صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

REVOLUTIONARY ANECDOTES. ly in the next room, and heard not a groan.”—“ My


kind friend," he replied, "I felt not the less agony;
but I would not have, breathed a sigh in the pres-
ence of British officers, to have secured a long and
fortunate existence."


DURING the revolutionary war, when General Putman was in command of an important fortress in the Highlands of the Hudson river, his force had been so much weakened by the expiration of limited enlistments, and the withdrawal of troops for the GENERAL JACKSON, at a very early period of his protection of other important passes, that the enemy life, aspired to obtain celebrity. At the age of fourventured to besiege his fort. The siege was extend- teen he commenced his military career, and shared ed beyond the patience of a veteran, whose feelings the glory of the well-fought action at Stono. Made were more in favour of field fights, than of artificial a prisoner in his native settlement at the Wacsaws, manœuvres. He was still more annoyed by a ban- shortly after the surrender of Charleston, his manly dylegged drummer, who approached an angle of the opposition to the orders of an unfeeling tyrant who fort every morning, to beat an insulting reveille. wished to impose on him the duties of a hireling, After having chafed under the insult, like a caged gave superiour claims to applause. Wounds were lion, he procured one of the Dutch ducking-guns, infiicted and increase given to persecution, but withof caliber and length sufficient to reach the drummer, out affecting either the steadiness of his principles and punish his audacity. He stationed himself with or the firmness of his resolution. He told his opthis weapon at the parapet, and soon saw his insult-pressor-" You may destroy, but can never bend ing victim approaching. He had scarcely struck me to a submission." the first note of defiance, when drum and drummer The severity of this treatment arose from his rerolled in the dust." There," exclaimed the satis- fusal to obey an officer who ordered him to clean his fied general, "go to with your sheep-skin boots. The spirit of the youth, which ought to fiddle!" have called forth applause, excited no sentiment but that of unbridled resentment.



A FEW days previous to the evacuation of Charles ton, a very rash expedition, suggested by General WHEN General Provost invaded Carolina, a conKosciusko, occasioned the loss of Captain Wilmot siderable British force occupied the house and planand Lieutenant Moore, two of the most distinguished tations of Mr. Robert Gibbes, on the Stonto river. partisans in the service. The object was to sur-At the period of their arrival there, Mr. John Gibbes, prise a party of wood-cutters from Fort Johnstone, a respectable gentleman, worn down by age and inworking in view of the garrison of Charleston. The firmity, was on a visit to his brother. His usual party found their enemy prepared, and received so residence was on a farm called the Grove, where deadly a fire, that Wilmot and several of his men the race-ground is now established. In addition to fell lifeless, while Moore and many others remained numberless exoticks, he had a green-house and pion the field covered with wounds. Kosciusko, al-nery in the best condition. A Major Sheridan, arrithough a spontoon was shattered in his hand, and his coat pierced with four balls, escaped unhurt. A British dragoon was in the act of cutting him down, when he was killed by Mr. William Fuller, a very young and gallant volunteer, who had joined the expedition.

ving from the army on the Neck, at Mr. Gibbes's,
was asked by an officer in the presence of the broth-
ers-" What news? Shall we gain possession of
the city ?"-"I fear not," replied Sheridan, “but we
have made glorious havock of the property in the
vicinity. I yesterday witnessed the destruction of
an elegant establishment, belonging to an arch-rebel
who, luckily for himself, was absent. You would
have been delighted to see how quickly the pineap-
ples were shared among our men, and how rapidly
his trees and ornamental shrubs were levelled with
the dust."

This was the last blood shed in the revolutionary
contest. The British buried Wilmot with the hon-
ours of war; and shewed the greatest attention to
Moore, who was removed to Charleston, to receive
the best surgical assistance. The amputation of the
limb, in which he received his principal wound, be-
ing indispensible, it was performed within a few Mr. John Gibbes, who was a man of strong pas-
days after the evacuation by their own surgeons; but sions, could hear no more, and, regardless of couse-
mortification rapidly following, he died greatly and quences, with indignation exclaimed, "I hope that
universally lamented. When first brought into town, the Almighty will cause the arm of the scoundrel
great pains were taken by the British surgeons to who struck the first blow, to wither to his shoulder."
extract the ball, but without success. Mrs. Daniel" How is this, sir ?" said Sheridan, "dare you use
Hall, in whose house he lodged, and who had watch- such language to me?"-"Yes," said Mr. Gibbes,
ed over him unremittingly, being apprized of the" and would repeat it at the altar!"-"The provo-
business which brought the most distinguished sur- cation," said the commanding officer present, "suffi-
geons together, entering the apartment of Moore, ciently justifies the anger of Mr. Gibbes; for your
as soon as they had retired, said, "I am happy to own credit, Sheridan, let the matter drop." The
find that you have not been subjected to so severe catastrophe was dreadful. To banish thought, Mr.
an operation as I had anticipated; you appear to Gibbes, unhappily driven to an intemperance before
have experienced but little agony. I was constant-unknown, retired to his bed, and rose no more.



the matter is liquefied, add the linseed oil in a state of ebullition, and then the essence warm. When

The invention of air-balloons led to the idea of applying caoutchouck to the composition of varnish. It was necessary to have a varnish which should unite great pliability and consistence. No varnish seemed capable of corresponding to these views, except that of caoutchouck, but the desiccation of it is exceedingly tedious.

