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النشر الإلكتروني



manufactured, and it has a considerable commerce with the United States; sending to our shores in the course of the year, many cargoes of brandy, wine, LA ROCHELLE is a commercial city of France, in &c. Rochelle is chiefly remarkable as the strongthe department of the Lower Charente. It stands hold of the French protestants in the times of the on the shores of the Atlantick ocean, one hundred house of Valois, and the first Bourbons. In 1627, miles northwest of Bourdeaux. It is well built and it was besieged by Richelieu, and was reduced by strongly fortified, (by Vanban,) and contains many famine, after a heroick defence, in which fifteen handsome squares and fountains. The harbour is thousand of the besieged perished. A great number safe and commodious, but is accessible for large ves- of the inhabitants fled to North America. La Rosels only at high water; and the Place d'Armes, or chelle has a population of rather more than eighteen du Château, is one of the finest in France. Glass, thousand persons. Longitude 1° 9′ west, latitude stoneware, and refined sugar, are the principal articles 46° 9' north.



[Temple of Concord.]

THE above cut represents the temple of Concord, one of the most perfect ruins now existing on the site of the ancient Agrigentum.

pius; the latter, which vied in size and grandeur of design, with the finest buildings of Greece, is said by Diodorus to have been three hundred and forty feet long, sixty broad, and one hundred and Agrigentum was much renowned among the an- twenty high, the foundation not being included, which cients. Different stories are told of its foundation; was itself remarkable for the immense arches upon among which is the fabulous tale, that Dædalus, who which it stood. The temple was ornamented with fled to Sicily from the resentment of Minos, erected admirable sculpture. But a war prevented the comit. Its situation was peculiarly strong and imposing, pletion of it, when the roof only remained unfinishstanding as it did on a bare and precipitous rock, ed. Near the city was an artificial lake, cut out of 1100 feet above the level of the sea. To this mili- the solid rock, about a mile in circuit, and thirty feet tary advantage, the city added those of a commercial deep; from which fish were obtained in abundance nature, being near to the sea, which afforded the for the publick feasts. Swans and other water-fowl means of an easy intercourse with the ports of Afri- frequented it. Afterward, the mud having been ca and the south of Europe. The soil of Agrigen- suffered to accumulate in this basin, it was turned tum was very fertile. By means of these advantages, into a remarkably fruitful vineyard. Both the temthe wealth of Agrigentum became very great. It ple of Jupiter Olympius and the lake were the work was therefore considered the second city in Sicily, of a number of Carthaginian captives. The people and Polybius says that it surpassed in grandeur of Agrigentum were noted for their luxurious and exof appearance, on account of its many temples and travagant habits. Their horses were also famous. splendid publick buildings, most of its contempo- After the expulsion of the Carthaginians from Sicily, raries. Among the most magnificent of these it fell, with little resistance, under the power of the buildings, were the temples of Minerva, of Ju- Romans. Diodorus states the population, in its best piter Atabyris, of Hercules, and of Jupiter Olym- days, to have been not less than 120,000 persons VOL. IV.-59


THE plumage, pretty form, and docility; the
charming familiarity which disposes it to nestle
without fear or reserve beside us; and, above all,
its melodious song, have long introduced the canary
to all classes of society.

several times a week. sand. This should be done every day, or at leas natives of a warm climate, and becoming more delicate instead of hardier from being kept in the house, These tender birds, being require a temperature analogous to that of their native and never allowed to remain in winter in a cold climate. They must be protected from the cold, room, which would occasion many diseases, or even death. But, in summer, it is proper to place them in the open air, and they enjoy it very much. Never do they sing so gayly as on fine days, and their cages should therefore be placed at the open window, that they may have the advantage of the light and heat of the sun, which is particularly serviceable to them while bathing.

