A MANUAL OF PRAYERS FOR THE USE OF THE CATHOLIC LAITY. THE OFFICIAL PRAYER BOOK OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE THIRD PLENARY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE. NEW YORK: CHRISTIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING COMPANY 61 WEST 15TH STREET. London: BURNS & OATES, Limited. The Prayer Book ordered by the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, James Card. Gibbery Archbishop of Baltimore, Apostelic Delegate. BALTIMORE, May 17, 1889. Imprimatur, + Michael Augustinus, Archiep. Neo- Eborac. Copyright, 1888, BY J. W. WENTWORTH. All rights reserved, and making extracts or selections from this boo!: Copyright, 1896, BY THE CHRistian Press ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING COMPANY, (For full alphabetical Index see end of book.) Devotions to which Indulgences are attached are The Calendar OF FEASTS CELEBRATED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. (Holydays of Obligation are marked with a +.) ABBREVIATIONS EXPLAINED: Ap. signifies Apostle or Apostles; M., Martyr or Martyrs; P., Pope; Abp., Archbishop; B., Bishop; C., Confessor; D., Doctor; Abb., Abbot; V., Virgin; W., Widow; K., King; Q., Queen; Pr., Priest; H, Hermit. OTHER MOVABLE FEASTS NOT INCLUDED IN THE FOLLOWING CALENDAR. Second Sunday after Epiphany-Holy Name of Jesus. Friday after Octave of Corpus Christi-Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sunday within the Octave of the Assumption-St. Joachim, Father of the B. V. M. Sunday within the Octave of Nativity of B. V. M.-Holy Name of Mary. Third Sunday of September-Seven Sorrows of the B. V. M. Third Sunday of October-Maternity of the B. V. M. Second Sunday of November-Patronage of the B. V. M. |