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18. Letter to the Editor of the Quarterly Review. By William Parnell, Esq. M. P. 3d Edit. Dublin, pp. 32. crown 800.

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HIS Work gives us an opportunity of expressing our opinions freely concerning those wicked ones, who sin both by commission and omission, our Brother Pedlars, all the Reviewers who hawk their goods once a quarter. We are not so insensible of their just and high merits, as to wish the excommunication of them, if we had a prelatical privilege so to act; but we think that there is ground sufficient to move for an Injunction in the Literary Court of Chancery. Before, however, we file our Bill, we shall speak honestly and fearlessly; not set down “aught in malice," but say those things which are necessary, however unplea sant. We think that the gentleman, and the man of principle, ought to be conspicuous in the high literary character; and we do not like men of seared consciences, who can coolly oppress rising merit; who (unlike welldinnering and riches-ruminating College Tutors, wise men, proud of talents in their pupils) discourage the growth of science, by acting more like Gamekeepers than Philosophers: and it is to their erroneous conduct in this undignified avocation we more especially allude. They make no distinction between the puppy-pointer, who is in training, and promises well; and the incorrigible old dog, who runs-in perpetually. It must be the whip, and nothing but the whip.

Dependence cannot be noble; and, if it were in our power, we would put the question to the Prodigal Son himself, in the extremity of his distress, whether, as a well-educated man, he would not prefer the busks of the swine to intellectual degradation. We think that, as he was not married and had not a large family (at most only a few bastards, who might be left to shift any how) it is probable that he would have still retained his conscience, and become a sturdy Philosopher. We therefore feel, from respect for the possible GENT. MAG. August, 1820.

power of Literature, sincere velation, when Reviews are couducted almost solely upon Party-principles, because they who ought to be the High Priests of Truth, to whom the publick, desirous of being informed upon points out of their reach, wishes to look up with veneration, are thus made mere ingenious Automata, moving as the springs are touched; grey parrots and green parrots, chattering and squalling dictated sentences. Doctrine is an abstract thing; an entity per se; and if, like lightuing, it be made a mere tool of conductors, it no longer answers the providential intention of purifying the atmosphere by unlimited explosion.


The results of Party-reviewing must, we conceive, be these: That Reviews so conducted inevitably lose their oracular character; that they act upon the immoral principle of deceiving others, to serve private friends; and that they generate oppositions, which terminate in mean contests for custom, like that between Blacking manufacturers, term which, a punster might say, is very applicable to Party-reviewers; and an idea very improveable, by ingenious wags, into various illustrative and characteristic exbibitions. A moral and honourable use of Satire only appertains to particular topicks; and to force a load of hot unsavory hasty-pudding into the mental stomach of an unfortunate Author (whose book contains no political opinions) partakes more of the prac tical jokes of the buffoon, than the benevolent pleasantry of the gentleman. Besides, it is an unjustifiable infringement of the most sacred privileges of private life. It does not criticise, but stigmatises; it establishes military over civil law; it does not try, but execute. “It is uot gentlemanly, for good society ranks Satirists among dangerous men; and it is mischievous, for it compels Authors to become sycophants, or factionists, in order to obtain favourable notice; and the manner in which many of them have already turned their coats has astonished all their acquaintance.

acquaintance. We will not say that they have made them threadbare by such frequent repetitions of the operation, for the figure would not be supported by supposing such a result; but we would rather say that we have seen the tint, ingeniously contrived to display as many shifting variations of colour, as the gorged pidgeon.—The Editors too (highly respectable men of course) are thus drawn in, by private misrepresentation, to permit actions absolutely iniquitous. We could name a learned and eminent Clergyman, who, though he had a large family, and was not rich, sustained injury in private life, because it was represented that he was a powerful Writer against Government; and an excellent work of his was consigned in a great Journal to an unjust Enemy, who doled out a little grudged commendation, as if it had been aromatic vinegar, in such a jesuitical manner, as tended to lower the Writer below the rank which public opinion had already assigned him. In the first instance, this Clergyman was writing at the very time in support of Government; and purposely forfeited employ, because he would not take an opposite course; in the second, the malice originated in a mere boyish flirtation, near thirty years ago, between the Author and a Sister of the Reviewer, where nothing dishonourable or injurious, only much foolishness, passed between the amatory simpletons. These are facts; and they show that Partyreviewing is very much like French Espionage and Gendarmerie on one side, and French Journallery and Clubbists on the other, and French assasination on both sides, instead of manly English fighting it out.-Literary men, like the best Philosophers of Greece, ought to have for their object abstract public good, neither bringing that grand Christian principle, Loyalty, into contempt by adulation, or encouraging mobbism by faction; but take their models, not from Parliamentary orations, but their valuable Committee Reports, without their dry legal sand, picked out and enriched with genius and science, not adulterated, like modern teas, with poisonous copperas. We beg not to be misunderstood. We know who are the chief Writers in the prin cipal Critical Journals; we know that

