Lys. If thou fay fo, withdraw and prove it too. Dem. Quick, come. Her. Lyfander, whereto tends all this? Lyf Away, you Ethiope. Dem. No, no, Sir, feem to break loose; Take on as you would follow, But yet come not; you are à tame Man, go. Lyf. Hang off thou Cat, thou Burre; vile thing let loofes Or I will shake thee from me like a Serpent. Her. Why are you grown fo rude? What change is this, fweet Love? Lyf. Thy Love? Out tawny Tartar, out; Out loathed Medicine; O hated Poifon, hence. Her. Do you not jeft? Hel. Yes footh, and fo do you. Lyf Demetrius, I will keep my Word with thees Dem. I would I had your Bond; for I perceive A weak Bond holds you; I'll not truft your Word. Lys. What, fhould I hurt her, ftrike her, kill her dead? Although I hate her, I'll not harm her fo. Her. What, can you do me greater harm than hate? Hate me! wherefore? O me! what News, my Love? Am not I Hermia? Are not you Lysander? I am as fair now, as I was ere-while. Since Night you lov'd me; yet fince Night you left me In earneft, fhall I say? Lif Ay, by my Life, And never did defire to fee thee more. Therefore be out of hope, of question, of doubt, Be certain, nothing truer; 'tis no jeft, That I do hate thee, and love Helena. Her O me, you Jugler, you Canker-bloffom, You Thief of Love; what have you come by Night, And ftollen my Love's Heart from him? Hel. Fine, i'faith! Have you no Modefty, no maiden Shame, Her. Puppet! why fo? Ay, that ways go the Game. But that my Nails can reach unto thine Eyes. Hel. I pray you, though you mock me, Gentlemen, Let her not hurt me, I was never curft: I have no gift at all in Shrewishness; I am a right Maid for my Cowardize : Let her not ftrike me. You perhaps may think, Because she's fomething lower than my self, Her. Lower! Hark again. Hel. Good Hermia, do not be fo bitter with me, Did ever keep your Counsels, never wrong'd you, I told him of your ftealth into this Wood: Her. Why get you gone; who is't that hinders you? Hel. With Demetrius. · Lyf. Be not afraid, fhe will not harm thee, Helena. Dem. No, Sir, fhe fhall not, though you take her part. Hel. O, when he's angry, fhe is keen and fhrewd, She was a Vixen when she went to School; And though fhe be but little fhe is fierce.. Lys. Lyf. Get you gone, you Dwarf, You Minimus, of hindring Knot-grafs made, Dem. You are too officious In her behalf that fcorns your Services. Let her alone, fpeak not of Helena, Take not her part: For if thou doft intend Thou shalt abide it. Lyf. Now she holds me not, Now follow if thou dar'ft, to try whofe Right Of thine or mine is most in Helena. Dem. Follow? Nay, I'll go with thee Cheek by Jowl. [Exit Lyfander and Demetrius. Her. You Miftrefs, all this Coyl is long of you: Nay, go not back. Hel. I will not truft you, Nor longer stay in your curft Company. Your Hands than mine are quicker for a Fray, Enter Oberon and Puck. Ob. This is thy Negligence, ftill thou mistak'st, [Exeunt. Ob. Thou feeft these Lovers feek a Place to fight; 'Till o'er their Brows, Death-counterfeiting Sleep I'll to my Queen, and beg her Indian Boy; From Monsters view, and all things fhall be Peace. At whofe approach, Ghofts wandring here and there, For fear left Day fhould look their Shames upon, And must for aye confort with black-brow'd Night, I with the Morning-Love have oft made sport, e'er Day. up We may effect this Bufinefs yet e'er Day. [Exit Oberon. Puck. Up and down, up and down, I will lead them and down: I am fear'd in Field and Town, Goblin, lead them up and down. Here comes one. Enter Lyfander. Lys. Where art thou, proud Demetrius ? Speak thou now. Puck. Here, Villain, drawn and ready. Where art thou? Puck. Follow me then to plainer Ground. Enter Enter Demetrius. Dem. Lyfander, speak again; Thou Run-away, thou Coward, art thou fled? And wilt not come? Come Recreant, come thou Child, That draws a Sword on thee. Dem. Yea, art thou there? Puck, Follow my Voice, we'll try no Manhood here. [Exe. Lyf. He goes before me, and ftill dares me on, When I come where he calls me, then he's gone. [Shifting places. The Villain is much lighter heel'd than I: Enter Puck and Demetrius. [Lyes down. Puck, Ho, ho, ho, Coward why com'ft thou not? Where art thou? Puck. Come hither, I am here. Dem. Nay then thou mock'ft me; thou shalt buy this dear, If ever I thy Face by Day-light fee. Now go thy way: Faintnefs conftraineth me, Enter Helena. [Lyes down. Hel. O weary Night, O long and tedious Night, Two of both Kinds makes up four. Here he comes, curft and fad, |