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النشر الإلكتروني

terrible moment; my neglect of her now was a crime for which I could never forgive myself. But it was over. At thought of her danger, her possible sufferings, my love, which had only been forced back, rushed over every impediment, and surged over my whole being.

"Nothing is fixed," said Dick, in answer to my look, for I had not spoken; "only the authorities have determined to examine Miss Woollcombe and her father to-morrow."

I laughed scornfully, and said, loudly and bitterly, "What else could be fixed? They won't condemn her unheard, if there's such a thing as justice, even in a Roundhead."


"Hush, Ben, hush!" said my friend, looking round him, with a caution that was not natural to him. If we are to be of any use to our friends we must discourse of this with bated breath, not with noisy vehemence."

But I laughed again so wildly, so extravagantly, that Dick grew alarmed. He came over to me, persuaded me to sit down beside him, brought me a drink of water, and pressed his cool hands over my throbbing temples.

"We must not talk of this any more," he said, firmly, "if you cannot play the man. I came to you, Ben, because I thought you could devise some means to assist them."

The stress he laid upon that word "you" did more to force my calmness and attention than anything else could have done. It compelled me to think of her more than of myself. Had I not said to myself a hundred times that I could lay down my life for her? Now it was incumbent upon me that I should, in the first place, conquer, for her sake, all this terrible, almost irresistible emotion that overwhelmed


Dick had wisely given me this to do for her, and it steadied me at length. I learnt that Mr. Woollcombe and his daughter, who had, it was well known, strong Royalist sympathies, had been regarded hitherto as very properly abstaining from intercourse with the malignants, or from rendering them any aid. But the surreptitious manner in which Miss Woollcombe and her maid had left the town to visit the King, and some passages since, had now led the authorities to believe that their line of conduct, formerly so commendable, had been altogether altered; and it was determined that they must remain under the immediate surveillance of the military or of the town, unless, upon examination made, they were able entirely to clear themselves from all suspicion.

While Dick and I were talking I received a citation to appear as a witness in the matter. As I had never given anyone the least hint as to what I had observed to pass between the King and Lucy Woollcombe at Widey, I could only explain this summons from the fact that I had had the lady and her servant placed under my escort back into the town on the day of their "surreptitious visit."

My first and strong impulse was to go to Lucy at once, at least to send to her. I suggested this, substituting her father's name, however, for her own, to Dick Tonkin.

"I don't think, Ben," said he, "you could do a more foolish thing for the success of your good intentions towards them. Let me explain why. Every

particle of evidence you gave to-morrow would then— or, at all events, might then-be deemed a concocted plan between you; but if you are able to testify that you have not had any communication with her from that day to this, and only once seen her, and that on a public occasion, and at a distance; your words will have, we may hope, a very good purpose in allaying the suspicion that so unfortunately rests upon her and her father."

"And what will be done to them, if it can be proved ?"

"At the worst, imprisonment," said Dick.

I groaned involuntarily. Oh, dear little sister Lettice, thou never thoughtest of the meaning the words "feminine malignant" might one day have for me! My love in prison and I free!-the idea was bitterness itself.

"They may only deem it necessary to place a sentry at the house, to see that no one enters or departs unseen."

"I would gladly take the post," I said, smiling sadly.

"You will be the last man for it, unless you manage to hide your prejudice in their favour,” said Dick, cheerfully.


Atten of the clock" the next morning, in a room of the Castle used for all such purposes, were assembled Justinian Peard, the mayor, with his aldermen, all in their long black cloth robes, richly ornamented with strips of black velvet, and black square velvet collars, lined with fur; Lord Robartes, the Governor of Plymouth, and Colonel Kerr, commander of the forces, to whose united authority such cases were committed. But my eyes were, not unnaturally, most of all attracted to the two, who, accommodated with seats, could hardly fail to have touched with respect and compassion the most casual onlooker. Mr. Woollcombe's small, spare person was almost lost in the heavy cloak which wrapped around him. . On his first appearance he was muffled round the throat and over the mouth, above which wraps his keen yet somewhat wistful eyes looked rather anxiously around. Bridget was at her master's side, and relieved him of his manifold outer coverings; and then the earnest, thoughtful, refined face of the old Royalist, with its handsome profile and dignified expression, were made visible, paler even than usual. I saluted him respectfully. If my life had been forfeited by that act, I must have performed it, not only because he was Lucy's father, but from his intrinsic nobility and true gentlemanliness.

