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النشر الإلكتروني

they do not adopt a fet of tenets, got and repeated by rote ; but judge for themselves, each from his own fhare of information and capacity; it is no wonder therefore that philofophers differ in opinion, and yet do they differ half so much as parties in politics, or fectaries in religion? It is a proftitution of the name of. philofopher, and injurious to philofophy itself, to beftow that title upon every fuperficial fmatterer, who affects to defpife the wifdom of his ancestors before he hath acquired any of his own. Father Gerdil and Mr. Rouffeau are in in this refpect, however, . on an equal footing; they both pretend to hold philofophy, cheap, because they are neither of them philofophers. As to. their pretenfions to religion alfo, we think them pretty equally matched; at leaft it might puzzle a faint to determine which is. the better Chriftian of the two, or indeed what to make of the Christianity either of the layman or the pricft. On the whole, with regard to the work itself, we look upon it as a plaufible and dangerous performance; artfully calculated, under the pretence of controverting irreligious and immoral tenets, to spread abroad thofe of ecclefiaftical tyranny and arbitrary power; from the dreadful effects of which may heaven long preferve us and our pofterity!

Advice to the People in general, with regard to their Health: But more particularly calculated for thofe, who, by their Distance from: regular Phyficians, or other very experienced Practitioners, are the most unlikely to be feafonably provided with the beft Advice and: Affiftance, in acute Difeafes, or upon any fudden inward or outward Accident. With a Table of the most cheap, yet effectual Re-' medies, and the plaineft Directions for preparing them readily. Tranflated from the French Edition of Dr. Tiflot's Avis au Peuple, &c. printed at Lyons; with all his own Notes; a few of his Medical Editor's at Lyons; and feveral occafional Notes, adapted to this English Translation, by J. Kirkpatrick, M. D. 8vo. 6s. Becket and de Hondt.


HE exercife of a well-directed benevolence is attended with pleasures the most pure and exquifite.-Pleasures, indeed, which are only to be felt by the good and benevolent heart.-Dr. Tiffot feems to be one of thofe worthy members of the faculty who deem it the duty of a phyfician, to labour for the prefervation of Mankind and we doubt not has often expeLicnced the fatisfaction and joy which naturally fpring, from re-i lieving the diftreffes or contributing to the well-being of his fellow-creatures.Sufficiently acquainted with the melancholy


effects of the pernicious treatment of diseases in diftant villages and remote country-places; and affected with the deepeft concern for the unhappy fituation of the poor, in those parts of Swifferland, where many are loft, not only from a fcarcity of good affistance, but also from a fatal fuperfluity of the worst; Dr. Tiffot was induced to draw up this treatise for their comfort and relief; and thus to prevent, as far as in his power, fo dreadfull an havoc of the laborious and useful part of mankind.

It is doubtless the good policy of every ftate, to be particularly attentive to all those means, which may increase the number, and best secure the health, industry, and virtue of the people at large. The decrease of the number of inhabitants, in most of the states of Europe, is a fact, but too well established on the plainest calculations. This decreafe, which is most remarkable in country-places, is to be attributed to a variety of causes; one of the greatest of which is the improper and prejudicial manner of treating diseases: to remedy which evil, Dr. Tiffot has publifhed this useful work,- A work caculated for the perufal of intelligent and charitable perfons who live in the country, and who frequently have it in their power to affift their poor and lef, knowing neighbours both with medicines and advice. Our Author is fo far from fuppofing that his directions should supply the place of a phyfician, that he fays they are only to be ufed where fuch affiftance cannot immediately be procured; and the moment a physician arrives they ought to be laid afide.-Agreeable to this plan, Dr. Tiflot has chiefly treated of acute, and inflammatory diseases, and fuch accidents as require the most expeditious relief.-But before he enters upon his fubject, he points out in the introduction, the other concurring caufes of depopu lation: which may all, he fays, be included in these two general affirmations; that greater numbers than usual emigrate from the country; and that the people increase lefs every where.'

