صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




1. STROKES, EASY LETTERS, SHORT WORDS.-Traced Lines under each Copy, to be written over by the Pupil. ROUND HAND. 12. LONG LETTERS, SHORT WORDS, FIGURES.-Sanctioned by the Committee of Council as satisfying the requirements of the Second Standard, Revised Code, 1875. HALF TEXT. 2. LONG LETTERS, SHORT Words, Figures.-Guide Lines to regulate the length of Tailed Letters. SMALL ROUND HAND.

22. WORDS OF FOUR, FIVE, OR SIX LETTERS, for Practice in forming different difficult combinations. SMALL ROUND HAND. 3. CAPITALS, SHORT WORDS, FIGURES.-Analysis of Capitals. Showing how the stiff Printed Capitals become transformed into Running Hand. MEDIUM HAND. 32. SENTENCES OF Short WORDS, spaced by Perpendicular Lines. This is the first book in which Sentences are introduced. SMALL ROUND HAND. 4. SENTENCES, mostly composed of Short Words. The Perpendicular Spacing Lines are omitted in this and all succeeding numbers. MEDIUM HAND. 4%. SELECT QUOTATIONS FROM SHAKSPERE.-Principally Long Sentences. Suitable for preparing Pupils to write from Dictation. MEDIUM HAND. 5, 6. SENTENCES.-Maxims, Morals, and Precepts, in progressively Small Writing; each Line a complete Sentence. SMALL HAND.

5%. SENTENCES, in Writing of Three Sizes, continuation of preceding Books Nos. 3%, 4%, and 5. SMALL Round, MEDIUM, AND SMALL HANDS. 6. SENTENCES, in Writing of Two Sizes, in continuation of Books Nos. 6 and 7. SMALL HAND. 7. SENTENCES AND CHRISTIAN NAMES. -A collection of over 200 of the Christian Names in most common use, affording scope for a great variety of Elegant Capitals. SMALL HAND.

8. SENTENCES.-One Line on each Page. This Book is prepared for those who prefer at this stage to have only one line on each page. SMALL HAND. 9. SENTENCES.-Two Lines on each Page. Smaller Writing than in any of the preceding books. Some prefer this as a Finishing Hand to Nos. 7 and 8. SMALL HAND.

IO. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL LETTERING.--Single Letters, Words, and Sentences. Alphabets in Thirty-three different Styles. The most perfect Collection yet published.

II. EXERCISE Book.-Wide Ruling, with Margin, for Parsing, Dictation, Composition, or other Exercises.

12. EXERCISE BOOK.-Narrow Ruling in Squares, for Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Geometry, and proportionate enlargements or reductions. 13. EXERCISE BOOK.--Ruled for Book-keeping.

HOME EXERCISE BOOK.-Same Ruling as No. 12 (but Octavo Size). Price One Penny.

COPY-BOOK PROTECTOR AND BLOTTER.--Price One Penny. Keeping the Books fresh, neat, and clean.



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