The Visitation of the Sick. HE following prayers are left entirely to the discretion of the Priest. According to the time and the condition of the sick person, they may be said whole or in part, or altogether omitted. The Priest, entering the room in which the sick person lies, first says: V. Peace be unto this house. R. And unto all who dwell therein. Then he sprinkles the sick person and the bed and the room with holy water, saying the Antiphon, Thou shalt sprinkle me, etc., as on p. 476. He then administers to the sick person as circumstances require. Which done, or before he leaves the sick-room, he may say over the sick person any one of the first four Penitential Psalms (p. 245) or the Psalm Qui habitat (p. 71), adding the Glory be to the Father at the end. He then says: LORD, have merc,. R. Christ, have mercy. V. Lord, have mercy. Our Father (inaudibly). R. But deliver us from evil. V. Save thy servant, R. O my God, who putteth his trust in Thee. V. Let not the enemy prevail against him, or the son of iniquity draw nigh to hurt him. V. Be unto him, O Lord, a tower of strength, V. The Lord bring strength unto him V. O Lord, hear my prayer, R. And let my cry come unto Thee. R. And with thy spirit. Let us pray. GOD, whose property is always to have mercy and to spare: graciously receive our supplication, that we, and this Thy servant, whom the chains of sin do hold in bondage, may by the compassion of Thy loving-kindness be mercifully absolved. O God, the one only remedy for human infirmity show forth upon this Thy sick servant the power of Thine aid, that, strengthened by the might of Thy tender mercy, he whole unto Thy holy Church. may be found worthy to be restored Grant, O Lord God, we beseech Thee, that this Thy servant may rejoice in continual health of body and mind; and, through the glorious intercession of Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, be freed from his present sorrow, and enjoy eternal gladness. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. HE blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the and remain with thee always. R. Amen. He then sprinkles the sick person with holy water. THE MANNER OF ADMINISTERING THE SACRAMENT OF EXTREME UNCTION. On arriving at the place where the sick man lies, the Priest, with the holy oil, entering the chamber, says: Then, after placing the oil on a table, being vested in a surplice and violet stole, he offers the sick man a crucifix piously to kiss; after which he sprinkles both the chamber and the bystanders with holy water in the form of a cross, saying the Asperges as at p. 476. Then he says: I Oremus. Domine UR help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who hath made heaven and earth. V. The Lord be with you. Let us pray. AY there enter, O into this house, at the en- NTROEAT, Jesu Christe, domum hanc sub nostræ humilitatis ingressu, æterna felicitas, divina prosperitas, everlasting happiness, healætitia, charitas ven-sent prosperity, peacefructuosa, sanitas sempi- ful gladness, fruitful cha serena terna: effugiat ex hoc loco rity, abiding health: may accessus dæmonum, ad- the devils fear to approach sint angeli pacis, domum- this place, may the angels que hanc deserat omnis of peace be present theremaligna discordia. Mag- in, and may all wicked nifica, Domine, super nos strife depart from this nomen sanctum tuum, et house. Magnify, O Lord, benedic✈ nostræ conver- upon us Thy holy name, sationi: sanctifica nostræ and bless our ministry : humilitatis ingressum, qui hallow the entrance of our sanctus et qui pius es, et lowliness, Thou who art permanes cum Patre et holy and compassionate, Spiritu Sancto in sæcula and abidest with the Fa sæculorum. Amen. ther and the Holy Ghost world without end. Amen. OREMUS et deprece-I mur Dominum nos ET us pray and beseech our Lord Jesus trum Jesum Christum, ut Christ, that blessing He benedicendo benedicat may bless this abode, hoc tabernaculum, et om- and all who dwell therein, nes habitantes in eo, et det and give unto them a good eis angelum bonum custo- angel for their keeper, and dem, et faciat eos sibi ser- make them serve Him, vire, ad considerandum so as to behold wondrous mirabilia de lege sua: things out of His law. avertat ab eis omnes con- May He ward off from trarias potestates; eripiat them all adverse powers: eos ab omni formidine et may He deliver them from ab omni perturbatione, ac all fear and from all dissanos in hoc tabernaculo quiet, and vouchsafe to custodire dignetur. cum Patre et Spiritu Sanc- dwell in this house. Who, Qui keep in health them that to vivit et regnat Deus in with the Father and the sæcula sæculorum. Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth God world without end. Amen. Let us pray. Amen. Oremus. XAUDI nos, Domine sancte, Pater omni Lord, Father Al potens, æterne Deus, et mighty, Everlasting God, mittere digneris sanctum and vouchsafe to send Thy Angelum tuum de cœlis, holy Angel from heaven, qui custodiat, foveat, pro- to guard, cherish, protect, tegat, visitet atque defen- visit, and defend all those dat omnes habitantes in that dwell in this house. hoc habitaculo. Per Chris- Through Christ our Lord. tum Dominum Amen. nostrum. Amen. (These prayers, if time will not permit, may be either wholly or in part omitted.) After which is said the Confiteor, etc., as at p. 35. (Before the Priest begins to anoint the sick person he admonishes the bystanders to pray for him; and, when it is convenient to do so, they recite for him the Penitential Psalms (p. 245), with Litanies or other prayers, while the Priest is administering the Sacrament of Extreme Unction.) Then he says: I N the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, may all the power of the devil be extinguished in thee, by the laying on of N nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus + Sancti, extinguatur in te omnis virtus diaboli, per impositionem manuum nostrarum et per invocationem omnium sanctorum our hands, and by the invoAngelorum, Archangelo- cation of all holy Angels, rum, Patriarcharum, Pro- Archangels, Patriarchs, |