To Dissolve Gum-Elastick.-M. Grossart, by an the varnish has lost a great part of its heat, strain it ingenious method, succeeded in forming India-rub-through a piece of linen, and preserve it in a wideber into elastick tubes. Cut a bottle of the gum mouthed bottle. This varnish dries very slowly, a circularly, in a spiral slip of a few lines in breadth; | fault which is owing to the peculiar nature of the then plunge the whole of the slip into vitriolick ether, caoutchouck. till it becomes softened; half an hour is generally sufficient for this purpose. The slip is then taken out of the liquid, and one of the extremities applied to the end of a mould, first rolling it on itself, and pressing it, then mounting spirally along the cylinder, taking care to lay over and compress with the hand every edge, one against the other, so that there may not be any vacant space, and that all the edges may join exactly; the whole is then to be bound To Varnish Balloons.-The compositions for hard with a tape of an inch in width, taking care to varnishing balloons have been variously modified; turn it the same way with the slip of caoutchouck. but, upon the whole, the most approved appears to Over the tape, packthread is to be applied, in such be the bird-lime varnish of M. Faujas St. Fond, a manner, hat by every turn of the thread joining prepared after M. Cavallo's method as follows: "In another, ar equal pressure is given to every part. order to render linseed oil drying, boil it with two It is then left to dry, and the tube is made. In re- ounces of sugar-of-lead, and three ounces of lithmoving the bandage great care must be taken, that arge, for every pint of oil, till they are dissolved, none of the outward surface which may have lodged which may be in half an hour. Then put a pound within the interstices of the tape, (of which the of bird-lime, and half a pint of the drying-oil, into caoutchouck takes the exact impression,) may be an iron or copper vessel, whose capacity should pulled asunder. If it is found difficult to with- equal about a gallon, and let it boil very gently over draw the mould, it may be plunged into hot water. a slow charcoal fire, till the bird-lime ceases to If the mould were previously smoked or rubbed with crackle, which will be in about half, or three quarchalk, it might be removed with less difficulty. ters of an hour; then pour upon it two pints and a Polished metallick cylinders are the most eligible half more of the drying-oil, and let it boil about an moulds for this purpose. As solvents, oils of tur-hour longer; stirring it frequently with an iron or pentine and lavender may be employed, but both are wooden spatula. As the varnish, while boiling, and much slower of evaporating the ether, and the oil of especially when nearly ready, swells very much, turpentine, particularly, appears to have a kind of care should be taken to remove, in those cases, the stickiness. Nevertheless, there is a solvent which pot from the fire, and to replace it when the varnish has not that inconvenience, is cheaper, and may subsides; otherwise it will boil over. Whilst the easily be procured by every one, viz. water. Pro- stuff is boiling, the operator should occasionally exceed in the same manner as with ether. The caout-amine whether it has boiled enough; which may be chouck is sufficiently prepared for use when it has been a quarter of an hour in boiling water: by this time its edges are sometimes transparent. It is to beurned spirally round the mould, and replunged frequently into the boiling water, during the time en ployed in forming the tube. When the whole is bound with packthread, it is to be kept some hours in boiling water, after which it is to be dried, still keeping on the binding. This method may be sucessfully employed in forming the larger sort of bes, and in any other instruments, but it would be impracticable to make the small tubes in this way. Oil of lavender, of turpentine, and of spikenard, dissolve gum-elastick, with the assistance of a gentle heat; but a mixture of volatile oil and alcohol forms a better solvent for it than oil alone, and the varnish dries sooner. If boiled in a solution of alum in water, it is rendered softer than in water alone. Yellow wax, in a state of ebullition, may be satura- Make a small coop for each hen that has chickted with it, by putting it, cut in small pieces, grad-ens, so that the brood can run in and out; place it ually into it. By this means, a pliable varnish is formed, which may be applied to cloth with a brush, but it still retains a clamminess.

To make caoutchouck varnish.-Take caoutchouck, or elastick resin, boiled linseed oil, essence of turpentine, each sixteen ounces.

known by observing whether, when rubbed between two knives, which are then to be separated from one another, the varnish forms threads between them, as it must then be removed from the fire. When nearly cool, add about an equal quantity of oil-of-turpentine. In using the varnish, the stuff must be stretched, and the varnish applied lukewarm. In twenty four hours it will dry."

To kill Rats or Crows.-Bruise half an ounce of nut vomica, and soak it twenty-four hours in warm water; then add four quarts of corn, and soak it twelve hours; then sow the corn on the ground immediately after planting.

To destroy Insects in Gardens.-A mode of destroying insects in gardens which may sometimes be adopted to advantage is as follows:


near your squash or cucumber-beds, and the chickens of three and four weeks old, will be very active in picking up worms and bugs, without scratching or doing any mischief among the vegetables.