they are men of high undeniable pretensions, and the publick is much indebted to them for very luminous and masterly exposés of difficult questions; but we also know that they have various literary dislocations of principle, which, though of long standing, we shall, to the best of our surgical knowledge, endeavour to re-set. We conceive their duties, not to be those of Advocates, but Judges; and, if the publick be the Jury, most certainly the temperate impartial decision of the Court ought to form the substance of the Reports, not the mere partial harangues of the Counsel. And what is more, such Reviewing is suicidal as to its influence over any not connected with its party; while, on the contrary, the dispassionate method of treating subjects, used by Adam Smith, Paley, Robertson, Kaimes, and other firstclass men, insure to the Writers renown and authority among persons of all sorts of politicks. In short, nothing is more plain, than that it is not in the power of mere prejudice to convince; that to win, is better than to rail; and that criticism founded entirely upon party-principles is injurious to the Authors, as Authors, and to the weight which Literature might otherwise have in the public estimation. Thus far we have gone concerning the severe literary grievances of

Party-reviewing, in which we Antiquaries," who only cry old cloaths," will not presume to indulge; but leave it to be monopolized by the grim and grisly Rabbies, members of the Oracle clubs, who walk in quarterly, procession, to the unspeakable terror of all his Majesty's scribbling subjects.

Party-reviewing gave birth to the pamphlet before us. Mr. Parnell has (no doubt, upon Party principles) made free with Ministers in the House of Commons; and he has received, in part-payment, a severe Review in the Quarterly. With both persons, the Honourable Member and the Reviewer, candour was out of the question: and we have nothing to do with either upon this head. All we have to say is, that the pamphlet contains many judicious suggestions, and (with only an exception or two of great moment) worthy in our opinion of serious attention; e. g. the following passage concern

ing potatoe-diet, which is original and interesting.

"No great improvement can be expected in the condition of the peasantry of Ireland, till they abandon their potatoe-diet, and make use of bread and meat to their food; for, that food is cheapest to the working classes, not which costs them least, but which enables them to earn most. Few men can stick to laborious task-work on potatoe diet, and hence the common observation in Ireland, when a man works hard is, that he is killing himself. Potatoes are cheaper than meat to a working-man apparently only. They often cost more in Ireland per meal, than meat; but if you add the loss of the woman's time in carrying them twice a day (for he must eat them hot) they are far more expensive. In England the woman has no trouble, but to boil her pot within doors in Ireland this dirty crop is first to be clawed out of the ground by the women's hands; then when pitted, it must be perpetually turned and the shoots rubbed off to prevent spoiling; before it is cooked, the woman must take the potatoes to some stream of water to wash, no very short operation, as any one that has observed it knows; three times a day she has to cook, and often to collect the fuel from the hedges, and twice she must walk, through all weathers, to carry this sorry meal to the man, let him work at ever so great a distance. But the evil does not end here-this unwholesome food produces a whole tribe of stomach complaints, besides the constant attendant on insufficient nourishment, scrophula; and there probably does not exist in any part of Europe, so sickly a peasantry as the Irish. So easily is it to take things for granted, and pronounce, as has always been done, that the potatoe is a very wholesome food for a labouring man."

"But there are frequently what are called, wet years of potatoes,' through the whole country, and always in particular fields and districts, and then this root is in a watery immature state, that is fatal to the health of the poor people, who have to live upon it. The certain consequence is the low typhus or cabin fever, which at all times, and at this present moment, exists in Ireland to a degree, that in any other country would

create a serious alarm."

"The excessive over- population has often been ascribed to the potatoe diet, but in this respect it has no peculiar effect; to breed more frequently and later in life is the natural result of all poor diet, in every description of animal. Any one conversant with stock knows this; but it holds good also, with respect to the human race. Among the upper ranks, or

the well-fed English labourers, families are on an average not numerous, and the female frequently ceases to breed early in life. But among the peasantry in Ireland you scarcely see a family that' reckons less than seven or eight children, that there is scarcely an instance of in Engand the women often breed at an age land. The late Mr. William Tighe told me, that he took an account of the population of a village belonging to him, and found the average of teu persons to each house," p. 23, seq.

It is tritely known, from the formation of the human teeth, that man was intended for a mixed diet, animal and vegetable; and, under the presumption of accuracy in Mr. Parnell's statement, we confess that from the high authority of Adam Smith, we have attributed a virtue to potatoe-diet which it does not possess.

