صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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that name, together with the Grenadines, and the iflands of Dominice, St Vincent, and Tobago.

And to the end that the open and free fishery of Our fubjects may be extended to, and carried on upon the coast of Labrador, and the adja. cent islands, We have thought fit, with the advice of Our faid privy council, to put all that coalt, from the river St John's to Hudson's ftreights, together with the iflands of Anticofti and Madelaine, and all other fmaller itlands lying upon the faid coaft, under the care and isfpection of Our governor of Newfoundland.

We have alfo, with the advice of Our privy council, thought fit to annex the islands of St John's, and Cape Breton, or Ifle Royale, with the leffer iflands adjacent thereto, to Our government of Nova Scotia.

We have also, with the advice of Our privy council aforefaid, annesed to Our province of Georgia all the lands lying between the rivers Alatamaha and St Mary's.

And whereas it will greatly contribute to the speedy fettling Our faid new governments, that Our loving fubjects fhould be informed of Our paternal care for the fecurity of the liberties and properties of those who are and thall become inhabitants thereof, We have thought fit to publish and declare, by this Our proclamation, that We have, in the letters-patent under Our great feal of Great Britain, by which the faid governments are conftituted, given exprefs power and direction to Our governors of Our faid colonies refpectively, that fo foon as the ftate and circumftances of the faid colonies will admit thereof, they fhall, with the advice and confent of the members of Our council, fummon and call general affemblies within the faid governments refpectively, in fuch manner and form as is ufed and directed in thofe colonies and provinces in America which are under Our immediate government; and We have alfo given power to the faid governors, with the confent of Our faid councils, and the reprefentatives of the people fo to be fummoned as aforefaid, to make, conftitute, and ordain laws, ftatutes, and ordinances, for the public peace, welfare, and good government, of Our faid colonies, and of the people and inhabitants thereof, as near as may be agreeable to the laws of England, and under fuch regulations and reftrictions as are used in other colonies; and in the mean time, and until fuch affemblies can be called as aforefaid, all perfons inhabiting in, or reforting to Our faid colonies, may confide in Our royal protection for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of Our realm of England; for which purpose We have given power, under Our great feal, to the governors of Our faid colonies refpectively, to erect and conftitute, with the advice of Our faid councils refpectively, courts of judicature and public juftice within Our faid colonies, for the hearing and determining all caufes, as well criminal as civil, accor ding to law and equity, and as near as may be agreeable to the laws of England; with liberty to all perfons who may think themselves aggrieved by the fentences of fuch courts, in all civil cafes, to appeal, under the ufual limitations and restrictions, to Us in Our privy council. We have alfo thought fit, with the advice of Our privy council as aforefaid, to give unto the governors and councils of Our faid three new colonies upon the continent, full power and authority to fettle and agree with the inhabitants of Our faid new colonies, or with any other perfons who fhall refort thereto, for fuch lands, tenements, and hereditaments,

ditaments, as are now, or hereafter shall be in Our power to difpofe of, and them to grant to any fuch perfon or perfons, upon fuch terms, and under fuch moderate quit-rents, fervices, and acknowledgements, as have been appointed and fettled in Our other colonies, and under fuch other conditions as fhall appear to Us to be neceffary and expedient for the advantage of the grantees, and the improvement and fettlement of Our faid colonies.

And whereas We are defirous, upon all occafions, to testify Our royal fense and approbation of the conduct and bravery of the officers and foldiers of Our armies, and to reward the fame, We do hereby command and impower Our governors of Our faid three new colonies, and all other Our governors of Our feveral provinces on the continent of North America, to grant, without fee or reward, to fuch reduced officers as have ferved in North America during the late war, and to fuch private foldiers as have been or fhall be difbanded in America, and are actually refiding there, and fhall perfonally apply for the fame, the following quantities of lands, fubject, at the expiration of ten years, to the fame quit-rents as other lands are fubject to in the province within which they are granted, as also subject to the same conditions of cultivation and improvement, viz.