He smiled graciously and pleasantly, and returned my salutation. Bridget performed the nearest approach to a gratified recognition of my presence, that was to be expected under the circumstances. Her square lips widened a little, and her eyes assumed a somewhat nearer resemblance to gooseberries.

Then I bowed gravely and respectfully to Lucy, and her sad, sweet face and bowed head as gravely responded to my gesture. How fragile she looked to-day! Surely she had grown thinner and whiter, and sadder than I had ever before seen her. sat close to her father, and only smiled when she looked at him, as if to comfort him.

"All witnesses must leave the Court."


I did not know who said it, but I knew I must go. I saw Lucy give a quick start, as I moved to quit the apartment. Did she think I had brought her to this? From my heart I ejaculated the words, "God forbid !" As I left I heard someone murmur to a friend

"Two shadows of a past Royalty."

I met Mrs. Tonkin just outside the threshold of the Court-room; she shook hands with me.

"I meant to have been here before it opened," she whispered, "to sit beside the dear child, if they will let me. She has no mother, you know, Benjamin," she added, with tears in her kind eyes. I could only wring her hand in answer, and bless her in my heart.

During my absence from her dear presence-I mean, of course, Lucy's-I was tortured with the thought that she looked, indeed, as though fading from earth. Had my cruelty, my silence, my coldness, after saying so much, anything to do with this? If she were not indifferent to me and I hoped, oh! how earnestly I hoped, that she at least felt kindly to me-had I not, by my vain, miserable, selfish behaviour, wounded both her tenderness and her pride? All this, and the anxiety I felt as to how I should answer the questions that might be asked me, were but a poor preparation for the cool collectedness that should characterise a witness in a court of inquiry.

I was ushered in sooner than I had expected, and Lord Robartes himself questioned me, my answers being taken down by a gentleman who sat at a table close by.

"Lieutenant Benjamin Holbeck!"

I saluted him respectfully.

"You know this gentleman, Mr. Woollcombe, and this lady his daughter, Miss Lucy Woollcombe ?" "Yes, my lord."

"Do you know of any unlawful intercourse either of them has had with other malignants?"

"I beg your pardon, my lord, if I ask you to give me the meaning of unlawful intercourse.' I have almost no acquaintance with courts of justice, and I think, my lord, you will understand how naturally a soldier of the Parliament would dislike the business of an informer."

I spoke in an easy, frank way, that seemed given to me; and there was a slight applause in the assembly, which was, however, checked, when Lord Robartes said rather sternly, though I fancied a smile lurked at the corners of his mouth

"In your difficulty, Lieutenant Holbeck, the most straightforward, soldier-like thing you can do, will be to tell all the circumstances that can bear upon the case."

As he spoke I glanced at Lucy, and was delighted to find that Mrs. Tonkin had a seat beside her. Her relationship to Lord Robartes had doubtless made this easy for her, as I am sure it must have been comforting to Lucy.

men, Mr. Coryndon by name, rose as I hesitated, and said

"My lord, if you will pardon the interruption, I would suggest that some member of the legal profession should ask this young officer a few leading questions. If I may suggest as much, it is an extremely difficult thing for anyone to give an account of a matter, unless he knows precisely what to say and what to leave unsaid. He will be apt to introduce an immense amount of wholly irrelevant matter, which will be tedious to those who listen to him, and not come to the real matter in hand, save with difficulty and perplexity." Thus saying, he sat down again. How grateful I felt to him!

"If Mr. Coryndon will oblige the Court by asking these questions, it will expedite matters," said Lord Robartes, with a gracious nod at the lawyer.

Mr. Coryndon, nothing loth, as I thought, immediately began, looking at me in a quick, bright way that somewhat embarrassed me, glad as I had been of his assistance. He made me think of a bird with its sharp, bright eyes, that could hop round you on the other side, if you shirked him on this.

