صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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the skin (whether black, brown, yellow, copper color, fair white, or dark white), and to marks upon it, such as tattooing, or scars resulting from wounds. The natural structure of the skin, as seen in the palm of the hand and sole of the foot, where it shows fine alternating ridges and furrows, has led to elaborate methods of recording, classifying, and interpreting the finger-print patterns which may be obtained from the palmar surface of the terminal phalanges of the digits. Lastly, the hair is studied in regard to its color, and the

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Figs. I-IV., Spinal Curves.-I. European (male). II. European (female). III. Hottentot -bushman. IV. Orang. (C, cervical; D, dorsal; L, lumbar; s, sacral vertebræ.) Fig. V., Lumbo-Sieral Angle.-15, fifth lumbar vertebra; 81, first sacral.

Fig. VI., Inclination of the Brim of the Pelvis and its Axis in the Erect Posture.-a b, horizontal line; cd, line of inclination of the brim of the true pelvis; ef, axis of inferior outlet: g. diameter of inferior outlet.

Fig. VII., Male Pelvis (European).

Fig. VIII., Female Pelvis (European).-ab, antero-posterior or conjugate diameter; cd, transverse or widest diameter; ef, gh, oblique diameter.

[blocks in formation]

establishing the identity of individuals by careful tabulation and classification of the data obtained by measurements. For this purpose actual measurements, and not indices, are employed-e.g. standing height; sitting height; span of arms; length and breadth of ear, of nose; length of fore arm and hand, of foot, of fingers, etc. The color of the eyes-i.e. of the iris-and the nature and direction of the opening between the eyelids are also observed and noted. Similar attention is paid to the color of

Specimens of Finger Prints

shape which it presents on section. Among Europeans and American Indians it is circular, in transverse section; among aboriginal Australians, ovoid; among Hottentots, laterally compressed; among Papuans, kidney-shaped. Huxley classified mankind' as leiotrichi (smooth-haired) and ulotrichi (crisp or woolly haired). See the art. MAN; and Turner, in Challenger Reports, and papers in Jour. of Anat. and Phys., Tylor's Anthropology (1881); Deniker's The Races of Men (1900); Galton's Finger Prints (1893); Bertillon's Identification Anthropométrique (2nd ed. 1893); Henry's Classification and Uses of Finger-Prints (1900); Hepburn, papers in Jour. of Anat.; and Proc. Ed. Roy. Soc. Anthropomorphism (Gr. 'in the form of man'), usually defined as the ascription to the Deity of qualities which properly belong to human beings, really denotes a more generic tendency to represent all things under conceptions derived from man's personal experience. Thus, the child instinctively attributes feelings like its own to inanimate objects, and it is never possible entirely to banish this element from our thought. Many of our most important conceptions are, in varying degrees, transcripts of the nature of the self, and therefore anthropomorphic. The anthropomorphism which science


and philosophy have to avoid
arises from the mind's imposing
its own nature upon things, not
in the way which is essential to
cognition, but in ways that are
arbitrary and unintelligent: But
anthropomorphism is most prom-
inently exemplified in religious
thought. It is impossible for the
religious mind to formulate the
relations between God and man
save by attributing to Him a na-
ture akin to its own. Still, there
have been sects in the Christian
Church whose doctrine of God has
assumed forms so anthropomor-
phic as to threaten the purity of
the faith. It is impossible to for-
get that the attraction of Chris-
tianity for man, and its power
over his heart, is largely due to
its setting forth the Divine so
livingly in terms of the human.
And those who put forward vari-
ous reasons for denying altogether
the legitimacy of such forms of
thought have to answer the ques-
tion whether science is not as an-
thropomorphic in construing the
universe logically and rationally
as religion is in construing it
morally and spiritually. In both
cases it is a reasonable position
that anthropomorphism is forced
on us by fidelity to the facts.



Anthurium, a large genus of tropical American plants, belonging to the arum order. Certain species are cultivated in hothouses for their red, flaring spathes.

Antibes (anc. Antipolis), fort.tn. and health resort of France, 12 m. s.w. of Nice in the French Riviera. The harbor is deep and easy of access. Oranges and olives are cultivated, and there are several tobacco factories. Fop. (1901) 10,947.