To every perfon having the rank of a field-officer, 5000 acres.
To every captain, 3000 acres.

To every fubaltern or ftaff officer, 2000 acres.

To every non-commiffion officer, 200 acres.

To every private man, 50 acres.

We do likewise authorife and require the governors and commanders in chief of all Our faid colonies upon the continent of North America, to grant the like quantities of land, and upon the fame conditions, to fuch reduced officers of Our navy of like rank, as ferved on board Our fhips of war in North America at the times of the reduction of Louifbourg and Quebec in the late war, and who shall perfonally apply to Our refpective governors for fuch grants.

And whereas it is just and reafonable, and effential to Our interest, and the fecurity of Our colonies, that the feveral nations or tribes of Indians with whom We are connected, and who live under Our protection, fhould not be molefted or disturbed in the poffeflion of fuch parts of Our dominions and territories as, not having been ceded to or purchafed by Us, are referved to them, or any of them, as then hunting grounds, We do therefore, with the advice of Our privy council, declare it to be Our royal will and pleasure, that no governor or commander in chief in any of Our colonies of Quebec, East Florida, or West Florida, do prefume, upon any pretence whatever, to grant warrants of furvey, or pafs any patents for lands beyond the bounds of their respective governments, as defcribed in their commiffions; as alfo that no governor or commander in chief in any of Our other colonies or plantations in America, do prefume for the prefent, and until Our further pleasure be known, to grant warrant of furvey, or país patents for any lands beyond the heads or fources of any of the rivers which fall into the Atlantic ocean from the welt and north-weft; or upon any lands whatever, which, not having been ceded to or purchafed by Us as aforefaid, are referved to the faid Indians, or any of them.

And We do further declare it to be Our royal will and pleasure, for the prefent as aforefaid, to referve under Our fovereignty, protection, and dominion, for the ufe of the faid Indians, all the lands and terri

tories not included within the limits of onr faid three new governments, or within the limits of the territory granted to the Hudson's bay company; as alfo all the lands and territories lying to the weftward of the fources of the rivers which fall into the fea from the weft and north. weft, as aforefaid: and We do hereby ftrictly forbid, on pain of Our displeasure, all Our loving fubjects from making any purchafes or fettlements whatever, or taking poffeffion of any of the lands above reserved, without Our especial leave and licence for that purpose first ob


And We do further ftrictly injoin and require all perfons whatever, who have either wilfully or inadvertently feated themselves upon any lands within the countries above described, or upon any other lands, which not having been ceded to or purchased by Us, are ftill reserved to the faid Indians as aforefaid, forthwith to remove themselves from fuch fettlements.

And whereas great frauds and abuses have been committed in the purchafing lands of the Indians, to the great prejudice of Our interests, and to the great diffatisfaction of the faid Indians; in order therefore to prevent fuch irregularities for the future, and to the end that the Indians may be convinced of Our juftice, and determined refolution to remove all reasonable cause of difcontent, We do, with the advice of Our privy council, ftrictly injoin and require, that no private perfon do prefume to make any purchafe from the faid Indians of any lands referved to the faid Indians within thofe parts of Our colonies where We have thought proper to allow fettlement; but that if at any time any of the faid Indians fhould be inclined to difpofe of the faid lands, the fame fhall be purchased only for Us, in Our name, at some public meeting or affembly of the faid Indians, to be held for that purpose by the governor or commander in chief of Our colony respectively, within which they fhall lie: And in cafe they fhall lie within the limits of any proprietary government, they fhall be purchafed only for the use and in the name of fuch proprietaries, conformable to fuch directions and inftructions as We or they fhall think proper to give for that purpose. And We do, by the advice of Our privy council, declare and injoin, that the trade with the faid Indians fhall be free and open to all Oar fubjects whatever; provided that every perfon who may incline to trade with the faid Indians, do take out a licence for carrying on fuch a trade, from the governor or commander in chief of any of Our colenies refpectively, where fuch perfon fhall refide, and alfo give fecurity to obferve fuch regulations as We fhall at any time think fit, by Ourfelves, or by Our commiffaries to be appointed for this purpofe, to direct and appoint for the benefit of the faid trade. And We do hereby authorife, injoin, and require, the governors and commanders in chiet of all Our colonies refpectively, as well thofe under Our immediate government, as thofe under the government and direction of proprietaries, to grant fuch licences without fee or reward; taking efpecial care to infert therein a condition, that fuch licence shall be void, and the fecurity forfeited, in cafe the perfon to whom the fame is granted fhall refufe or neglect to obferve fuch regulations as We fhall think proper to prescribe as aforefaid.

