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النشر الإلكتروني

compromised by a careless currency of language permitted or tacitly sanctioned by members of the Church, and often perverted by adversaries to their own advantage.

To inform our readers of the plan of this book will be sufficient to convince them that it deserves serious notice, and that a perusal of it will be attended with pleasure and profit. A few of the leading words, by which the Church witnesses to divine and saving truth, are selected and explained in an introductory essay. By this the Christian may perceive how closely one truth is connected with another in the great scheme of salvation as propounded in the Bible, and enunciated through the Church. The words are given, and the principles involved in them clearly explained. To say that this is well done is no small praise, considering how difficult it is to condense, correct, and arrange the information which is to be gathered, ‘here a little, and there a little,' from many voluminous works. But, besides valuable tables exhibiting a bird's-eye view of the whole subject, there is another part of great value to the Bible Christian, upon which the learned Authoress has bestowed much pains and labour. This is a selection and arrangement of the various passages of the divine word bearing on the subject. Here the relation of the Old and New Testaments, of type and anti-type, of prophecy and fulfilment, is faithfully delineated. After studying this part of the work with care, we feel that no one who has not already pursued the same line of research can rise up from a perusal of it, without having his knowledge increased, and his faith confirmed. Within the borders of the Catholic fold are to be found a Sacrifice, an Altar, and a Priest. Therein, too, we have one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all. To be separated from this one fold by our own act, is to incur the guilt of Schism; while to withhold or invade sacred things, entails upon us the sin of Sacrilege. These truths, deducible from the records of saving knowledge, are amply confirmed by the testimony of the primitive witnesses to the truth and divine origin of Christianity, which in the language of the Church is denominated Tradition. For though individually they may and do err, they could not give one united testimony to the doctrines and institutions of the apostles, if there had not been ample foundation for their evidence.

We do not wish here to enter on any of the subjects discussed in this work, but gladly recommend it to the attentive perusal of every one who wishes to be able to give a reason of the hope that is in him.' We had however, marked several passages for quotation; but being so much pleased with the whole as to find a selection for preference difficult, we take the following at random, as indicating the Author's style and manner:—

'Water and blood, which were manifestly poured forth upon the cross, are the visible signs of the new covenant; not in an abstract and ideal appropriation of the merits of the Sacrifice, but by an intimate and real application of its healing influences to the soul. By the Water we are washed and purified; by the Blood we are sealed and sanctified. The one is our birth and newness of life; the other our growth unto spiritual manhood. "God hath chosen the weak things of the earth to confound the things that are mighty." Ask not, then, how, or why this should be, but in the simplicity of a new faith, "wash and be clean "--"eat" and be sanctified through

the Blood of the Covenant. He who was, and is the Fountain of Light, did Himself anoint the eyes of the blind man, yet granted not the cure of his infirmity but in the washing of water; so they who, with child-like humility, apply to the instituted means, will find their perfect cure in Him who sanctifies these means through the influence of His Holy Spirit.' P. 65.

A Companion to the Altar: adapted to the Office for the Holy Communion, according to the use of the Scottish Church. Aberdeen: A. Brown & Co. Edinburgh: R. Grant & Son; and R. Lendrum & Co.

WE heartily recommend this little manual to those who are privileged to communicate according to the National Liturgy of Scotland. Such an assistant to devotion has hitherto been long required in the Scottish Church; and we rejoice that the pious compiler has been led to devote his attention to the subject. We trust when the rich have themselves become acquainted with it, they will assist in supplying their poorer neighbours with copies; that, in the highest degree, they may exercise faith and love, and so be partakers of the Lord's Body and Blood.

After noticing several valuable devotional works, as the Eucharist, the Compiler, in his introductory remarks, proceeds to say:

'While these excellent works are suited to the Office of the Church of England, and carry those who avail themselves of them to the very steps of the Altar, they cease to be so useful to the members of other branches of the Catholic Church, whose Liturgies are different from hers, in the important matter of aiding their devotions at the time of celebration; and whereas, in the case of the Scottish Church, there is no book specially suited to this purpose, it has been deemed advisable, under the Divine blessing, to offer this to those who have the privilege of using her venerable and primitive form, in the earnest hope that it may tend to the glory of God, and to the edification of many souls for whom our blessed Lord died.' P. 6.

Two Sermons: the first, by SAMUEL LORD BISHOP OF OXFORD; the second, by the WARDEN OF TRINITY COLLEGE, GLENALMOND. Preached in connexion with the Consecration of St Andrew's Chapel, Fasque. With a Notice of the Consecration. Montrose: Smith & Co. Edinburgh: R. Lendrum & Co.