The Caufes of Depopulation.

1. Emigration-Military fervice, whether by fea or land, may be confidered as one kind of emigration. The long train; of evils, which neceffarily attend these fervices, make a great. difproportion between the numbers which go abroad and those which return. Those who return, have fuffered much through, age, infirmities, or debauches; and they have been absent too. from their country during that period of life, which is best fitted, for population.-But another more ferious fpecies of emigration, is expatriation, which includes all those who abandon their Country, to feek their fortunes abroad. This evil, fays Dr. Tiflot, is unhappily become epidemical, is attended with many and peculiar difadvantages, and its ravages are ftill increasing.'

2. Luxury

2. Luxury.-Great numbers not only defert their country, but those who remain multiply lefs than an equal number formerly did.-Luxury, by unboundedly increafing the expences of a 'family, is a dreadful bar to matrimony.-Luxury alfo, with its too often attendant vices, idlenefs and debauchery, impairs the health and ruins the conftitution.-From these two caufes, the fear of a numerous family, and the infirmities of a premature old age, it is, fays Dr. Tiffot, that the preceding generation counted fome families with more than twenty children: the living one less than twenty coufins.'-Another inconvenience of luxury is, that the rich quit the country to live in great cities:

this is attended with many ill confequences to themselves and their multiplied domeftics. The country is deferted, and population greatly prevented by the numerous train of evils, which neceffarily arife from the laziness and libertinism of a city life.Happy would it be for our mother-country, were these obfervations less applicable to her!

3. The decay or neglect of agriculture. This caufe, fays our Author, has, to this very moment, prevented the increafe of the people in France. Agriculture increases fubfiftence, and there is a reciprocal and neceffary relation between fubfiftence and population." An old Roman, fays the Marquis of Mirabeau, who was always ready to return to the cultivation of his field, fubfifted himself and his family from one acre of land. A favage, who neither fows nor cultivates, confumes, in his single perfon, as much game as requires fifty acres to feed them. ConTequently Tullus Hoftilius, on a thousand acres, might have five thousand fubjects: while a favage chief, limited to the fame extent of territory, could fcarcely have twenty: fuch an immenfe difproportion does agriculture furnish, in favour of population. Obferve these two great extremes. A ftate becomes difpeopled or peopled in that proportion, by which it recedes from one of these methods, and approaches to the other.". Agriculture may be confidered as almoft equal to the production of every advantage. From this, arifes a plenty of commodities, the fuperfluity of which will be carried to other countries; hence, trade, commerce, and the various arts and manufactures which are neceffarily connected with them.-Abilities and genius are exerted, and ought to be encouraged.-Many foon excel in arts, fciences and profeffions.-And from thefe fources a nation becomes rich, happy, and refpectable.

4. The manner of treating fick people in the country.'-I have been a witness, that maladies, which, in themfelves, would have been gentle, have proved mortal from a pernicious treat-, ment: and I am convinced, that this caufe alone makes as great a havoc as the former. This afflicting confideration has determined me to publifh this little work.' In the remaining part of



the introduction Dr. Tiffot more fully marks out the nature of his undertaking, mentions the perfons for whofe perusal it was chiefly intended, and explains a few terms which were unavoidable. He then proceeds to the work itself, and begins with enumerating

The most ufual Caufes of popular Maladies.

1. Exceffive labour.-Sometimes the labourer at once finks down into an irrecoverable ftate of faintnefs and exhauftion: He is more frequently however attacked with fome acute, inflammatory difeafe.-This caufe is ftill more diftreffing, if there is joined with it, that kind of exhauftion which is the confequence of real poverty.

2. Country people when over-heated with hard labour or exercife, very often fuffer from imprudently lying down and repofing in fome cold place. This is the fource of many violent, acute, and dangerous diseases."

