69488.96 21-8483 @9489.896 The Prayer Book ordered by the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, James Card. Gibbery Archbishop of Baltimore, Apostelic Delegate. BALTIMORE, May 17, 1889. Imprimatur, + Michael Augustinus, Copyright, 1888, BY J. W. WENTWORTH. All rights reserved, and making extracts or selections from this boo!: Copyright, 1896, BY THE CHRISTIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING COMPANY, 45-19 Rev. SEP 17 1896 Der Matthew J. Webering. TABLE OF CONTENTS. (For full alphabetical Index see end of book.) Devotions to which Indulgences are attached are marked thus: (i) Calendar, Movable Feasts, Tables of, Days of Obligation and Devotion, Morning Prayers (Prime), Another Form, PAGE I 14 16 20 25 37 51 Acts of Faith, Hope, etc., Devotions for Mass, . Angelus, etc., Grace before and after Meals, Litanies of the Holy Name and of Loreto, Evening Prayers (Compline); Another Form, 53 55 58 60 69 81 Manner of Serving Mass, Blessing of Water and Asperges, Ordinary of the Mass, |