Anti-Burghers, Scottish secessionists who, in 1747, condemned the 'burgess oath,' and adopted the name General Associate Synod. See PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.

Antichlor, a name given by bleachers and papermakers to any substance used to neutralize small quantities of free chlorine which the cloth or paper retains. If not removed, the chlorine would act injuriously on the fabric, destroy the dyes, and damage the machinery. In paper it would bleach the inks used in printing or writing, and in time destroy the fibres. Hyposulphite of soda and sulphite of soda are the princiThe presence of pal antichlors. free chlorine is indicated by a very simple test. A quantity of any ordinary starch is boiled in water, and a few crystals of potassium iodide added. When the solution is cold, a few drops of it on the fabric or paper pulp containing chlorine is at once turned blue. The antichior is then added to the


bulk of the pulp until the test
produces no blue color.

Antichrist. In the New Tes-
tament the word occurs only in
the Epistles of John (1 John
2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John ver. 7).
It may mean either a false claim-
ant to the Messiahship or an
antagonist to the true Messiah.
Of the former aspect of the per-
sonage or personages denoted by
the name, we have illustrations
in the discourses of Jesus-'false
prophets,' 'false Christs' (Matt.
7:15; 24:11, 24; Mark 13:22;
Luke 21:8); while the Johannine
passages noted above furnish ex-
amples of the latter. In 2 Thess.
2:2-12 Paul amalgamates the two
in the figure of the 'man of sin,'
the lawless one, who, meanwhile
mysteriously held in check, will
be at length fully revealed as the
blasphemer and adversary of God;
only, however, to be finally over-
thrown at Christ's second coming.
Next we have the antagonistic
powers of the Book of Revelation:
the beast that rises from the abyss
and wars successfully against the
two witnesses, ch. 11; the dragon
of ch. 12; and the two beasts of ch.
13, one of which blasphemes God,
while the other bears the character
of a false prophet, and deceives
men by his miracles. It is not easy
to frame from these data a con-
sistent figure of antichrist. In the
view of the early eschatologists,
the antichrist is a definite person-
ality, a Jewish pretender to the
Messiahship who is to appear to-
wards the end of the world, rebuild
Jerusalem and establish himself
there, and, performing great signs
and wonders, gain the allegiance
of the world. The two witnesses
who withstand him are Enoch and
Elijah, who convert some from
their delusion; but at length, the
true Messiah having come to the
rescue of the faithful, the forces
shattered and
of antichrist are

himself slain. With this as our
starting-point, we may endeavor
(1) to find a fulfilment of the
prophecy regarding antichrist.
The Westminster Confession of
Faith, for instance, and indeed
most of the reformers, identify
him with the Pope;
again, regard Mohammed as anti-
christ. But whatever points of
resemblance may exist between
the mysterious personality of
Scripture and these or other in-
dividuals, the whole method of
interpretation is preposterous and
unwarranted. (2) It is a more
promising mode of inquiry to seek
to trace the elements of the figure
of antichrist which may have been
suggested by the adverse expe-
riences of the early Christian
Church. Paul's teaching regard-
ing the 'man of sin' was doubtless
influenced by the bitter opposition
which his preaching evoked
among the Jews; while it was


natural enough that the cruelties
wreaked upon the Christians by
the persecuting emperors Caligula
and Nero should seem to exalt
these men to the unholy eminence
of being incarnations of the un-
seen powers that defy God. (3)
Finally, we may not unprofitably
seek for some ancient tradition
which, with gradual transforma-
tions and accretions, at length de-
veloped to the idea of the potent
adversary of all that was divine-
an earthly representative of Satan,
as Christ was of God. Now, as
a matter of fact, we find in Jewish
tradition the sinister figure of
such an adversary, traceable, as
some think, even to the Tiamat
of Babylonian mythology, and
embracing such opponents
the divine purposes as Gog (Ezek.
38 f.; cf. Rev. 20:8), the beasts of
Dan. 7, Belial or Beliar (2 Cor.
6:15), and Satan himself. Here
we seem to find the key to the
problem of antichrist. See Al-
ford's 2 Thess. for a very ex-
haustive list of identifications;
also Bousset's Der Antichrist
(Eng. trans. 1896).