Buffon, speaking of this beautiful and universal favourite, says: "If the nightingale is the chantress of the woods, the canary is the musician of the chamber; the first owes all to nature, the second, something to art. With less strength of organ, less compass of voice, and less variety of note, the canary has a better ear, greater facility of imitation, and a more retentive memory; and, as the difference of genius, especially among the lower animals, depends in a great measure on the perfection of their senses, the canary, whose organ of hearing is more suscep- tion as it is simple and natural, it will be whole"Their food is an important point; for, in proportible of receiving and retaining foreign impressions, some; and, on the contrary, the more it is mixed becomes more social, tame, and familiar; is capable and rare, the more injurious and productive of disof gratitude and even of attachment; its caresses are endearing, its little humours, innocent, and its anger summer rape-seed; we mean that which is sown at ease will it be. What we have found the best is neither hurts nor offends. Its education is easy; the end of spring, which is small and brown, in diswe rear it with pleasure, because we are able to in- tinction from the winter rape-seed, which is sown in struct it. It leaves the melody of its own natural the autumn, and which is large and black. This tone, to listen to the melody of our voices and instru- seed alone agrees with canaries as well as linnets; ments. It applauds, it accompanies us, and repays but, to give them the pleasure of variety, a little the pleasure it receives with interest, while the bruised hemp, or canary, or poppy seed is added to nightingale, more proud of its talent, seems desirous it, especially in the spring, when they are intended of preserving it in all its purity, at least it appears to to breed. Indeed, a mixture of rape-seed, oatmeal, attach very little to ours, and it is with great diffi- and millet, or canary-seed, may be given them as a culty it can be taught any of our airs. can speak and whistle; the nightingale despises our they equally require green food, as chickweed in The canary great treat. But whatever seeds they may have, words, as well as our airs, and never fails to return spring, lettuce and radish leaves in summer, endive, to its own wild wood-notes. Its pipe is a master- watercress, and slices of sweet apple in winter. As piece of nature, which human art can never alter nor to that whimsical and complicated mixture, prescriimprove; while that of the canary is a model of bed and used by many people, of rape, millet, hemp, more pliant materials, which we can mould at pleas-canary-seed, whole oats and oatmeal, poppy, lettuce, ure; and therefore it contributes in a much greater plantain, potentilla, and pink-seeds, maize, sugar, degree to the comforts of society. It sings at all seasons, cheers us in the dullest weather, and adds to our happiness, by amusing the young, and delighting the recluse, charming the tediousness of the cloister, and gladdening the soul of the innocent and captive."

We think we shall be rendering an acceptable service to many of our readers by giving a few plain directions for the treatment of these pretty warblers; for which we are chiefly indebted to a useful, though little appreciated work, entitled " Dr. Bechstein, and which our own experience has Cage Birds," by shown to be judicious:

cake, hard biscuit, cracknels, buns, and the like, so far from being wholesome, it injures the birds in every respect. It spoils their taste, weakens their stomach, renders them feeble, sickly, and incapable of bearing moulting, under which they most frequenteat every thing which comes to table; but to teach ly die. It is true, that they may be accustomed to this habit is also to prepare a poison for them, which though slow is not the less sure, and brings them to a premature death; while every day we see bird-fanthose delicacies, rear, on the simplest food, a conciers, who are poor, who hardly know the names of "Except in the breeding season, the male cana- strongest canaries. siderable number of the healthiest, cleverest, and ries should be kept alone in separate cages, which, in a great measure by the constitution of the birds. whatever the shape, ought not to be less than eight They should be daily supplied with fresh water, as We must, however, be guided inches in diameter and a foot in height, with two well for drinking as bathing, in which they delight. sticks placed across for the bird to perch on. females may be allowed to range the room with one put into the water, in order to strengthen the stomThe In the moulting season, a nail or bit of iron should be wing clipped, or, what is better, kept in large cages; ach. Saffron and licorice are in this case more where, from having plenty of exercise, their health hurtful than useful. Grains of sand, with which the and strength are better preserved. In the small ca- bottom of the cage is strewed, afford the birds a help ges, glass vases should be placed on the outside, at to digestion." the extremities of the lower stick, to hold the food and water. These may be surmounted with a cap of tin, or something of the kind, to prevent the seed from being so easily scattered. Cleanliness being a great preservative against most of their disorders, the bottom of the cage should be made to draw out, that it may more easily be cleaned and covered with

ful. It chooses the most insidious means for the
AVARICE is a passion as despicable as it is hate-
attainment of its ends: it dares not pursue its means
with the bold impetuosity of the soaring eagle,
but skims the ground in narrow
circles like the



In a mistaken zeal to eradicate the seeds of intemperance, we are afraid that some, by destroying their apple-orchards, are not only diminishing their innocent family comforts, but are seriously impairing their means of honest farm profits. We do not advocate the orchard on account of the alcohol its fruit affords in distillation-such a practice we deprecate; nor will we urge tetotallers to cultivate the apple for cider, if they deem this liquor hurtful-though we still adhere to the "steady habits" of our New England ancestry, in taking a glass of this racy beverage with our dinner-we will not advocate the orchard for the liquor it affords, but for the food-the beef, pork, milk, &c., into which its fruit can be readily transformed.

tages which they are capable of affording to the farm, and to the bad quality of the fruit which is generally cultivated. The nutritive properties of the apple depend upon the quantity of saccharine matter they contain, or the specifick gravity of their juice; and the difference in flavour and in their cooking properties, are not sufficiently regarded, and not generally known. We have probably the finest varieties of this fruit, of any country in the world, which come to maturity in succession, so as to afford a supply for the family the whole year, and yet probably not one family in a thousand enjoy them, or know the existence of the better half.