One laughable circumstance we have omitted to notice: Mr. Parnell insinuates, that the Reviewer, who treats upon husbandry topicks, never lived out of the sound of Bow-bells, i. e. would take a shovel for a frying pan; not knowing what else to call it. See 8. p.

19. Notices illustrative of the Drawings and Sketches of some of the most distinguished Masters in all the principal, Schools of Design. By the late Henry Reveley, Esq. 8vo. pp. 278. Longman and Co.

MR. REVELEY has, by the publication of this elegant volume, conferred a singular favour on the admirer of Taste and Genius and on the publick in general.

"To the Right Honourable John Freeman Mitford, Baron Redesdale of Redesdale, in the county of Northumberland,


a tribute of respect to his taste and knowledge in the Fine Arts, and ju pleasing recollection of the uninterrupted friendship that subsisted between his Lordship' and the Editor's father, this Volume is, with sentiments of high regard, inscribed, by his very grateful and affectionate friend and devoted servant, Hugh Reve ley."

In the Preface, Mr. Reveley says,

"At the instance of several friends whose judgment 1 respect, I have been induced to submit the following pages to the publick. My motive for having so long withheld them, arose from the incorrect, as well as incomplete, state in which my father's Work was unfortunately left. The objections on the first ground have


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been, I trust, in some measure removed by the kind assistance of a gentleman, not entirely unknown to the literary, world, who, partly from a passion for the subject, and partly too (I flatter myself) from a friendly feeling towards the Editor, has devoted himself, with much zeal, to the revision of the MS.; those which weigh ed upon my mind from the defective state in which that MS. was found, have yielded to the suggestion, that any original and authentic information on a subject so little touched, could scarcely fail to be For willingly and indulgently received. myself I can only say, that if, in editing. these Notices,' I should fortunately be considered as instrumental in affording either gratification or instruction to the Lovers of the Art, and, at the same time, in worthily commemorating my father's taste in one of his favourite pursuits, my warmest wishes on the occasion will be fully accomplished."

In an Introduction by the Author, it is well observed that,

"Different publications by Mr. Pilkington, Mr. Strutt, the Hon. Horace Walpole, and Mr. Gilpin, may justly be considered as having furnished invaluable aids to admirers and collectors in two of the grand divisions of the Art of Design-those of Painting and Engraving, but I am aware of no general and popular work which professedly treats of the third-the Drawings and Sketches of the great Masters: yet they well merit a distinct consideration. Less costly and magnificent, but more coinmodious and accessible than, Pictures, less various and abundant, but more select and appropriate than Prints, they have specific recommendations in their favour, which can rarely be claimed by either of the two other species of productions."

Mr. Reveley's Notices extend to nearly 300 Artists of eminence; of all of whom, and of their known existing performances, a brief but satisfactory accouut is given; scientifically classed under the several heads of "Masters in History;" "Masters in Portraits, not previously noticed as Historical Artists;""Artists in Animal Life ;""Masters in Landscape, not previously noticed under other heads;" and Masters of SeaPieces." Each class is chronologically arranged; and an alphabetical

iudex connects the whole.

We have very great pleasure in transcribing a few short specimens :

Antonio Caracci, called I Gobbo, was the natural son of Agostino, under whose instructions, assisted by those of

the illustrious Annibale, he rapidly acquired a proficiency, which makes every lover of the art deeply regret the short time he was allowed to exercise it.-His The drawings are particularly scarce. only one I have ever seen, is in the Duke of Devonshire's collection: the subject, is the Baptism of the Eunuch; with many figures: it is of large dimensions; washed and heightened, on yellowish paper; and has unquestionable merit."

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Egbert Hemskerk, the Old, was happy in catching and expressing, with a great air of truth, every humourous incident that fell in his way. His touch is free and spirited, his expression excellent, his colouring transparent, and a fine harmony and effect prevail through most of his paintings.. His drawings, which are scarce in this country. are usually very slight. In Mr. Barnard's collection are two Conversations in red chalk, which are masterly:-and I have a representation of Boors playing at Cards and carousing, which though executed with nothing more than a bit of paper rolled up, dipped in tallow, and burned, has great merit in point of expression, grouping, and spirited handling."

"Carlo Dolci, a Florentine, excelled both in history and portrait painting: but his pictures in general are so elaborately finished, that his caruations, though seductive, exhibit rather the lubricity of polished ivory, than the real softness and suppleness of flesh.-His drawings are The few we meet with, are very scarce. usually Heads of Madonnas; highly finished in red chalk. In Mr. Barnard's collection is a head in this style, which is extremely fine."