3. An indulgence in drinking cold water when a perfon is extremely hot. This caufe acts in the fame manner with the preceding, and produces fimilar bad effects: its confequences however are more fudden and violent: hence quinfeys, cholics, inflammations of the breaft, liver, or intestines; prodigious fwellings, fuppreffions of urine, and inexpreffible anguifh. Aftonifhing it is, fays Dr. Tiflot, that labouring people should habituate themselves to this pernicious cuftom, which they know to be fo very dangerous to their very beafts.'

4. The inconftancy of the weather. This is moft prejudicial in thofe climates where there are frequent and fudden tranfitions from heat to cold thefe changes are sometimes attended with heavy fhowers of rain, and even cold rain, in the middle of a very hot day this must be particularly hurtful to the labourer, who is expofed in the open fields; and who from being bathed in a hot sweat, is at once plunged as it were into cold water.

5. The conftruction of the houses and cottages; many of which either lean close to an higher ground, or are funk a little in the earth: thus the inhabitants are unavoidably exposed to cold and noxious damps.


6. The custom in many villages and country places, of having dunghills, ditches with ftagnated putrid waters, and other offenfive matters, either before their doors or directly under their windows.-The peafants who are accustomed to these smells, become in a great meafure infenfible of them, but the caufe is nevertheless unwholefomly active. To this caufe, fays our Author, may alfo be added, the neglect of the peasants to air their lodgings. They are frequently fmall, clofe, crouded, dirty, and rarely fweetened with the admiffion of the external air from fuch a caufe proceed the most perplexing and malig REV. July, 1765.



nant fevers, and which would more frequently attack the inhabitants, did not their employments neceffarily call them out into the fresh and open day.

7. Drunkenness. This caufe is but too univerfally active and deftructive many it cuts off even in the vigour of life by a violent and premature death; others fink down into infirmities and old age, long before the time of their natural approach.

8. The provifions of the common people. Damaged corn, ill made bread, and other unwholesome and indigeftible aliments. The abuse of allum, fays the English Tranflator, and other pernicious materials introduced by our Bakers, may too juftly be confidered as one horrible fource of the diseases of children' Hence obftructions in the bowels and other vifcera, feebleness, flow fevers, hectics, rickets, and other lingering and fatal difeafes. Dr. Tiffot concludes this enumeration of the most ufual caufes of popular maladies, with obfervations on the drinks of the country people in Switzerland; which the Tranflator judiciously accommodates to our own climate.

Chap. II. treats of the causes which aggravate the difeafes of the people. Difeafes which in themselves are dangerous, are rendered ftill more fo, and very often prove mortal, through a wrong and mistaken management. There is a most fatal prejudice among the common people, that all diftempers are to be cured by fweat. This they endeavour to bring on by methods the most hurtful. A clofe ftifling apartment, a load of covering, wine, faffron, venice treacle, hot fudorifics, and other prejudicial means are used, which alone are fufficient to excite a moft ardent fever. Thus for a day or two the patient diffolves away in profuse sweats, and an untimely discharge of the thinner part of the blood, leaves the mafs more dry, more vifcid, more inflamed. Thefe fweats fo extremely hurtful foon terminate, and cannot eafily be raised again; the dofe however is doubled, the inflammation is increased, and the patient expires in terrible anguifh the fimple attendants ftill afcribing his death to the want of fweating. This method of treating acute, inflammatory difcafes, as certainly kills the patient, fays Dr. Tiflot, as if a ball had been shot through his brains.'

Diseases are alfo much aggravated by the quantity and quality of food with which the patient is too often very imprudently ftuffed. From the first attack of a fever, digeftion ceafes.' Whatever folid or rich food therefore is taken in, it corrupts, proves a fource of putridity, and adds nothing to the strength of the patient, but greatly to that of the difeafe. The poor patients who are compelled to fwallow down good broth, foups, eggs, or even flesh, foon fall into anxiety and ravings, their ftrength is diminished, and the fever heightened. Dr. Tiflot concludes with cautioning against the common, but fome

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