THE notice of this Consecration we have, amid other events connected with the Church during the bygone year, printed elsewhere, with a view to preserve them in a more permanent record, and make them known more widely. Of the two Sermons we cannot give a higher commendation than to declare them worthy of their learned authors, and that both contain views which every Churchman would do well to ponder with seriousness and attention. Where so much is valuable, selection is difficult; but the following remarks of the Bishop of Oxford are peculiarly encouraging in the present crisis of our Church: when her enemies are so active in seeking her overthrow, and her wavering friends so often are ready to desert her standard, because they cannot understand that a time of trial is a time of God's especial favour::

'We are not met to-day to argue out our case-to prove that with us, in

its perfectness of outward form, of unbroken succession, and of pure doctrine, is, in its every essential feature, the very Church of Christ, as He established it. Leaving the state of others to themselves and their Judge; and leaving the plain and simple arguments by which, if need were, we could prove that with us is the Church of Christ, not such as men have framed, fashioned, and varied it; but as the Holy Ghost, by the inspired apostles, founded and ordered it,- -we are to-day acting upon our certain convictions. And in doing this, it should be a strength, an encouragement, and an ample direction to those whose lot has been cast here among many difficulties, to see that the Church's best state has always been when she has met difficulties in the strength of God; that where men have been faithful under them, there difficulties and opposition have brought out her strength, by making her know and feel the very presence of the Lord; that it is in troublous times that the wall has been built. That such difficulties are around you, I need not remind you. Though this our fellowship is no longer legally proscribed, nor persecuted, yet many difficulties hem it in. The world around is certainly against it. The religious sympathies of many have so entirely grown up in a system opposed to it, that while we speak plainly of the system as man's alteration of God's appointment, we must leave the case of individuals within that system to His sole judgment and decision. But all this is disheartening; yea, the more so, the more there seems of goodness in those who are on the contrary part. And what is yet more disheartening still, our cause has cold friends as well as open enemies. If it were not so-for, brethren, suffer a stranger to speak plainly—if it were not so, it would not number, as it does, among its professed sons, the owners of vast estates on every side, and yet remain in need of all those outer helps which wealth could give to it. Its Clergy would not be barely maintained; its Bishops scarcely fed; its Churches few, mean, and shorn of much of their decent beauty; it would not be, as alas! it is, so rare a thing for men to meet as we have met here, to set apart, to the glory of God's holy name, a house of prayer, built and endowed by one to whom God has given wealth and means. For, let not men idly talk of the best days of the Church being days of poverty, and hint that they withhold their offerings through a love of following the example of a primitive poverty. It was primitive for all the Church to be poor: it was not primitive to have a wealthy laity and a straitened clergy; houses ceiled with cedar, and God's house lying waste. The primitive custom was the reverse of all this: it was for those who had land to sell it, and bring the money, and lay it at the apostles' feet (Acts iv. 37). These lovers of apostolic poverty ought to empty themselves, not to straiten the Church.

These difficulties-these sorrows there are-and many faithful hearts have long groaned to God under them: and yet to-day, from the very hand of God Himself, another sorrow has been sent even at this auspicious moment. Ties long cherished, and greatly endeared, have just been snapped; a clergy have gathered here without a leader; a diocese without its chief Pastor. Our table of communion, when first it bears the hallowed elements, is clothed with the badges of mortality. The voice of the chief shepherd of this Church, who opened here yesterday the songs and intercessions of the sanctuary, had but a few hours before sounded over the open grave of him who should have presided over us: our sun here has risen amongst weeping clouds; our garments of mirth have been blended with the grave-clothes. And what shall we say, brethren, to all this? Shall we sigh forth, with the weeping patriarch, that "all these things are against us?" Nay, let us learn a better lesson. Let us take up rather the prophet's song,street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times." Only let this Church of Christ keep her watch for Him; only let her faith be true and bright, and every difficulty, every outward trial, every inward grief, shall but work more perfectly God's work within her. The sifting shall go on she shall have fewer summer friends, but more humble faithful children: She shall have fewer of the great of the earth, but more of the saints of the Most High.


She shall have small gatherings, but God shall be amongst them, as He is not in the congregations of the lukewarm. It may be that she shall yet work some great deliverance in the earth; it is not difficult to forecast but too probable events amidst which, even more than now, it may be specially needful for the maintenance of Christ's Church in these kingdoms, that she should have maintained, as here, her truth and discipline unmixed and unbroken amidst all the opposition and discouragements which are her lot.' Pp. 10-13.

In the latter part of this eloquent passage, the learned Prelate evidently adverts to the too plainly developed hostility, which threatens to subject the Anglican Church, ere long, to a depression, similar to that which she suffered two centuries ago. Within the Church, the puritan party are vehemently attempting to hurry on her downfall. Without, are the undisguised attacks of Rome, schism, and infidelity. And in the political world, a latitudinarian spirit, dominant in the most influential quarters, is now but too probably about to crown its impieties, by unchristianizing the State, in the admission of Jews to legislate for Christianity. Great also is the increase of popular liberalism. Every Session of Parliament brings us nearer to a virtual democracy. The bulwarks of Church and Monarchy are removed, one by one; and if we shall continue in this course, as rapidly as we have done, a few years more will see both in a nominal state of existence, if not entirely swept away.