Anticlimax, a rhetorical figure in which the expressions, after rising in intensity, suddenly fall to a lower level-e.g. For the cause of liberty we would sacrifice everything, including even our wife's relatives' (Artemus Ward).

Anticline. Through a flexure of the earth's crust the rocks, which normally lie horizontal with the older rocks below, may be elevated into an upward fold or arch known as an anticline.

Anticline, denuded (diagrammatic section).

The limbs or wings are the curved
parts which slope away from the
medial or axial line and with it
they may be inclined at very
different angles. By denudation
the top of the anticline is worn
away and the lower and older
beds are brought to view. From
the centre of the denuded por-
tion, in going to the outer edge
of each limb, one passes in regu
lar order from the older to the
Anticlines may be
newer strata.

so small as to be observed in a
hand specimen, or of such pro-
portions as to form mountains.
It is not unusual in many moun-
tain chains to find anticlines run-
ning side by side in nearly
as is well
parallel directions
illustrated in the Appalachian
sections of the United States.

Anti-Corn Law League

Anti-Corn Law League, formed in 1838-9, with headquarters at Manchester, to effect the repeal of the corn laws in Britain, was led by Cobden, Bright, Villiers, Joseph Hume, and Roebuck. Its objects having been achieved in the royal assent given to the repeal (1846-9) of the corn laws, the league was dissolved by its promoters. See CORN LAWS.

Anticosti, a cigar-shaped island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, which it divides into two channels, is about 140 m. long, with an average breadth of 27 m. The fisheries are good, but not much frequented, and there are few settlers. In 1886 it was purchased as a game preserve by M. Menier of Paris. During the last few years he has brought in settlers and done much to develop the agricultural and mining resources. Owing to the channel currents, navigation near the coasts is dangerous and shipwrecks are numerous. The government maintains here four lighthouses which also serve as relief stations.

Anticyclone, an area of high barometric pressure surrounded by nearly circular isobars. The barometer is highest in the centre, and gradually falls as it proceeds outwards. The air in the centre is calm, cold in winter and warm in summer; while the winds blow spirally outwards round the centre, in the direction of the hands of a watch in the northern, and in the opposite way in the southern hemisphere. Radiation is a marked feature of anticyclonic weather, the sky being usually blue, the air dry, and cold in the shade but hot in the sun, and hazy, with heavy dew or hoar frost at night.

Anticyra, or ANTICIRRHA, the name of two towns of ancient Greece-one in Phocis, on a bay of the Gulf of Corinth; the other in Thessaly, on the Spercheus R., near the sea. Both were famous for the production of hellebore, the specific remedy in antiquity for madness.

Antidiphtheritic Serum. See


Antidote, any substance which prevents or counteracts the effects of poison. Some antidotes form with the poison insoluble or harmless compounds-e.g. chalk forms with oxalic acid an insoluble, and therefore innocuous, oxalate of lime. Vegetable poisons cannot thus be counteracted. If an alkaloid has been taken, we must rely on the stomach pump or tube, on emetics, and on the administration of the physiological antagonist of the poison-e.g. chloral hydrate in strychnine poisoning. Atropine is an antidote to morphine, physostigmine to atropine. See POISONS.

Antietam Creek, a stream


rising in Alleghany Mts., Pennsylvania, and flowing s. into the Potomac R. near Sharpsburg, Md.


On Sept. 16 and 17, 1862, one of the most hotly contested battles of the Civil War was fought immediately west of Antietam Creek, about Sharpsburg, between the Federal Army of the Potomac, numbering about 87,000, under Gen. G. B. McClellan, and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, numbering about 55,000, under Gen. Robert E. Lee. The Union loss in killed, wounded, and missing was about 12,400; that of the Confederates about 11,100, the combined losses of the two armies on Sept. 17, during which most of the fighting occurred, making it, according to Longstreet, the bloodiest single day of fighting of the war.' awaited a renewal of the fighting on the 18th, but McClellan remained inactive, and on the 19th Lee withdrew across the Potomac into Virginia, thus abandoning his Maryland campaign. For this reason the battle has been called a strategical victory for the Federals; tactically, however, neither side can be said to have been victorious, though military critics agree that Lee's generalship far excelled that of McClellan. In the North the battle was regarded at the time as being both strategically and tactically a Federal victory, and it led President Lincoln, who had been awaiting a Federal victory for the purpose, to issue his preliminary emancipation proclamation of Sept. 22, 1862.