Albany Cultivator.

For the family, apples may be made to contribute THE properties of a good milk-house are, that alike to health, to pleasure, and to economy, and it be cool in summer, and moderately warm in wingreatly to diminish the consumption of more costly ter, so as to preserve a temperature of about fortyfood. As dessert fruits, they are surpassed but by five degrees throughout the whole year; and that it few in quality, and by none in durability; while in be dry, so as to admit of its being kept clean and the culinary department, they afford a grateful repast, sweet at all times. A butter-dairy should consist of baked, boiled, roasted or fried, and to borrow terms three apartments-a milk-house, a churning-house from the cook's book, may he served up with rice, with a proper boiler, and other conveniences for flour, &c., in black-cap, charlotte, cheese-cakes, scalding and washing the implements, which should compotes, cumplings, fritters, festoon, floating-islands, be dried out of doors when the weather will permit fool, fraze, glazed, in gelly, marmalade, pancakes, The cheese-dairy should likewise consist of three pies, puddings, preserves, poupeton, soufflet, in wa-apartments-a milk-house, a scalding and pressingter, à la Turque. In all these forms, we believe the apple is perfectly guileless, and in most of them may be indulged in by the robust and the delicate, and by rich and poor.

house, and a salting-house. To these should be added a cheese-room or loft. A dairy for a small family may be formed in a thick-walled dry cellar, having windows on the north and east sides, which In the economy of the farm, apples are no less ser- are preferable for ventilation. In winter these winviceable. Every kind of farm stock feeds and fat-dows should have bauble sashes, and in summer, a tens upon them. They serve as a substitute for corn fixed frame of close wire netting, or hair-cloth, to in the piggery, for oats in the horse-stable, and for exclude flies and other insects. slops in the cow-stall. They were evidently des- In most places cows are milked twice in twentytined for the comfort of man; and because they are four hours, throughout the year. Where quantity of capable of being converted to a bad use, shall we, milk or cheese is an object, three times milking for this reason, reject the many benefits they are cal-must be preferable, but as twelve hours are necesculated to afford us? Because bread corn is convert- sary for the due preparation of the milk in the cow, ible into alcohol, is it less worthy of our care and it must be inferiour in quality if drawn more than culture as an article of food? Those alone who abuse twice a day. Whatever be the times of milking, the the gifts of Providence, are obnoxious to publick milk should be drawn off clear, otherwise, what is morals. left will be reabsorbed into the system, and no more be generated than is requisite to supply the quantity actually drawn. The milker, whether a man or a woman, ought to be mild in manners, and good tempered. If the operation is performed harshly, it becomes painful to the cow, who, in this case, often brings into action her faculty of retaining her milk at pleasure; but if gently performed, it seems rather to give pleasure. When cows are ticklish, they should be treated with the most soothing gentleness. and never with harshness or severity; and when the udder is hard and painful, it should be tenderly fomented with lukewarm water, and stroked gently. by which simple expedient the cow will be brought into good temper, and will yield her milk without hesitation. Whenever the teats of cows become scratched, or wounded, so as to produce foul or corrupted milk, it ought on no account to be mixed with the sweet milk, nor carried into the milk-house, lest it should taint the atmosphere, and this prove injurious to the rest of the milk.

Our orchard, though a young one, is of great value to us. The early droppings of fruit were gathered by our pigs, and they contributed much to fit them for the fatting pen; and subsequently by boiling them with small potatoes, for fattening hogs, they have enabled us to save a good portion of our soft corn, which in ordinary years has not suffered for finishing our pork, say forty or fifty bushels, to deal out to our store shoats. Our orchard has enabled us to dispose of some fifty barrels of choice winter fruit, and to manufacture nearly as many barrels of cider, and it is now in the form of pomace, adding greatly to the products of our diary. On the first of December, we began to feed the pomace to seven milch cows, and have continued to feed them with a common wheelbarrow full per diem, and the effect has been to increase the quantity of milk nearly fifty per The pomace has not undergone but slight if


any fermentation.