We fear not for the Church, as the Church of Christ: as an establishment, it may again be laid prostrate, but we have the assurance of her Divine Master, that while she continues faithful, the gates of hell shall not prevail against her. But her temporalities may be torn from her; and should this occur, the Scottish Establishment will fall like a decayed tree; but the Church in Scotland has nothing to tempt the spoiler, and while she remains true to her faith, she may outride the storm, secure in that promise which cannot fail.


IN our limited Scottish Communion, it is obviously a matter of deep interest to witness and record every effort which her faithful sons make to strengthen her stakes and lengthen her cords; and we, therefore, make no apology for inserting in these pages (although published before) the memorials of Temples consecrated in this country during the past year to the worship of the Most High; earnestly hoping, that each revolving year may present more and more such gratifying tokens of the love which the Saints bear to their Saviour, and the interest they take in the spiritual welfare of their brethren in the flesh.

Other congregations have likewise been established, and other pastors appointed in our country during the past year; and we can only hope, that ere long, it may be our happiness to record their temples also solemnly dedicated to Apostolical worship.


The interesting ceremony of the consecration of this beautiful place of worship took place on the forenoon of Friday, August the 6th, 1847. The service, usual on such occasions, was performed in presence of a highly respectable and numerous congregation by the Right Rev. Michael Russell, D.C.L., Bishop of Glasgow, assisted by the Very Rev. W. S. Wilson, Ayr; the Hon. and Rev. James Douglas, Rector of Broughton, Northamptonshire; the Rev. A. Henderson, Incumbent of St. Mary's; the Rev. C. F. R. Smith and J. F. S. Gordon, Glasgow, C. Cole, Greenock, H. Kennedy, Coatbridge, W. S. White, Jedburgh, T. J. Stewart, Paisley, Wm. Henderson, Arbroath, and Henry Malcolm, Dumblane. The spectacle had a very imposing effect, the Bishop and clergy, habited in full canonicals, entering by the south porch, and proceeding up the nave towards the chancel, within which they severally took places in solemn order. After the Bishop had offered up the prayers, and signed the deed of consecration upon the Communion Table, the incumbent proceeded with the office for morning prayer, the Rev. W. Henderson reading the first lesson, and the Rev. W. S. White the second lesson, from a stand placed in front of the chancel rail. The communion service was said by the Bishop, assisted by J. F. S. Gordon and the Dean, the former reading the epistle, the latter the gospel. After the sermon, which was preached by the Bishop, a collection was made during the reading of the offertory sentences, which amounted to £57. At the conclusion of the prayer for the church militant, the non-communicants withdrew, and the Bishop then administered the holy sacrament to the clergy present, and to about 50 members of the congregation.

If anything can add to the impressiveness of the liturgy, it is its celebration in a church thoughtfully constructed and adapted for carrying out its various peculiarities. In this respect, St. Mary's, Hamilton, is highly worthy of its destined use, being at once in harmony with the spirit and requirements of the prayer-book, and designed according to the purest models of Christian architecture. We would particularly direct attention to the chancel, with its lofty arch, terminated by a rich stained glass window, representing the crucifixion and other scenes in the life of our Blessed Saviour; and we would say that no one standing in the nave and looking eastward, but must feel his thoughts solemnized, and be fain to confess that 'this is none other than the house of God.'

The church was designed by Mr. Henderson, architect, Edinburgh, brother of the incumbent, and consists of a nave, a chancel, south porch, and vestry. The east window, the altar, and font, the chancel floor paved with encaustic tiles, the chancel rail of carved oak, and the furniture of the chancel generally peculiarly worthy of attention, being all designed with great taste and appropriateness, and executed in a masterly style. It is deserving also of notice that the accommodation for the worshippers is exceedingly good, and the proportions of the edifice so happily adjusted that the minister's voice is heard in all parts. Altogether this may be regarded as a very favourable specimen of the church architecture, for the revival of which there is now being made so vigorous an effort throughout England.


The consecration of this Chapel took place on Saturday the 28th August. It was the intention of the late Bishop of the Diocese, the lamented Doctor Moir, to perform that rite, but as he died in the immediately preceding week, his place was supplied by the Bishop of Aberdeen. It appears to have been the particular desire of the deceased Bishop of Brechin, that, whatever might happen to him, the consecration should not be postponed: and he had, accordingly, conveyed to the Bishop of Aberdeen the expression of his wish that that Prelate should officiate in case of need. The Chapel was crowded some time before the hour of service, and a large number of persons re

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