Antifebrin, the trade name for acetanilide or phenyl-acetamide, C&H NHCOCH, prepared by boiling aniline with glacial acetic acid. It is a colorless crystalline solid, slightly soluble in water, and with a pungent taste. Used in medicine as an antipyretic and analgesic, in place of quinine, though it should not be taken except under medical advice.


Anti-Federalists, in American political history, a name first applied to those who in the various States opposed the ratification of the Federal Constitution of 1787, which, they thought, provided for a too highly centralized form of government; and afterwards applied to those, who, in the early years of the national government, insisted on strict rather than a liberal construction of the Constitution and, in particular, vigorously opposed the centralizing measures of Alexander Hamilton, the leader of the Federalists. The two groups were not identical-for instance, Jefferson approved the ratification of the Constitution, but was preeminently a strict constructionist -but in general they were made up of the same class of men, and never really organized into a


party. They furnished most of the leaders and formed the basis of the later Democratic-Republican Party, which came into existence about 1792. Loosely the members of this latter party are also often spoken of as AntíFederalists.

Anti-fouling Compositions, substances for application to the under-water parts of ships to prevent the adherence of seaweeds, barnacles, etc. They act on the principle of providing a coating that will either give way when the plant or animal attains any considerable size, or that contains an ingredient inimical to life. With wooden ships, sheathing of copper, or some alloy of copper, is quite effective, acting chiefly, but not wholly, on the second principle; but with the introduction of iron ships, the destructive galvanic action between the two metals rendered such a protection impossible without the interposition of a costly wooden sheathing. Slow-moving iron sailing-ships can be treated with a greasy composition of the first class; but as this would be washed off steamships, a coating of the poisonous variety only can be applied. Many such paints, of various degrees of efficiency, have been patented, the most effective being those which contain insoluble mercury compounds, such as the cyanide or oxide, which are slowly given off from the vehicle enclosing them.

Antigo, city, co, seat of Lang lade co., Wisconsin, on the Chi. and Northwestern R. R., 205 m. N.W. of Milwaukee. It is the centre of a rich agricultural region, and its industries include breweries, foundries, machine shops, railroad shops, manufactures of wood and iron, etc. Pop. (1900), 5,145; (1910) 7,196.

Antigone, daughter of Edipus by his mother Jocasta. Antigone is represented as a maiden of noble and unselfish character. Her devotion to her father led her to accompany him when exiled from Thebes, and her affection for her brother Polynices gave her courage to defy the prohibition of Creon, then ruler of Thebes, which forbade the honoring of Polynices's corpse with the rites of burial. For the latter offence she was buried alive. It is particularly in Sophocles's play, called by her name, that her character is developed; but she appears also in his Edipus Coloneus in the Seven against Thebes of Eschylus, and in the Phænissa of Euripides, who wrote an Antigone himself, of which only a few fragments remain. The Latin poet Statius treated the subject in his Thebaid, and the Italian dramatist Alfieri also composed an Antigone. SEE SOPHOCLES.


Antigonish, seaport of Nova Scotia, cap. of Antigonish co., on the Intercolonial R. It contains St. Ninian Cathedral, a Catholic seminary, and the college of Saint Francis Xavier. Pop. (1901) 1,526.

Antigonus. (1.) One of the generals (381-301 B.C.) of Alexander the Great of Macedonia. After the latter's death he became ruler of Greater Phrygia, Lycia, and Pamphylia. Aspiring to the sovereignty of Asia, he defeated and killed Eumenes (316 B.C.), and for several years waged war with Seleucus. Ptolemy, Cassander, and Lysimachus. After defeating Ptolemy's fleet (306), he took the title of king. Finally, he was defeated by Lysimachus at Ipsus, in Phrygia (301), and fell in the battle (2.) Surnamed GoNATAS, son of Demetrius Poliorcetes, and grandson of (1); assumed the title of King of Macedonia in 283 B.C. Pyrrhus of Epirus drove him out of his kingdom in 273, but he regained it the next year. He died in 239. (3.) Surnamed DosoN ('about to give'), as he was lavish in promises, but slow to perform; son of Demetrius of Cyrene, and grandson of Demetrius Poliorcetes. On the death of Demetrius II. of Macedonia he married his widow, and became king. He defeated Cleomenes of Sparta at Sellasia, and took Sparta (221). He died

in 220.

