has passed upon all men to condemnation, in that all have sinned. And of course, the consciences and conduct of mankind, would have acquiesced in the dispensations of Jehovah, had he inflicted eternal perdition upon the whole human race.

But God, through his abundant mercy, has, at the expense of the blood of his only begotten and well beloved Son, made an infinite atonement, in consequence of which, he can maintain the honour and dignity of his character and government, in the bestowment of pardon and eternal life upon all who cordially comply with the conditions upon which they are offered.

These conditions are, repentance towards God, and faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ.This proclamation of pardon is held out to all mankind. Whosoever will may comply. The prison doors are set open, and all are entreated to escape for their lives. And the greatest assurance is given, that those who do not comply that those who reject the grace of God till their probation is ended, will be treated as enemies, and be made to suffer the just demerit of their deeds. For, "except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." And "he that believeth' not shall be damned." Agreeably to these declarations of divine truth, witness the antedeluvians, Sodom and Gomorrah, Pharaoh and his host, Korah and his impious crew. These are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternalfire. But notwithstanding this infinitely gracious offer of pardon," and the absolute certainty of the utter and remodiless destruction of those who do not comply with the terms of life; yet many are regard



less of these things, totally averse
from a disposition to repent and be
lieve continue fighting against
God, till their day of probation is
closed, and sink into the grave at
enmity with their God and Judge.
And some people object to the idea
of God's punishing such, in a fu-
ture world, according to personal
desert. They are unwilling that
God should maintain peace in his
dominions, support the authority
and dignity of his law and
and govern-
ment, which are founded in infinite
wisdom and goodness. They rep
resent him as a cruel an
and merci
less being, unless he make all hap-
py in the world to come. They
are, therefore, condemned by their
own consciences, by their own
conduct, for thus judging their Ma-
ker; for they themselves practise
what is similar, and approve it in
their fellow creatures.

4. Mankind think they have a right to bestow favours upon whom they please, and they practise accordingly. They dispense this fa, vour to one, and that to another And if they neither injure themselves, nor their fellow creatures, they feel justified in bestowing a favour upon one and in withholding it from another. They always consider it optional with themselves to select the objects of their gratuity. But some people complain of God for doing that which is similar to this. They are unwilling that he should have mercy on whom he will have mercy. They have the effrontery impiously to affirm, that if he exercise this prerogative which they claim to themselves, he is deserving the odious epithet of partiality, and is a respecter of persons. They disapprove and condemn the e ways of God, because he grants renewing and sanctifying grace to some, and prepares them for heaven, while he leaves others to perish in their sins. But in do



ing this, God injures none of his creatures. Impenitent sinners are treated, in this world, infinitely better than they deserve; and it is owing to their own chosen opposition to God that they are not made happy in heaven hereafter. In the world to come, they will be punished neither more nor less, than their personal desert. And of course, they will have no ground of complaint. And as mankind prac tise and approve this method of procedure in themselves, they are thereby judged and condemned for their unreasonable complaints against their Maker.


5. Mankind always claim the right of choosing their own society. They never consider themselves under any obligation to associate with, or receive into the circle of their intimate friends, their professed and inveterate enemies. They always select for their companions and associates, those whom they have reason to think are friendly to them, and whose feelings in some measure correspond with their own. The wise and virtuous always dis claim the company and society of the vicious and immoral. Who does not claim the privilege of excluding from his family those who are unfriendly to his interest and happiness? Were people debarred this privilege, domestic repose and social intercourse would be at an end. Even the most profligate and abandoned claim this prerogative. But many complain of God for acting in the same manner. They are unwilling that he should take whom he pleases to heaven, and make them completely happy. They hate and condemn the ways of God, because he does not grant to his most inveterate enemies, a mansion in his kingdom of glory. God has, through his abundant mercy, given the greatest assurance, all who are reconciled to him


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that all who are friendly in heart
to his interests and kingdom-shall
be received to dwell with him in
glory. And should he receive any,
except those who are cordially at-
tached to his interest and glory
should he admit his enemies into
the society of the blessed-the
practice of mankind in this world
would testify against it. Those,
therefore, who object to the idea of
God's excluding all impenitent
sinners from his kingdom of glory,
are judged and condemned by their
own conduct.


6. Every person thinks that he has an undoubted right to do what he will with his own. Whoever has property, which he considers as his own, contends that he has a right to appropriate it to whatever use he pleases. And if he neither injures himself, nor his fellow creatures thereby, he obtains the general approbation of mankind. As people have various objects of pursuit, and various employments; some apply their property to one use, and some to another. Those who make use of their property in such a manner as to be most beneficial to themselves and to the public, generally receive the greatest applause. For this prerogative of disposing of their own property, people have fought and bled and died. For this, nations have wad ed through seas of blood. But no person has any thing which he can," with so much propriety, call his own, as God can, every being and thing in the universe. Where is the object which does not exclu sively belong to God? Were not all things created by him and for him? Did he not create the heaved ens and the earth? Are not all in telligent creatures the work of his hands? Do they not all owe their existence to him? And are they not all constantly supported in

the arms of his providence? Do
they not live and move and have
their being in him? And, of course,
are his property, and at his dispo
sal. And yet, some people, who
contend so strenuously for the
right of disposing of their own prop-
erty, complain and murmur at their
Maker for doing what he will with
his own. They are unwilling to
be in his hand as the clay is in the
hand of the potter. They are un-b
willing that the great Creator and
Proprietor of the universe should
form some vessels unto honour, and
others unto dishonour, as shall be
most conducive to his glory and
the good of the intelligent system;
though he does no injustice thereby
to any of his creatures.
And they
feel totally opposed to the idea that
they themselves are in the hand of
God and at his disposal; though
they do in fact belong to him, and
are his property. But this is a
right which they claim to them-
selves, and exercise. They are,
therefore, judged and condemned
by their own conduct.


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1. In view of this subject, it is obvious to remark, that the heart of man is exceedingly depraved."

It has been the general opinion of mankind, in all ages of the world, that some fatal malady has befallen the human race. The conduct of people plainly shows, that they are not as they ought to be. Hence wrath, strife, seditions, murders, heresies, and numerous other detestable crimes and vices have ever blackened the faithful pages of history. H

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But where the disorder is seated, has been a subject of much debate. Some contend that it is wholly in the understanding, and that whenever that is rectified, so as to dis cover the truth, people will cordi


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