"You are a friend of Mr. Woollcombe and his daughter?"

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"Certainly, a Parliamentary officer," I said, and drew myself up a little, Harry Tonkin told me afterwards, as if six feet one and a half were not height enough for any man.

"Should be," continued Mr. Coryndon, as if there had been no interruption in his sentence, "on intimate terms with a Royalist-a very pronounced Royalist-and his daughter?"

"That is easily explained, sir," I began.

"I am glad of it," said Mr. Coryndon, smiling knowingly, and preparing himself to listen with something of unction in his manner.

I related as briefly as I knew how, the circumstances I have already narrated for my dear readers at Brier Grange, and tried to be careless of the quizzing countenances that looked at me so narrowly the while.

"The story is a romantic one, but doubtless true," said Mr. Coryndon, with that same self-satisfied smile, as if he saw the whole consequences, without any further enlightenment, "and I am sure no gentleman here, considering the charms of the lady" and he bowed to Lucy" and the susceptible age of the young gentleman, can wonder at anything that followed."

smiles beamed on the faces of every alderman present. But the officers, especially the elder ones, looked grave, as if they did not enjoy the joke at the expense of one of their number.

Lord Robartes, who was at this time still a youngI was thinking how best to frame a truthful state-looking man, being only forty-four, smiled, and ment, for I remembered painfully the words concerning the water supply of the town, which I had heard Mr. Woollcombe use to the Royalist stranger, as well as the passage between Lucy and her King, which seemed so much less worthy of blame. A gentle- "Now that you have been so good as to furnish man I knew to be a lawyer] amongst the alder- | us with so much interesting information, I hope you

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will continue to entertain us, Lieutenant Holbeck," said Mr. Coryndon. Pray how went matters afterwards? You visited at the house to inquire after the fair patient you had so happily saved from a worse than merely sudden death. I have heard the story, my lord, before," Mr. Coryndon went on, turning suddenly to Lord Robartes, "and I will confess I have had a little curiosity to see both the lady and the officer, especially the lady, for who ever heard before of anyone being fired at by a friend, and saved by an enemy?"

"Sir," I said, for I felt that Lucy must be undergoing torture from so much painful attention to herself, and I desired to save her, "I think you said you had further questions to put to me?"

"Yes; we are getting on very nicely," said Mr. Coryndon. "Now, when you were visiting at the house of Mr. Woollcombe, did you ever meet anyone, friend or foe?"

I hesitated involuntarily. What I dreaded was What I dreaded was coming. I looked steadily at Lucy for a moment, beseeching her for advice, for pardon if I condemned her, or if I must hide the facts. But if ever eyes said to other eyes, "Speak the truth fearlessly and leave consequences to God," her dear blue eyes said so then, when my courage faltered and the untruth that should screen her from blame, seemed to tremble almost as a virtue on my lips.

I was strengthened by that glance. "I met a Cavalier there on one occasion, for a few minutes." "In your presence was anything said, or any plan made to the prejudice of the Parliament in this siege?"


No, sir; not in my presence." "It was hardly likely there would be," suggested the Mayor. "This young gentleman wore his officer's dress, I take it, and was known even to the Cavalier as a Parliamentarian. Was not that the case?" "It was, sir."

"And you heard nothing in the house between Mr. Woollcombe and this gentleman that would materially assist us in this inquiry ?"

"Nothing that can affect the present position of affairs in the least, sir," I said. The question I so much dreaded had come. "As you are gentlemen, I can appeal to you not to cause me to repeat what I accidentally overheard, since I can most truthfully assure you it is of no moment."

But, as I had feared, this was not allowed to pass. It was said by someone that I was no adequate judge, through my youth and inexperience, of what might or might not be of moment. All I could gain was, that I might privately inform Colonel Kerr of the matter, and if he decided I was right, no further notice would be taken of it. So we withdrew, and I made a confession to him of the words I had heard concerning the cutting off of the water supply. He reprimanded me sharply for not having told my commanding officer at the time; but since the leat was guarded now, he came to the conclusion that silence was wisest. This greatly comforted me, and we returned to the court. Then followed a rigid examination of the words and even of the looks of the King at Widey Court.