Antigua. (1.) British isl. (108 sq. m.), one of the Leeward group, W. Indies; presidency and seat of government; Barbuda and Redonda are dependencies. Cap. St. John; pop. (1901) 9,262. The island exports sugar, pine-apples, etc. Pop. (1901) 34,971. (2.) Town, Guatemala, Central America, between the volcanoes Fuego and Aqua. Pop. 14,000.

Antilegomena (Gr. 'things spoken against'), a term applied by Eusebius to 2 Peter, James, Jude, Hebrews, 2 and 3 John, and Revelation, which were not at first admitted into the canon; called by the Roman Catholics Deuterocanonical.

Anti-Libanus. See LEBANON. Antilles. See WEST INDIES. Antilochus, one of the heroes of the Trojan War, son of Nestor and friend of Achilles, renowned for beauty and bravery; fell in battle while trying to save the life of his father, but was revenged by Achilles. The ashes of the three friends, Antilochus, Achilles, and Patroclus, were placed in the same grave near the Hellespont.


Antimachus, THE COLOPHONIAN, a Greek poet who flourished during the latter period of the Peloponnesian war. works, of which the chief were Thebais, an epic, and Lyde, an elegy, exist now only in frag


ments. Quintilian placed him first after Homer. The fragments have been collected by Schellenberg (1786), and Stoll (1845); the Thebais is found in Düntzer's Die Fragmente der Epischen Pocsie der Griechen (1840-2), and Bergk's Poeta Lyrici Græci (1843).


Anti-Masonic Party, lived political organization in the U. S., based, in its origin, on opposition to the Free Masons, but soon becoming essentially an antiJackson party. The occasion for its being organized was the sudden and mysterious disappearance (1826) of William Morgan, of Batavia, N. Y., a Mason, who had threatened to divulge the secrets of his order. The Masons were at once charged with foul play, though the charge was never conclusively proved; the affair attracted the attention of the whole country; and in Western New York the community soon worked itself into a high pitch of excitement. A belief became current that legislatures, juries and judges, and the newspapers throughout the United States were under the influence of the Masonic Order, and that Masonry was a menace to the country and was incompatible with good citizenship and the teachings of Christianity. Within a year a distinct Anti-Masonic Party was organized (1827) in New York, and the movement quickly spread to other States, though New York and Pennsylvania were always its great strongholds. The Anti-Masons were from the beginning, and for a variety of reasons, anti-Jacksonians: for instance Jackson openly supported Masonry, while John Quincy Adams, his opponent, opposed it and shrewd politicians, opposed on other grounds to the Jacksonian or Democratic Party in New York and elsewhere, were quick to see their opportunity and take full advantage of it by combining, under the banner of Anti-Masonry, many of the elements of opposition to the Democratic regime. The party quickly became powerful, under the leadership in New York, of such men as Thurlow Weed, W. H. Seward, Francis Granger, Myron Holley, William H. Maynard and Albert Tracy, and in Pennsylvania of Thaddeus Stevens and Joseph Ritner (who was elected governor in 1835); it elected many state officers and state legislators and a number of Congressmen, and even entered national politics, though its candidates for the presidency and the vice-presidency in 1832 (William Wirt, himself a Mason, and Amos Ellmaker respectively) received only seven electoral votes-those of Vermont. The national nom

Anti-Monopoly Party

inating convention of the party at Baltimore in 1831 is often mistakenly said to have been the first in the history of the U. S.the Federalists had held in secret what was essentially a national nominating convention in New York in 1812-but the Anti-Masonic convention was at all events the first substantially of the modern kind. The latest and only thorough student of Anti-Masonry (McCarthy) expresses the opinion that the Anti-Masonic Party owed much of its strength to the conditions of the times, and was not wholly a product of the abduction of Morgan'; 'that pure Anti-Masonry had a slight and ephemeral existence politically; that Anti-Masonry as it appeared in the election of 1832 was a complex of political and social discontent guided by skilled leaders'; and that 'the party in the political history of America has its chief importance in that it furnished the first solid basis for the Whig movement of the future.' See McCarthy's monograph 'The Anti-Masonic Party' in the Annual Report of the American Historical Society for 1902 (1903); Hammond, History of Political Parties in the State of New York (2 v. 1842); and The Autobiography of Thurlow Weed (1883).