The great indifference to orchards, we have no doubt, arises from an ignorance of the many advan

Cows should be milked as near the dairy as pos

milker, which often serves to diminish the quantity of milk afterward.

sible, in order to prevent the necessity of carrying and cooling the milk before it is put into the creaming dishes. Every cow's milk should be kept sep- The only disadvantage to be found in the above arate till the peculiar properties of each is so well method of treatment, is, that it requires some labour known as to admit of their being well classed, when to feed them, where they thrive equally well in evthose that are most nearly allied, may be mixed to-ery respect as those do that are permitted to suck in gether. The very best quality of butter can only be the ordinary way. economically made in those dairies where cheese is

also made; because in them the best part of each

cow's milk (the first drawn off) can be set apart for Extracts from the discourse delivered before the N. Y. Lyceum throwing up cream, the cast part of this cream (the of Natural History, by Prof. J. W. Francis. first separated) can be taken in order to make into butter, and the remainder, or all the rest of the milk "In Herpetology we have sufficient to gratify the and cream of the dairy, can be turned into cheese. keenest desires of the most ravenous student in this The spontaneous separation of cream, and the pro-habits of a considerable portion of reptiles in particdepartment of nature. The extraordinary aspect and

duction of butter, are never effected but in consequence of the production of acid in the milk. Hence it is, that where the whole milk is set apart for the separation of cream, and the whole of the cream is separated, the milk must necessarily have turned sour before it is made into cheese; and no very excellent cheese can be made from milk which has

once attained that state.


THE following mode of rearing calves, adopted by the society denominated Shakers in Canterbury, N. H., was communicated in a letter from Francis Winkley to Levi Bartlett, of Warren, N. H., and was published in the N. E. Farmer in 1824:

ular, which are found in the southern and western sections of the States, imperfect and superficial as our knowledge on the subject still is, invite to researches which promise to repay with adequate returns. I believe no naturalist has elsewhere found a more magnificent specimen of the testudo coriacia, than that caught in the waters of our bay, and now exhibited in the American Museum of this city. Several of the Ophidea, are certainly peculiar, and the crotalus horndus, the most formidable and invincible of poisonous serpents, was deemed by the fathers of our country, a fit emblem to designate the national standard for the anticipated glories of the new republick, created by the war of the revolution. For my own part, I concur in the wish of the patriotick Franklin, that the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of "We let calves, that come in the fore part of the American confederacy: and I think his reasons March, suck a week or ten days, then take them abundantly cogent: The eagle,' says he, 'does not from the cow, giving them a moderate allowance of get his living honestly: he is a bird of bad moral new milk to drink till they have learned to drink it character: he is cowardly: the little king-bird, not freely; then put in some skimmed milk, taking care larger than a sparrow, attacks him boldly and drives to give it at about the temperature of milk taken di- him out of his district; therefore he is not a fit reprectly from the cow, by heating a part of it and mix-resentative of that yeomanry who have thus far driven ing it with the rest. Care should be taken not to all the king-birds out of the country.' So far, Dr. scald the milk, when heated: also not to give them Franklin. As to the Coctalus, or rattle-snake, he is any sour milk for it will make them scourge. The a genuine aboriginal he is the beau-ideal of etitrough or vessel in which they drink their milk quette: he is never the first to molest, and he always should likewise be kept clean, and not suffered to gives due warning of his intentions by his rattles: become sour. We let the milk stand about twelve and when his person or his rights are invaded, his hours before it is skimmed; giving a calf at first aim is unerring and triumphant. Our Indians, who about four quarts, night and morning; increasing the best know him, give him this chivalrick character. mess as need requires, till he is six weeks old, he will require, perhaps, about twelve quarts per day.

When about ten weeks old, we begin to diminish the quantity of milk for about the space of two or three weeks, at which time we wean them. During the whole process, from two to fourteen weeks of age, calves should be well supplied with good hay, salt and provender, such as oats, wheat, bran, and ail-cake, ground fine.

The particular advantages to be derived from the above method of treatment, are the following

$ 1. It is much cheaper than to let them suck in the ordinary way; whereas it makes a great saving of cream for butter, and that without injuring the calves if they are properly at ended to.

