stituted the great Eucharistic Sacrifice of His Body and Blood in remembrance of His Passion and Death. In this Sacrifice, called the MASS, He is mystically immolated every day upon our altars, being Himself both Priest and Victim. This Sacrifice is the principal worship of the New Law, in which, and by which, we unite ourselves to Jesus Christ; and with Him and through Him we adore God in spirit and truth; give Him thanks for all His blessings; obtain His grace for ourselves and the whole world, and pardon for all our sins; and pray for the living and the dead. 12. We must believe that there is, in the Catholic or Universal Church of God, a Communion of Saints, by means of which we communicate with all holy persons and in all holy things. We communicate with the Saints in heaven, as our fellow-members under the same head, Christ Jesus; we give thanks to God for His gifts to them, and we beg a share in their prayers. We communicate with all the saints upon earth in the same Sacraments and Sacrifice, and in a holy union of faith and charity. And we also communicate with the faithful who have departed this life in a more imperfect state, and who by the law of God's justice are for a while in a state of suffering,-by offering prayers and alms and sacrifice to God for them. 13. We must believe that, by the full concession of Christ, there ever resides in the Church the active power of forgiving sin, and of granting Indulgences for the remission of the temporal punishments of sin; which may be applied to the souls both of the living and of the dead who have died friends of God and in the peace of Christ. 14. We must believe also the necessity of Divine Grace, without which we cannot make so much as one step towards heaven; and that all our good and all our merits are the gift of God; that Christ died for all men, and that His grace does not take away or oppress our free will. 15. We must believe that Jesus Christ will come from heaven at the last day to judge all men ; that all the dead, both good and bad, shall arise from their graves, and shall be judged by Him according to their works; that the good shall go to heaven with Him, body and soul, to be happy for all eternity in the enjoyment of the Sovereign Good; and that the wicked shall be condemned, both body and soul, to the torments of hell. II. WHAT EVERY CHRISTIAN MUST DO. VERY Christian, in order to attain life everlasting, must worship God as his first beginning and last end. This worship is to be rendered, first, by FAITH; which makes both the understanding and the will humbly adore and embrace all those truths which God has taught, however obscure and incomprehensible they may be to our weakness. Secondly, by HOPE; which honors the infinite power, goodness, and mercy of God, and the truth of His promises; and upon these grounds raises the soul to an assured expectation of mercy, grace, and salvation, through the merits of Jesus Christ. Thirdly, by CHARITY; which teaches us to love God with our whole hearts, for His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves, for God's sake. Fourthly, by the virtue of RELIGION; the chief acts of which are adoration, praise, thanksgiving, oblation We of ourselves to God, sacrifice, and prayer; which ought to be the daily employments of a Christian soul. must flee all idolatry and all false religions; also superstition, under which name are comprehended all manner of divinations, all fortune-telling, all witchcraft, charms, spells, observations of omens, dreams, etc. All these things are heathenish, and contrary to the worship of the true and living God, and to that entire dependence which a Christian soul ought to have on Him. But we must devoutly honor the Ever-Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, the Holy Angels, and the Saints reigning in Glory; whose intercessions we shall always most profitably invoke. should likewise duly reverence all sacred emblems and pious memorials of our Lord and His Saints, and honor the relics of God's servants whom Holy Church has canonized. We 2. We must reverence the name of God and His truth by a religious observance of all lawful oaths and Vows, and by carefully avoiding all false, rash, or unjust oaths, and blasphemies. 3. We must dedicate some notable part of our time to His divine service; and, more especially, consecrate to Him those days which are ordered by His Church to be sanctified or kept holy. 4. Under God, we must love, reverence, and obey our parents, and other lawful superiors, spiritual and temporal; and observe the laws of the Church and State: as also we must have a due care of our children, and of others that are under our charge, both as to their souls and their bodies. 5. We must abstain from all injuries to our neighbor's person, by murder or any other violence; and from all hatred, envy, and desire of revenge; as also from spiritual murder, which is committed by drawing him into sin, by words, actions, or bad example. 6. We must abstain from all uncleanness in thoughts, words, or actions. 7. We must not steal, cheat, or any other way do wrong to our neighbor in his goods and possessions; we must give every one his own, pay our debts, and make restitution for all damages which we have caused through our fault. 8. We must not wrong our neighbor in his character or good name, by calumny, detraction, or rash judgment; or in his honor by reproaches or affronts; or rob him of his peace of mind, by scoffs or contempt; or of his friends, by carrying stories backwards and forwards. In all such cases, whosoever wrongs his neighbor is obliged to make reparation or satisfaction. 9, 10. As we are commanded to abstain from all deeds of lust and injustice, so are we also strictly obliged to restrain all desires of these kinds, and to resist the irregular motions of concupiscence. So far the Ten Commandments of God; which are a short abridgment of the whole eternal and natural law, which admits of no dispensation. Every Christian is, moreover, bound to keep the commandments of God's Church. 1. We must sanctify Sundays and Holydays of Obligation by devout attendance at Holy Mass, and by resting from servile work. 2. We must strictly observe those days of fasting and abstinence appointed by ecclesiastical authority. 3. We must humbly confess our sins at least once a year to a Priest having competent jurisdiction—i.e., approved by the Bishop of the Diocese. 4. We must be careful to make our Easter Duty, by receiving Holy Communion at some time during the interval between the first Sunday in Lent and Trinity Sunday. 5. According to our means we must contribute to the support of those who minister to us in spiritual things. 6. We must not marry non-Catholics, or any one related to us within the fourth degree of kindred; we must not marry clandestinely, or solemnize marriage within the prohibited times. PATER NOSTER, qui OUR FATHER, who es in cœlis, sancti art in heaven, hal ficetur nomen tuum: ad- lowed be Thy name: Thy veniat regnum tuum: fiat kingdom come: Thy will voluntas tua, sicut in cœlo, be done on earth as it is et in terra. Panem nos- in heaven. Give us this trum quotidianum da no- day our daily bread: and |