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"It might have been money or jewels.?"

"I am not in the least able to say what was inside, sir."

Lucy, on being asked, made, of course, no attempt to deny the giving of the packet to the King. It had been entrusted to her by her father, for presentation to his Majesty, and she must decline to say whether she knew or did not know the contents.

Then Mr. Woollcombe himself was questioned, and replied to every question with dignity, sometimes even with playfulness, and with the most unswerving loyalty. He made some answers that were, I thought, touchingly beautiful. It was demanded—

"Had he aided the King by his substance to fight against his people and protract a cruel war ?"

"I am an old and feeble man, more feeble than old, my lord," he said. Then turning again to Lord Robartes: "Had I been young, or had I been strong, my Sovereign could have needed no service I would not have adventured for him. I have no son to take my name and my place, and fight for me and for my King. My sweet child there has the heart of a woman but the soul of a man, and nothing she could have dared would have been wanting had her frame been strong, or had her father been other than an invalid needing her tenderness and care. I have given what of my substance I could spare for the pressing necessities of my King. If this is a crime in your eyes, punish me; if it be a virtue, spare me. My God has set my King over me; if I fail to do him reverence, if I fail to 'Fear God and honour the King,' I disobey the command of the Scriptures through the writings of the Apostle Peter."

There was silence for a little while; and then, the inquiry having lasted a long time for the evidently extremely ill-health of Mr. Woollcombe, it was adjourned until the next day.

All being in our places again the next day, Lord Robartes expressed his sense of the propriety of making such an examination in all such cases, and of the extreme need for circumspection in every inhabitant of the town, both in regard to himself and his neighbours, not to consort openly or in secret with those who make a boast of dishonouring the Parliament; this Mr. Woollcombe had certainly not done, he having avoided naming the Parliament except with respect. The present case would be met, it was judged, by a caution; but if any further communication was sought or took place between the aforesaid Charles Woollcombe and Lucy Woollcombe and the person of his Majesty, or any of the malignants, whether officers or privates, imprisonment must follow.

Mrs. Tonkin had again accompanied Lucy to the

Castle, and I could but admire her brave kindness to the lonely young Royalist. Through these two days I had decided that my own conduct had been so cowardly towards Lucy that I could only wonder if her patience and kindliness towards me were not wholly exhausted.


"She's beautiful, and therefore to be woo'd; She is a woman, therefore to be won."



S Miss Woollcombe in, Bridget ?"
I had knocked three times at the
door of the dear home in Looe-
street, and when Bridget answered
it, I accosted her at once with the
question that was on my tongue.
I had never seen the faithful human
dragon that guarded my lady-love
wear so forbidding and unpromising
an aspect as at that moment.

in my life, I think, as for the first few minutes. To be checked thus, and by a woman-by a woman and for a woman! That thought made me soften. I could not think of Lucy and cherish malice against anyone who loved her, even if that love were displayed in a very unfortunate manner to myself. I glanced up at the windows of the house. It was early in the evening, but the days were short; the candles were lighted in the sitting-room within, and the blinds were down. The temptation I felt to attract Lucy's attention by throwing a little sand on the glass or by tapping was resisted, through fear of frightening her. Presently the door opened very cautiously, and I saw a head peep out as cautiously, certainly not the head of Bridget. I hurried towards it, from my inspection of the windows, just as the door was about to be shut.

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Lucy!-Miss Woollcombe !" I was not a moment too soon.

"Oh, Lieutenant Holbeck; have you knocked? Pray walk in.”

Her manner was cool and reserved; in anyone but Lucy it would have been cold. Her sweetness, which she could never hide, softened the bare words, the constrained manner.

"I am alone that is to say, my father is not well, and has gone to bed very early. Bridget has just taken him some gruel. That accounts for your being kept so long."

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Bridget shut me out, Miss Woollcombe." I could not restrain a smile as I said so; but Lucy looked pained, displeased.


