Jesus said to him: This day is salvation come to this house; because he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. POSTCOMMUNION. O God, who out of living and elect stones dost prepare for Thy Majesty an eternal abode: help Thy people as they pray unto Thee; that as Thy Church advances by bodily extension, so may it ever grow by spiritual increase. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen. FOR THE DEAD. ON THE DAY OF DECEASE OR BURIAL. (See p. 571). INTROIT as in Mass for the Dead (p. 571). COLLECT. O God, the Lord of mercies, grant to the souls of Thy servants, whose anniversary we commemorate, a place of refreshment, the happiness of rest, and the clearness of Thy light. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen. LESSON. 2 Mach. xii. 43-46. In those days:The most valiant man Judas, making a gathering, sent twelve thousand drachms of silver to Jerusalem for sacrifice to be offered for the sins of the dead, thinking well and religiously concerning the resurrection. (For if he had not hoped that they who were slain should rise again, it would have seemed superfluous and vain to pray for the dead.) And because he considered that they who had fallen asleep with godliness, had great grace laid up for them. It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they s may be loosed from sins. SEQUENCE: Dies Ira, p. 574. GOSPEL. John vi. 37–40. At that time :-Jesus said to the multitudes of the Jews: All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him that cometh to Because I have come down Me I will not cast out. from heaven, not to do Mine own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. Now this is the will of the Father SPE m Ca Tea the can aid t who sent Me, that of all that He hath given Me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again on the last day. And this is the will of My Father who sent Me: that every one who seeth the Son, and believeth in Him, may have life everlasting; and I will raise him up on the last day. POSTCOMMUNION. Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that the soul of Thy servant, the anniversary of whose death we now commemorate, being purified by this Sacrifice, may obtain both pardon and eternal rest. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen. THE COMMON MASS FOR THE DEAD. INTROIT as in Mass for the Dead (p. 571). COLLECT I. O God, who didst raise Thy servants to the dignity of Bishops or Priests in the Apostolic Priesthood: grant, we beseech Thee, that they may be for ever united to the company of the same. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen. II. O God, the bestower of forgiveness and the lover of human salvation: we beseech Thee of thy tender love to grant that the brethren of our congregation, with their relations and benefactors who have passed out of this life, by the intercession of Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and all Thy Saints, may come to the fellowship of eternal bliss. III. O God, the Creator, etc. (as on All Souls' Day, p. 775). LESSON. Apoc. xiv. 13. In those days:-I heard a Voice from heaven, saying to me: Write: blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord. Henceforth now, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; for their works follow them. The SEQUENCE Dies Iræ (p. 574) is voluntary in this Mass. GOSPEL. John vi. 51-55. At that time :-Jesus said to the multitude of the Jews :-I am the living bread, which came down from heaven. this bread he shall live for ever: and the bread which If any man eat of I will give is My flesh for the life of the world. The Jews therefore disputed among themselves, saying: How can this man give us His flesh to eat? Then Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say unto you: Unless ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His He who eateth blood, ye shall not have life in you. My flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath everlasting life; and I will raise him up on the last day.* POSTCOMMUNION I. Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, through Thy loving compassion, which we have implored on behalf of the souls of Thy servants, Bishops or Priests, that by Thy mercy they may eternally enjoy His presence, in whom they have hoped and believed. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen. II. Grant, we beseech Thee, O Almighty and merciful God, that the souls of our brethren, friends, and benefactors, for whom we have offered this Sacrifice to Thy Majesty, being, by virtue of these Mysteries, purified from all sin, may, through Thy mercy, receive the blessing of perpetual light. III. Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that our humble prayers in behalf of the souls of Thy servants and handmaids may be profitable for them: so that Thou mayst deliver them from all their sins, and make them partakers of Thy Redemption. Who livest and reignest, etc. Amen. *NOTE: The Epistles and Gospels of any one Mass for the Dead may be said also at any other of the Masses for the Dead. Devotions to which Indulgences are attached are marked thus : (i). ABSOLUTION, Form of, 286. On Fasting and, 17.. Act of Adoration, 340, 462. of Charity, 53, 276, 321, 463, of Commendation to God, of Consecration to the Sa- of Contrition, 54, 286, 319, of Faith, 53, 276, 320, 463, 535. of Renunciation of Evil, 464. of Thanksgiving, 298, 462. Agony, Prayers during Last, Prayers for the Faithful in ALL SAINTS, Hymn for, 646. Guardians, Hymn for FEAST Anger, Prayer against, 296. Antiphons of the B.V. M., 76. Hymns on FEASTS of, 647, Aspirations for Holy Commu- to Sacred Heart (i), 346. BAPTISM, Lay, 24. Instruction on, 393. Order of administering, 393. Baptismal Vows, Renewal of, 410. Beatitudes, Eight, 22. Believe, What every Christian Bernard, Hymn of St. (i), 635. 592. Bishop, Prayer for, 165. Blasphemy, Act of Reparation for (1), 105. Commemoration for Peace, 196. Instruction on, 302. Compline, 69. Concord, Prayer for, 166. CALAMITY, Prayer in time of, Confession, Devotions for, 272. Directions for, 285. Instruction on, 271. Prayer before, 284. Thanksgiving after, 288. Confessors, Hymn for FEASTS of, 653. Confirmation, Instruction on, 418. Prayer on Anniversary of, 429. Order of administering, 464. Confiteor, 35. Prayer for, 169. Childbirth, Blessing after, Congregation or Family, Prayer for, 165. |