Anti-Monopoly Party, a shortlived political organization in the U. S. which held only one national convention (May 1884) and almost immediately fused with the Greenback Labor Party or National Party. The platform adopted declared 'that it is the duty of the government to immediately exercise its constitutional prerogative to regulate commerce among the states', and that bureaus of labor statistics, state and national, should be organized; and demanded that arbitration take the place of brute force in the settlement of disputes between employer and employed'; that 'the national eight hour law be honestly enforced'; that 'the importation of foreign labor under contract be made illegal'; that an interstate commerce bill be passed; that U. S. senators be elected by direct vote; that a graduated income tax be passed; and that a reform be instituted in the granting of public lands. Though the candidates of the Anti-Monopoly Party and the Greenback Labor Party (Benj. F. Butler of Mass. for president and Gen. A. W. West of Miss. for vice president) received no electoral votes and a popular vote of only 175,370, several of the demands mentioned above were subsequently met by legislation. The platform of the Anti-Monopoly Party may be found in Stanwood's History of the Presidency (1898).


Antimony, Sb, at. wgt. 120.2, rarely occurs native, but chiefly as stibnite, antimony sulphide, Sb2S3. It is, however, not profitable to smelt ore which contains less than half its weight of the metal. The operation is carried out in a furnace which contains plumbago crucibles in which the ground ore, mixed with one-tenth of its weight of salt, is placed in the crucibles, and scrap iron added. In this way sulphide of iron and metallic antimony are obtained. The contents of the crucibles are poured into moulds and allowed to cool, the antimony readily separating from the iron sulphide. This metal contains 90 to 95 per cent. of antimony, and is twice remelted to obtain the purer 'star antimony.' The purity of the metal is judged by a characteristic fern leaf or star pattern on its surface. The production of antimony in the United States in 1903 570 tons valued at $103,341. Germany, France, Italy and Japan also produce the metal. Antimony is a bluishwhite, brittle crystalline metal, and possibly also exists in an allotropic form which is amorphous and explosive. Sp. gr. 6.7. It is not acted on by air at the ordinary temperature, but when heated it burns brilliantly, forming the oxide. It melts at 450° C. It is a poor conductor of heat and electricity, is oxidized by strong nitric acid, but is not acted on by dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acids. Antimony expands on solidifying, and imparts this property to its alloys, such as type-metal; hence its value in making fine and sharp castings. Other important alloys are Britannia metal and antifriction metal.


The principal compounds of antimony are the sulphides, chloride, and tartar emetic. The black sulphide, Sb2S3, as found native or prepared by fusion, is a shining crystalline solid, used in the preparation of matches and percussion caps, and in pyrotechny. The orange sulphide, which is prepared by precipitation of a salt of antimony by hydrogen sulphide, is of the same composition; while kermes mineral also contains oxide and alkali. The

golden sulphide is the pentasulphide; while antimony cinnabar, used as a paint, is an oxysulphide. Antimony trichloride, or 'butter of antimony,' is a caustic deliquescent solid, used for 'browning' gun-barrels; and


emetic is a tartrate of potassium and antimony prepared by heating cream of tartar with antimonious oxide. Tartar emetic is, like other antimony compounds, used in medicine, and is a cardiac depressant, a powerful emetic, and deadly irritant poison. Tartar emetic is also used as a mordant in dyeing.


Antinomianism, the constantly recurring tendency among Christian mystics to realize so fully the higher possibilities of spiritual experience, that they lose hold of the sane and necessary conventions of social morality.

Antinomy, a Kantian term to denote an apparent conflict of reason with itself; e.g. it may be argued with apparently equal truth both that the universe is infinitely extended in space and that it has spatial limits."

Antinori, MARCHESE ORAZIO (1811-82), Italian traveller and scientist, who explored the region of the Upper Nile in 1860-1; the north of Abyssinia in 1868; and in 1876 Shoa, where he died.'"