"Sir," she said, in a cold hard voice, "we've had trouble enough; don't bring us more;" and she began to shut the door in my face. But I was desperate. I had come resolved to see Lucy, to speak to Lucy, and to know my fate. The longing I had felt from the first to tell her of my trouble, but which I had so long conquered, punishing her perchance and certainly myself "Bridget forgets that I am mistress, and the only from the false idea of thus honour-one to choose who must enter," she said, gravely. "I do not wonder Bridget feels angry with me, when Bridget's mistress has so much, so very much to forgive."

ing my father's memory, was very strongly working in me now. I had never had a more settled purpose in advancing upon the enemy, than I had now that I would enter this house. If I did not shrink from the cannon's mouth, it is hardly to be expected that I should do so from Bridget, formidable as she was. "My business is particular; I must see Miss Woollcombe, Bridget."

"Then, you can't," she answered rudely; " and this door has got to be shut, sir."

Annoyed as I was, the sight of her queer square face framed in the gradually shutting door was so comical, as piece by piece it receded from my view, that I could not help laughing. And she opened the door a little to say




There baint much to laugh at, Mister Holbeck." "No, very little," I answered; 'so little, that we must make the most of what there is, Bridget." She seemed to relax somewhat. What is it you want a-prowling round this house? If I had my way, the door'd be barred and bolted against you, sir. What's the good of cats and rats a-trying to live comfortable-like together? Them as the Almighty doesn't make to fit, hadn't better try to do it theirselves, there!" And again the remorseless door was coming towards me.

"Which is the strongest of us two, Bridget?" I asked.

"I am, sir, in this house ;" and the door closed. What was to be done? I never felt quite so angry

Shut you out, sir?" she repeated; "I do not understand."

I had to explain.

"To forgive? oh! no, sir. You have been busy; mere acquaintances must not expect much of each other."

"Mere acquaintances!" I echoed the words. Was this the end of it all?--the sweet dreams, the fairt hopes, which, though faint, had been all I had looked forward to in this life? 66 Would I had died weeks ago in battle, fighting bravely, as my father had done, if this were all." So I thought in my bitterness, and so, not knowing hardly that I spoke the words, I said aloud.

Lucy hid her face in her hands. Then she looked up at me, pale, trembling, and in tears: "Your father dead! Oh, Mr. Holbeck, and you have not told me !" she said reproachfully; "could you not at least trust my sympathy?"

That was the beginning, but not the end of our talk. The words Lucy spoke to me and I to her are too sacred between us to bear repetition. My darling! What have I done to be worthy of this her love for me; that by slow degrees, rather because she could not help it, than willingly, she owned, and with so much pretty shyness and womanly modesty, timid to confess the wealth of the gift, because she does not measure aright its value.

Oh, the happiness of those hours!-life were worth living if but to have experienced them.

Bridget knocked at the door, and Lucy started up with a heightened colour on her sweet face, and a bright look in her blue eyes. Never surely had she looked so beautiful as now. Bridget followed her knock by opening the door and entering. "I have brought your supper, Miss Woollcombe." She carried a little tray in one hand, laid with the snowiest of cloths, and on it a white basin covered over with a china cover. The expression of her face when she saw me was a mingled one of annoyance, amusement, and unbounded surprise. Bridget was too self-possessed to make any sign of this; she would not allow me to think myself of so much importance. I was too generous in my happiness to triumph over her in the slightest degree.

"'Tis clear there's a traitor in this camp," she said demurely; "we're not all as we ought to be, for the King."

"Have you any more of this nice broth, Bridget?" said Lucy, smiling, as she uncovered the basin, whence there issued a very savoury smell, "because if you have you must please bring another basinful; I feel sure Mr. Holbeck will like it. Everyone appreciates such appetising broth as this."

""Tisn't meat for Parliament men!" said Bridget indignantly, or with well-assumed indignation; " but I suppose you're like the rest, Miss Lucy, now the Parliament's getting on.

'Such as are wise Leave falling buildings-fly to those that rise.'

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"I hold most to my friends when they're in most trouble, Bridget," said Lucy, playfully but firmly. "Go and get the broth."