"Sir Jumes Thornhill, a native of Dorsersbire, displayed talents for the art, which, had they been cultivated by a study of the great masters of Italy, would have raised him, there is little question, to first-rate eminence in his profession: as it is, and without this advantage, his paintings, particularly those in Greenwich Hospital, the Dome of St. Paul's, and Hampton Court, abound with merit and justly entitle him to high distinction in the English school of design. He has left many drawings. Most of these were studies for his pictures, and are, slightly, penned. The more finished ones, which are scarce, are penned, shaded with Indian-ink or bistre, and heightened. In

this style are some in Greenwich Hospital, framed, which are extremely fine: and

in various collections we meet with others, on historical and allegorical subjects, which furnish striking proofs of his talents as an artist. I have a slight sketeb of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac, which encircle his portraits of King William and


Queen Mary on the ceiling of the Great Hall, at Greenwich Hospital: and some landscapes and views from nature, handled in a more finished manner, but very inferior in excellence to his historical compositions.-A few imitations have been engraved from his finished drawings for the Dome of St. Paul's."

"William Hogarth gained immortal credit to himself, and reflected lustre on the English school of design, by the dexterous application of a happy and original idea that of converting the pencil into a vehicle of moral censure and instruction, by the representation of incidents, humourous or affecting, bearing an immediate relation to real life and manners; and conducted, in several instances, like a regular fable, through different progressive stages, in the very spirit, and with all the effect, of a drama.-The few drawings we meet with by this master, are usually very slight, and executed in a great variety of manners. The detached figures of which they in many instances consist, were evidently sketched from life, aud designed as hints for some future exertion of his pencil.-At Mr. Millington's exhibition of drawings in the Haymarket, in 1784, were three historical pieces by this artist; a Satirical Sketch on the Arts, another on the Theatre, and the London Apprentice: the first, consisted of many figures, with much humourous expression; and, though slight, was most spiritedly handled with a brush and Indian ink the second was executed with black chalk upon blue paper; but what characters the figures were designed to represent, was by no meaus easy to be determined: the third was handled with black lead, and exhibited the Apprentice fastened to a cross."

"Sir Peter Lely, a native of Soest, in Westphalia, was State Painter to Charles Il.; and, from a happy knack of embellishing the charms of his ladies, acquired a degree of practice as a portrait-painter, which no artist in this country had ever before enjoyed.-His drawings generally consist of heads, handled with black and white chalk upon coloured paper. left a capital collection of drawings by the best old masters, in twenty-one portfolios; which, in 1681, sold for upwards of eighteen hundred pounds. Each of these drawings was stamped with his initials P. L."


"Sir Godfrey Kneller, on the death of Sir Peter Lely, being left without a competitor, engrossed all the principal business of the day, and unquestionably surpassed his predecessor in the profusion of his portraits; which have now, however, little to recommend them, but the likenesses they are supposed to transmit.

His drawings are usually beads, handled in Indian ink: but extremely mannered; and with that general resemblance in the airs and casts of countenance, which af fords the most conclusive proof that he must have very imperfectly seized the characteristic lineaments of the originals.”

"George Smith, of Chichester, was the best painter, of the three brothers. His pictures are generally finished with great care, and the subjects, in most instances, well selected from nature; but the greens are too often disagreeably predominant. The few drawings we meet with by this artist, are masterly. The best are in the taste of Rembrandt; freely executed with bistre. I have a small one of this description, which I had of the artist himself, of considerable merit."

There is an excellent account of Thomas Gainsborough; "an article which was left entirely vacant in the original MS. but has been obligingly supplied by the gentleman who undertook the revision of the work;" but we have now only room for the conclusion of it:

"Amongst the most considerable possessors of Gainsborough's drawings, may be noticed, his surviving daughter, Mrs. M. Gainsborough of Acton, Middlesex; George Nassau, esq.; Dr. Monroe; aud the Rev. Dr. Kilderbee of Great Glembam, Suffolk, son of Samuel Kilderbee, esq. of Ipswich, an old friend and companion of the artist. Mr. George Frost, of Ipswich, has also a pleasing collection of valuable specimens, executed in different ways, but principally with black chalk and lead pencil, in the neat style of his earlier manner an inestimable treasure to one, who, in his own admirable sketches from nature, decisively evinces, with what a congenial ardour, and how keen a relish, he has imbibed the genius and spirit of his adopted master. Numerous imitations of Gainsborough's style of handling have been executed by Laporte, Wells, and other artists."

Gainsborough, (it is well observed) "justly merits particular considera. tion, as the most distinguished Artist we can claim, of a character truly and exclusively English."

One of his early productions, a beautiful View of Felixstow Cottage, may be seen in vol. LXXXVI. ii. 105.

20. The Heraldic Origin of Gothic Architecture. In Answer to all foregoing Systems on this Subject. On occasion of the approaching Ceremonial of the Coronation at Westminster Abbey. By Rowley Lascelles, Esq. Barrister of the

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