Antinous, page and favorite of the Emperor Hadrian, who was greatly attracted by his wonderful but melancholy beauty, and made him his constant companion. When Antinous was drowned in the Nile (120 A.D.), the emperor perpetuated his memory by numerous statues and bas-reliefs and caused him to be deified.

Antioch. (1.) Town of Syria, on the Orontes R., first the Syrian and afterwards the Roman capital; a great city of Bible times, ranking in importance next after Rome and Alexandria. Built by Seleucus Nicator about 300 B.C., and named by him after his father, it became notorious for its wealth and luxury, and for the turbu lence of its inhabitants. There the name 'Christian' was first used (Acts 11:26). It was the centre whence missionaries were sent to the Gentiles. (See Acts 13:1; 15:22-25; Gal. 2:11, 12.) Chosroes, king of Persia, destroyed it in 538; but it was rebuilt by Justinian, and called by him Theupolis. After a gradual decline it was almost destroyed by an earthquake in 1872, but has since recovered, and has now a population of 28,000 (Mohammedans, Greeks, and Armenians). There are warm springs in the vicinity, and the town has a trade in silk and other local products. (2.) Town in Galatia, visited by Paul and Barnabas and called 'Antioch in Pisidia,' Acts 13:14. See Schürer, Hist. of the Jewish People; Ramsay, Historical Geography of Asia Minor (1890), The Church in the Roman Empire (1893), and Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia (1895-7); Förster, Antiochia (1897).

Antioch College, an educational, non-sectarian institution, founded in 1852, at Yellow Springs, Ohio. It has a library of 7,000 volumes, and a considerable maintenance fund.

Antiochus, the name borne by most of the kings of Syria belonging to the family of Seleucus, who founded the dynasty; hence


called that of the Seleucidæ. Two of the name demand particular attention. (1.) ANTIOCHUS III., THE GREAT (reigned 223-187 B.C.), in the early part of his reign, carried on unsuccessful war, first with Egypt, then with Parthia and Bactria. In 198 he conquered Palestine and Cole-Syria, and afterwards became involved in war with the Romans. Hannibal, after his defeat at Zama, took refuge at his court, and urged him to invade Italy; but he did not take the advice. In 192 he crossed into Greece, and the next year was defeated by the Romans at Thermopyle, and forced to return into Asia. In 190 he was again defeated near Magnesia, in Asia Minor, and obtained peace in 188 on condition of ceding all his possessions east of Mt. Taurus and paying a heavy indemnity. In trying to extract money for this purpose from a rich temple in Elymais, he was murdered by the people of the place in 187. (2.) ÂNTIOCHUS IV., EPIPHANES, Son of Antiochus the Great, succeeded his brother, Seleucus Philopator, in 175 B.C., and reigned till 164. From 171-168 B.C. he waged war with success against Egypt. He is notorious for his oppres sion of the Jews and their religion. In 170, and again in 168, he took Jerusalem, and endeavored to suppress the Jewish religion, probably introducing instead the worship of himself. But the Jews revolted, under Mattathias and his sons the Maccabees, and defeated Lysias, the general of Antiochus. (See MACCABEES.) He soon afterward died in madness, which both Jews and Greeks attributed to his sacrilege, and he was nicknamed Epimanes, maniac,' instead of Epiphanes. For both the above, see the Books of the Maccabees in the Apocrypha, and Bevan's House of Seleucus (1902).

Antioquía, a dep. of Colombia, occupied by branches of the Central Cordillera and of the Cordillera of Citara. The soil is poor. Gold is abundant in the Porce valley; and platinum, iron, galena, cinnabar, coal, and rock salt are found at other places. The N. part is almost exclusively a mining region. Medellín, the capital, is the centre of a mining and commercial district, Besides minerals, leather, coffee, india-rubber, and Panama hats are exported. Area, 22,316 sq. m. Pop. 500,000. The tn. of Antioquía, on the Cauca, is the seat of a bishop, and has a fine cathedral. Alt. 1,880 it. Pop. about 10,000.

Antiparallel. If, in a triangle ABC, a line is drawn cutting AB in F, and AC in E, so that the angle AEF is equal to the angle ABC, FE is said to be antiparallel to BC with respect to the angle A.

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