And We do further exprefsly injoin and require all officers whatever, as well military as thofe employed in the management and direction of

Indian affairs within the territories referved, as aforefaid, for the use of the faid Indians, to feize and apprehend all perfons whatever, who ftanding charged with treasons, mifprifions of treafon, murders, or other felonies and misdemeanors, fhall fly from juftice, and take refuge in the faid territory, and to fend them under a proper guard to the colony where the crime was committed of which they ftand accused, in order to take their trial for the fame.

Given at Our court at St James's, the 7th day of October 1763, in the third year of Our reign.

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1. Canada in part, or New France.
2. Florida in part, or Louisiana.

Divifions, 3. Caen, or Equinoctial France, part of Caribbiana.

4. The French islands.

FRENCH CANADA, or NEW FRANCE, according to the French maps.

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Ounded by New Britain and British Canada, on the
north; by New Scotland, New England, and New

York, on the east; and by unknown lands on the weft.
See the aforefaid proclamation, p. 593.

LOUISIANA, claimed by the French, a part of

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Boundaries.] Bounded by the river and lake of Illenois, on the north; by Carolina on the eaft; by the gulph of

Mexico on the fouth; and by New Mexico on the weft.
See the aforefaid proclamation, p. 593.


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and 5

Boundaries.] Bounded by Surinam on the north; by the Atlantic ocean on the east; by Amazonia on the fouth; and by Guiana on the west. The chief town is Caen, W. Lon. 53. N. Lat. 5.



T Martin; 2. Bartholomew; 3. Defeada; 4. Guadalupe;

ST. Mantrigalante, on Martinico; 7. Granada; 8. Part of Hi

fpaniola; and 9. St Croix.

1. St MARTIN's.] St Martin's, an island of no great confequence, belonging to the French, fituate a little to the north-west of St Bartholomew's.

2. St BARTHOLOMEW's.] St Bartholomew's is a small island, about ten leagues north of St Chriftopher's, taken by the English under the command of Sir Timothy Thornhill, in the year 1689, but restored to the French at the peace of Ryfwick.

3. DESEADA.] Defeada, or Defiderada, the Defirable Island, fo called by Columbus, because it was the first land he discovered in his fecond voyage to America, anno 1493; it is fituate about ten leagues north-caft of Guadalupe.

4. GUADALUPE.] Guadalupe, fo called by Columbus, from its hills refembling thofe of that name in Spain, is fituate in 16 degrees north latitude, and 61 degrees western longitude, about 30 leagues north of Martinico, and almost as much fouth of Antigua. It is faid to be the largest of all the Caribbee iflands, being 22 leagues in length, and half as much in breadth at each end; but almost cut in two by a deep gulph, or bay, on each side, fo that the ends are joined together by a very narrow ifthmus. This, like Martinico, abounds in fugar, cotton, indigo, ginger, &c. and is in a very flourishing condition; and, agreeable to the confequence it is of to the French, they have taken care to fortify it with feveral regular forts and redoubts, which were in fo good a condition when the English admiral Bembow made a defcent here with a confiderable body of land-forces, anno 1702, that he did not think fit to attack them, though he deftroyed a great many of their plantations and open villages.

The French began to fend colonies to this island about the year 1632. 5. MARIGALANTE.] Marigalante is fituate in 16 degrees north latitude, a little to the fouth-eaft of Guadalupe, and is about

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