To Improve and Increase Sugar.-To five pounds of coarse brown sugar, add one pound of flour, and Cut the caoutchouck into thin slips, and put them there will be obtained six pounds of sugar worth ten into a matrass placed in a very hot sand-bath. When per cent. more in colour and quality.



It is well known to our readers, that among the many natural curiosities found in the extensive caves and grottoes in the vicinity of the great Laurel Ridge, (Cumberland mountains,) many human skeletons and bones of animals have been discovered, some of them in a petrified state. These caves abound in prodigious vaulted apartments and chambers, which, when viewed by torch-light, exhibit scenes of gloomy grandeur which astonish the beholder. Several petrified trees have also been discovered on the banks of the river near this ridge, as also bones of mammoths, and other animals whose races are now extinct.

But the most remarkable discovery that has ever been made in this part of the country-if not the greatest natural curiosity in the world, was brought to light on Sunday, twenty-fourth January, by two scientifick gentlemen with whom we are acquainted, and who are now in town. They have been for several weeks exploring the caves above alluded to, and gathering such curiosities as they wished to carry away with them.

They are provided for this purpose with a boat of gum-elastick, and capable of buoying two persons. With this boat, and other conveniences procured for the purpose, they will, undoubtedly, before they leave their task, penetrate every accessible hole in the west Cumberland mountains-for they are determined to spend the whole season among them.

The wonderful discovery which will now shortly be presented to the publick, is three petrified bodies entire, one of a dog, and two human bodies, one of them holding a spear. It is believed by these gentlemen, that all three of the bodies may be removed from their position in a perfect state-though the dog, being in a lying posture upon a flat rock, it will undoubtedly be a difficult task to remove it uninjured. The human bodies appear to be those of men-probably hunters. Their clothing can hardly be distinguished-but still it is evident that that too was in a measure turned into stone. They are described thus: One sitting, with the head leaned as it were against a projecting rock, and the other standing, with a spear balanced in his hand, as though he was surprised, and had just started on a quick walk. The dog lies as if crouched in terrour, or about to make a spring-but the features, or body, is not distinct enough to determine which position.

This wonderful formation cannot be accounted for in any other way, than that these persons were buried by some terrible convulsion of nature. The cave in which they were found, is full one hundred and twenty-eight feet into the mountain, and is situated about a mile and a half beyond what is called Mamnoth Grotto, in a direct line. The entrance to the place is difficult, and it is thought that it was never before attempted at all. At the foot of the entrance of the cave is a considerable brook of water, which appears to gather from all parts of it. There is also a valley thence to the river. The gentlemen who have made this interesting discovery, are making active preparations to bring away the bodies, which they intend to have forwarded to New York.

Since the above was written, we have had an in

vitation to visit the cave and bodies, which we shall most certainly accept. We have hitherto declined to mention the names of the persons to whom we have alluded in this account. One of them is a wealthy English gentleman, resident of Philadel phia, John Chester, Esq., and his companion is Mr. Jacob L. Davis, a Philadelphian. The object of their scientifick researches, is principally their own gratification. We shall next week give our readers some further particulars relative to the position of the cave, &c., which our visit will enable us to do. Hamilton (Tenn) Observer.


LYNCH LAW had its origin in 1780, as known by that appellation, in a combination of the citizens of Pittsylvania, Virginia, entered into for the purpose of suppressing the depredations of a trained band of horse-thieves and counterfeiters, whose well-concerted schemes had bidden defiance to the ordinary laws of the land, and whose success encouraged and emboldened them in their outrages upon the community. A late number of the Southern Literary Messenger contains a copy of the constitution, dated Sept. 22, 1780, adopted for their government in visiting the guilty offenders with summary justice, which, from its having been drawn up by Col. William Lynch of that county, has given the name of Lynch Law to the summary infliction of punishment by private and unauthorized individuals ever since. The Edi or says he is informed by a member of the association, that its efforts were completely successful in arresting the ravages of the lawless miscreants against whom they were directed.


We have been favoured with a copy of manuscript history, of no doubtful authority, which tates that Thomas Macy was the first white person that settled on the island of Nantucket, and which con tains some amusing incidents in relation to his s tory. It the year 1665, King Philip, the sachemf Mount Hope, went to Nantucket with his retinue pursuit of one of his tribe who was guilty of th enormous crime of sacrilege, inasmuch as he ha taken the name of a deceased sachem in vain. Th name of the criminal was Asassam, (John Gibbs, and the impious act which he had committed had aroused the indignation of his whole tribe. Philip and his suite landed from their canoes, on the west end of the island, and travelled to the settlement on the east end, where the criminal had taken refuge. On his arrival there, the criminal fled to good old Thomas, (whom both whites and Indians loved and respected.) implored his protection, and was concealed. Philip demanded him, and became so warlike that an assembly of the white inhabitants took place, when a treaty was entered into by the parties, one condition of which was, that Philip should have all the money on the island, if he would reprieve the criminal. A collection took place, nineteen shillings were raised for Philip, and he returned to Mount Hope satisfied. Mr. Macy was equally happy in his whole system of government, and was highly esteemed from the fact that he was the first white inhabitant of the island.

New Bedford Gazette.

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