1 A Went to the ground: And the repeated air : To fave th' Athenian walls from ruin bare. IX. To a virtuous young Lady. Lady that in the prime of earliest youth Wisely hast shunn'd the broad way and the green, That labor up the hill of heav'nly truth, 12. And the repeated air &c] Electra, Oh unhappy queen, 5 No Your absence the forsaken groves This struck them, and gave them Αγαμεμνονθ ω κορς, ηλυθον Ηλεκτρα Ποτι σαν αγροτειραν αυλαν Πανίας επικλαθίωαι, και φανηναι χετλιον εργον,τίω έτως άκλέα και No anger find in thee, but pity' and ruth. Thy care is fix'd, and zealoufly attends To fill thy odorous lamp with deeds of light, And hope that reaps not shame. Therefore be fure Thou, when the bridegroom with his feastful friends Passes to bliss at the mid hour of night, Hast gain'd thy entrance, Virgin wife and pure. Χ. * To the Lady Margaret Ley. Daughter to that good Earl, once Prefident Of England's Council, and her Treafury, Who liv'd in both, unstain'd with gold or fee, τοίκτες ανδράς φερεσαν ανελειν και διεργασασθαι τίω πόλιν. Vol. 1. P. 441. Edit. Paris. 1624. 5. - with Mary and with Ruth] So it is in Milton's Manuscript, and in the edition of 1673. In the first edition of 1645 it was falsly printed - with Mary and the Ruth. 7. And at thy growing virtues] In the Manufcript it was at first, And at thy blooming virtue or profpering. 8. but pity and ruth.] Here Ruth and ruth are made to rime to each other, and it may perhaps offend the niceness of modern ears And that the same word should rime to itself though in different senses: but our old poets were not so very delicate, and the reader may fee parallel instances in Spenser's Faery Queen, B. 1. Cant. 6. St. 39. and B. 7. Cant. 6. St. 38. 13. Paffes to bliss at the mid hour of night,] Instead of this line he had written at first, Opens the door of bliss that hour of night : but he rightly alter'd it, the better to accommodate it to the parable to which he is alluding. See Mat. XXV. * We have given the title which is in Milton's Manufcript, To the Q2 Lady And left them both, more in himself content, Till fad the breaking of that Parlament Kill'd with report that old man eloquent. 6. Lady Margaret Ley. She was the to visit this lady and her husband, daughter of Sir James Ley, whose and about that time we may supfingular learning and abilities raised pose that this sonnet was comhim through all the great posts pos'd. of the the law, till he came to be made Earl of Marlborough, and Lord High Treasurer, and Lord President of the Council to King James I. He died in an advanc'd age, and Milton attributes his death to the breaking of the parlament; and it is true that the parlament was dissolved the 10th of March 1628-9, and he died on the 14th of the same month. He left several fons and daughters; and the Lady Margaret was married to Captain Hobson of the Ile of Wight. It appears from the as that dishonest victory &c] This victory was gain'd by Philip of Macedon over the Athenians and their allies; and the news being brought to Athens, that old man eloquent, Ifocrates, who was near a hundred years old, died within a few days, being determin'd not to survive the liberties of his country. λάτα τον βιον επι Χαιρωνιδα αρχονίθ, ολίγαις ἡμεραις ύςερον της εν Χαιρώνεια μάχης, δύοιν δεοντα βεβιωκως έκατον ετη, γνω ETE accounts of Milton's life, that in μη χρησαμωθ, άμα τοις αγαthe year 1643 he used frequently θοις της πόλεως συζκαταλυσαι τον XI. * On the detraction which followed upon my writing certain treatises. A book was writ of late call'd Tetrachordon, 5 Stand spelling false, while one might walk to MileEnd Green. Why is it harder Sirs than Gordon, Colkitto, ἑαυτε βιον. Dionyfius Halicar- fonnets, which were first printed in naff. de Ifocrate Vol. 2. p. 150.- the edition of 1673, and to which Edit. Hudson. Plutarch says that we have prefixed the title that he he abstain'd from food for four himself has in the Manufcript. days, and so put a period to his life, having liv'd 98, or as some say 100 years. See Plutarch's Lives of the ten Orators. Vol. 2. p. 837. Edit. Paris. 1624. * When Milton publish'd his books of Divorce, he was greatly condemn'd by the Presbyterian clergy, whose advocate and champion he had been before. He publish'd his Tetrachordon or Expositions upon the four chief places in Scripture, which treat of marriage or nullities in marriage, in 1645; and foon after we may suppose he composed these two 1. A book was writ of late &c] In the Manuscript he had written at first, I writ a book of late call'd Tetrachordon, And weav'd in close, both matter, form and stile; It went off well about the town a while, Numb'ring good wits, but now is feldom por'd on. The reader will readily agree, that it was alter'd for the better. 9 Colkitto, or Macdonnel, or Galafp? Greek. XII. On the fame. I did but prompt the age to quit their clogs As 9. Colkitto, or Macdonnel, or Ga- Cambridge, and was highly inftru lafp?] We may suppose that these were perfons of note and eminence amongst the Scotch minifters who were for pressing and enforcing the Covenant. Galafp we know was one of the Scotch minifters and commissioners from the Kirk to the Parlament. See the verses on the forcers of conScience. 10. Those rugged names] He had written at first barbarous, and then rough hewn, and then rugged. 12. Sir John Check] Or Cheke. He was the first Professor of the Greek tongue in the university of mental in bringing that language into repute, and restoring the original pronunciation of it, tho' with great oppofition from the patrons of ignorance and popery, and especially from Gardiner, bishop of Winchester, and chancellor of the university. He was afterwards made one of the tutors to Edward VI. See his life by Strype, or in Biographia Britan nica. 4. Of owls and cuccoos,] In Milton's Manufcript it stands, Of owls and buzzards |