"If I had known you'd had him in I wouldn't have made it ready," said Bridget as she retreated, to herself, yet loud enough for us to hear every word. But we only laughed, we were too happy to do anything else. But when it came to parting the obstacles between us seemed to spring up in Lucy's mind and affright her. The tears came into her eyes.


"I have done very wrongly, I am afraid, to let love me; my father will not like it, will not allow it, and I cannot, I must not, disobey my father."

"Don't trouble yourself, Lucy, dearest; your father cannot prevent our loving each other. For the present let that thought cheer us. Happier days than these will come for our dear country and for our affairs; for ourselves we can scarcely have a happier day than this, can we ?"

The next time that I was at liberty to seek my sweet Lucy, I was ushered in, willingly enough but very grimly, by Bridget to the presence of her master, who, seated in an easy chair by the fire and propped up by pillows, looked worse than I had ever seen him.


"Pray be seated, Mr. Holbeck," he said in his usual courteous tone. It is necessary we should talk together. You have not acted kindly nor rightly, sir. I am sorry I have been mistaken in you. I deemed you a gentleman, sir. You have taken unfair advantage of my state and my dear child's kind heart. It is impossible I can sanction her alliance with any man of your opinions. I am grieved, indeed, to find that she has herself so far forgotten her duty to her King as to allow herself to love you, a trai-," he interrupted himself, "a Roundhead."

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They should be, where politics are religion. What a source of dissension already exists between you two foolish young people! The kindest, most generous thing you can do, Mr. Holbeck, is to retreat from your false position. Give Lucy up

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"Never, Mr. Woollcombe; then indeed you might call me a traitor, and not hesitate to finish the word."

He smiled, though sadly. "If you had only been on our side, Mr. Holbeck, the side of religion, of the Constitution, and of the King, nothing could have pleased me better. There is no personal enmity or even dislike in what I say to you. I believe, or I have hitherto believed, you to be a man of honour and integrity, anxious to do your duty according to your ideas of it. What pride I could have taken in you, your stature, your strength, if all this had been dedicated to your country and your King."


"It is, Mr. Woollcombe; if only the King knew his true friends, if only he would take their counsels, we might soon be at peace again."

"Let us have a clear understanding about Lucy," said Mr. Woollcombe." She will not, she says, retract her promise to you-poor, foolish child, how could she make it without consulting me? But she has promised me, Mr. Holbeck, not to marry without my consent. Beware how you ever tempt her to forget that promise!"

Lucy entered at that moment. I kissed her tenderly. She looked anxiously at me.

"I cannot disobey papa, Ben," she said, piteously. "I do not think you will hear me ask you to, darling."

Her manner grew gayer at once, and the time we three passed together was not unhappily spent. (To be continued.)


THE San Francisco Call says that Dr. H. J. Glenn, whose

of Colusa County, California, is obliged to keep a guard of forty riflemen to protect his grain from the depredations of wild geese. The men, mounted, and armed with Henry rifles, patrol the farm during the day, and on all moonlight nights.

To pay his men, buy ammunition, and maintain horses, costs Dr. Glenn some £2,000 per annum; but it saves his wheat, which yields £20,000. Without the geese shooters half would be destroyed.


The riflemen become very expert in their business, and are work is to discover with their field-glasses the flocks of geese, generally good shots and capital horsemen. The way they which at a distance of 300 or 400 yards look like a white blanket spread over the green wheat, and they thereupon plant a bullet right in the middle of the flock. This unexpected visitation sets the flock on the wing, and the geese herder follows them and keeps planting bullets among them till they rise to a great height, and leave the vicinity. Few geese are killed, the object being to keep them on the wing and consequently off the wheat fields. On Dr. Glenn's ranch about 8,000 cartridges are used in a day, which represents blows in, and this appears to be the favourite time for the Oftentimes a thick fog about 20,000 geese daily put to flight. geese, who devour the wheat with great energy. The herders then, fearful of shooting each other, are almost baffled; but when the fog rises the flocks are put to flight, and for What are killed are carried off and shorn of the feathers, but hours thereafter the air is filled with feathers and geese.

the revenue from them amounts to little.

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