2. It prevents calves from moaning or pining so much while weaning as they would otherwise do, when taken from the cows.

3. It not only prevents the cows from being injured in consequence of the calves biting the teats, but also prevents their holding back the milk from the


"I would wish it to be most distinctly understood that the observations I have just made are to be con fined to the bald eagle. The indefatigable Audubon has lately given us a distinct notice and description of the Falco Washingtonianus, or Washington eagl This noble bird first drew his attention while voyaging far up the Mississippi in 1814. The Washington eagle is bold, vigorous; superiour to vulgar expedi ents, he disdains the piratical habits of the bald eagle, and maintains himself, without molesting the rights of others."

"IN adverting to the sublime elevation of our native pine, it was aptly said by some European writer, The trunk of an individual American tree is enough to constitute a becoming spire for the proudest British cathedral:' and though not allowed on this occasion to descant on the excellence of this tenant of the forests as a material in ship-building, I am nevertheless just now forcibly reminded of an incident which took place on my dining with some English savans,

just after the close of the late war, at the house of Sir James Edward Smith, the president of the Linnæan Society of London. Many interrogatories were put, touching the natural products of our vegetable world. "Your ships are built of pine, you cannot boast," says one of the guests, somewhat sarcastically," of the English oak."-"Talk not to the doctor, of the English oak," interposed a third, (with softer feelings,)" the American pines have done their duty."


foregoing definition, it appears that all places situated on the same parallel of latitude, are in the same climate; but we must not infer from thence that they have the same atmospherical temperature. Large tracts of uncultivated lands, sandy deserts, elevated situations, woods, morasses, lakes, &c., have a considerable effect on the atmosphere. For instance, in Canada, in about the latitude of Paris, and the south of England, the cold is so excessive, that the greatest rivers are frozen over from December to April, and the snow commonly lies from four to six feet deep. The Andes mountains, though some parts of them are situated in the torrid zone, are at the summit covered with snow, which cools the air in the adjacent country. The heat on the western coast of Africa, after the wind has passed over the sandy desert, is almost suffocating; while that same wind, having passed over the Atlantick ocean, is cool and pleasant to the inhabitants of the Caribbee islands.

[graphic][merged small]

THE cut above represents the tree from which the gum which is used so much in Catholick churches is received. It is a gum-resin, which distils from incisions made in the tree termed by botanists the boswellia thurifera; this tree somewhat resembles the sumach, and belongs to the same natural family; it grows upon the mountains of India. It is imported in semitransparent yellowish tears, or sometimes in masses: its taste is nauseous and bitter. When burnt, it gives out a strong aromatick odour, on which account it was much used in the temples of the ancients. The frankincense from Arabia is esteemed much more highly than that from India.




"The attack on fort Mellon was made, it is supposed, by Philip and his gang. The action must have taken place before the information of the truce could have been received by the Indians who made the attack."-Southern paper

Blaze! with your serried columns,

I will not bend the knee!

The shackle ne'er again shall bind
The arm which now is free:

I've mail'd it with the thunder

When the tempest mutter'd low;

And where it falls ye well may dread
The lightning of its blow.

I've scared ye in the city,

I've scalped ye on the plain;

-Go, count your chosen where they fell
Beneath my leaden rain-

I scorn your proffer'd treaty,"

The pale-face I defy;

Revenge is stamp'd upon my spear,

And" Blood" my battle cry.

Some strike for hope of booty,
Some to defend their all-
I battle for the joy I have

To see the white man fall:
I love among the wounded
To hear his dying moan,
And catch, while chanting at his side,
The musick of his groan.

Ye've trail'd me through the forest,

Ye've track'd me o'er the stream,
And struggling through the everglade,
Your bristling bayonets gleam:
-But, I stand as should the warriour,
With his rifle and his spear;
The scalp of vengeance still is red,
And warns ye-" Come not here."

Think ye to find my homestead!
I gave it to the fire:

My tawny household do you scek?
I am a childless sire.*

But should ye crave life's nourishment,
Enough I have and good;

I live on hate-'tis all my bread,
Yet light is not my food.

I loathe ye with my bosom

I scorn ye with mine eye-
And I'll taunt ye with my latest breath,
And fight ye till I die.

By the word climate, is designated a part of the surface of the earth contained between two small circles parallel to the equator, and of such a breadth, that the longest day in the parallel nearest the pole, exceeds the longest day in the parallel of latitude next the equator, by half an hour in the torrid and temperate zones, or by a month in the frigid zones, so that there are twenty-four climates between the equator and each polar circle, and six climates between each polar circle and its pole. From the children; they being considered an incumbrance to the war.

I ne'er will ask ye quarter,

And I ne'er will be your slave;
But I'll swim the sea of slaughter,

Till I sink beneath its wave.

It will be remembered, that many of the Seminoles killed their

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