Or this. PSALM 121. I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; he who keepeth thee will not sleep. Behold, he who keepeth his people shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord himself is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, neither the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; it is even he who shall keep thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth for evermore. Min. The Lord be with you. Ans. And with thy spirit. Min. Let us pray. O Lord, show thy mercy upon us; Ans. And grant us thy salvation. O THOU great Author of our being, who knowest all our wants, and who alone art able to supply them; who perceivest all the dangers and evils to which we are exposed, and who alone canst defend us; whither shall we go but unto thee! We pray thee to compassionate our weakness, to guard us in peril, to direct us in doubt, and to save us from falling into sin. In every exposure may thy shield be over us. From the evil that is around and within us, graciously deliver us. Make the path of duty plain before us, and keep us in it even unto the end. Heavenly Father, we beseech thee to watch over us this night, and preserve us from all harm. In the night of affliction and trouble may we look up unto thee, and be comforted with the assurance that thou wilt hereafter wipe away all tears from our eyes. And when we come to the dark valley of the shadow of death, be thou our guide and comforter, and bring us to the regions of endless day. O God, we commit ourselves entirely to thy disposal; and whether we enjoy, or suffer, or live, or die, may we be mercifully accepted as thy children, and disciples of thy Son Jesus Christ. Amen. INTERCESSIONS. O THOU who art our Creator, Preserver, Governor and Judge, we beseech thee to regard with thy favour all thy creatures, and to show thy mercy on all orders and conditions of men. Bless, we pray thee, all our rulers; all those whose duty it is to administer justice; all who are in places of authority and trust. May our land be ever favoured of the Most High God; the abode of freedom, religion, virtue, truth, and peace. Let thy mercy descend upon thy whole it church; purify it by thy spirit, and preserve against all temptations and enemies; that offering to thee the never ceasing sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving, it may advance thy honour, and be filled with thy grace, and partake of thy glory. Bless all its ministers, and clothe them with righteousness. Bless the means of education, and the instructers of youth. Enlighten the ignorant; convert the unbelieving; relieve and comfort all the persecuted and afflicted; speak peace to troubled consciences; strengthen the weak; confirm the strong; deliver the oppressed from him who spoileth him, and succour the needy who hath no helper. Redeem man, O God, from slavery, superstition, and crime; send light, liberty, and peace, over the whole earth; and let the sun of righteousness arise upon all nations, with healing in his beams. Hear our supplications, which we humbly address to thee in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour, who ever liveth to make intercession for us, and through whom we render unto thee all honour and glory for grant, O Lord, that thy ever. Amen. If any desire the Prayers of the Congregation, the Notes are to beread here by the Minister, followed by the appropriate Prayers or Thanksgivings; and then the Minister is to continue the Service as followeth. GENERAL THANKSGIVING. O LORD, merciful and gracious, we, thy dependent offspring, would now humbly and sincerely thank thee, because thou hast given us life, and by thy bountiful providence hast always nourished, directed, and governed us. For our reason, education, and religion; for all the gifts of nature, and of grace; for our Saviour, Christ; for our redemption, and instruction in the truth; for thy repeated calls to us; for all the patience which has waited for us, and all the mercy which has spared us; for all the enjoyments of this present life, and for all thy promises, and all our hopes of a better life to come, we bless and magnify thy holy name. And mercies may be followed by our obedience; and that we may so walk in the light of thy favour, and in the paths of thy commandments, that living here to thy praise, we may at last be received to thyself, to rejoice for ever in thy presence; which we ask in the name, and as disciples of him who died that we might live, through whom to thee be ascribed all thanksgiving and praise, both now and for ever. Amen. CONCLUDING PRAYER. ETERNAL and all seeing God, we thy creatures sink into nothing before thy supreme majesty; we feel our weakness; we acknowledge our folly; we repeatedly bewail our sins; thee only we adore with awful veneration; thee we thank with fervent zeal; to thy power we humbly submit; of thy goodness we devoutly implore protection; on thy wisdom we firmly and cheerfully rely. Whenever we address thee, O Father, if our prayers are unwise, wilt thou pity us; if they are presumptuous, wilt thou pardon us; if acceptable to thee, grant them, all powerful God; and as we now express our submission to thy decrees, adore thy providence, and bless thy dispensations, so, in that future state, to which we reverently hope thy goodness will raise us, may we continue praising, venerating, worshipping thee, more and more, through worlds without number, and ages without end. Amen. THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen. END OF THE SECOND FORM OF EVENING PRAYER. OCCASIONAL PRAYERS AND THANKSGIVINGS. Though the Prayers and Thanksgivings which follow, are intended for a variety of Occasions, yet the Minister is at liberty to introduce such Petitions of his own, as he may more perfectly adapt to the circumstances of the time, and of his Congregation. PRAYERS. FOR A SICK PERSON. OGOD, who hast taught us at all times and in every condition to make our requests known unto thee; we offer up our humble supplications in behalf of thy servant, who is labouring under pain and sickness. Look down upon him with mercy, and let the consideration of thy goodness strengthen and comfort his soul in the time of affliction. We pray, with submission to thy wise providence, that thou wouldst be pleased to remove his disorder and restore him to health. Graciously prolong his days upon earth; and grant that his affliction may produce the fruit of righteousness to the honour of thy name. By the sadness of his countenance may his heart be made better; and may he live to manifest his thankfulness to thee his great preserver. [*But if this affliction should be unto death, may thy servant be prepared to give himself up into thy hands with christian pa *This is to be said when there is small hope of recovery. |