صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

According to Dr. Simmons, 6000 insane patients have been admitted into St. Luke's Hospital in the course of the last thirty years, half of whom have recovered. Out of 6000 patients, 78 were aged 79 years and upwards, only one in five of whom were cured.

According to the population returns of 1811, taking the integral number of twenty; there were in England, seven employed in Agriculture; nine in trade, manufactures, and handicrafts; and four who lived either on rentals of lands or houses, or on the interest arising from accumulation of money. In Wales the farmers are to the manufacturers as two to one, or the three above-mentioned classes in the proportion of eight, four, and two.

A nation, without being exhausted, can annually afford to employ the one hundredth part of its population in the profession of arms. The quota which England could afford, according to this proportion, in addition to its military and naval establishment previous to the peace of 1814, without exhaustion, would be 170,000, of which 70, 000 would suffice for the navy, and 100,000 for the army.

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The Overseers of the Poor, or some substantial Householder of every Parish and Place in England, and such Persons as shall be appointed in Scotland, shall take an Account of the Number of Persons found within each Parish and Place, and set down the particulars according to the form in an annexed Schedule.

Printed copies of the Act and Schedules shall be transmitted by the King's Printer to the Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks in England; the Acts to be distributed by them to the Clerks of the Divisional Meetings, and the Schedules to the different Persons appointed for England: and printed Copies of the Act shall also be transmitted to the Sheriffs, &c. in Scotland, and Schedules for Distribution.

In England the High Constables shall, at the Easter Sessions 1821, receive from the Clerks of the Peace, &c. the Schedules, and forthwith deliver one to the of ficiating Minister, &c. and one other to an Overseer or substantial Householder of each Parish or Place, who shall, with the Assistance of the Churchwardens, &c. upon May 28, 1821, take an Account of the Number of Persons therein, and inform themselves, by going from House to House, of certain Particulars, and prepare Answers to Questions, according to the Form in the Schedule.

Officiating Ministers in England shall transmit an Answer to the Questions in the Schedule relative to Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, before the 21st June 1821, to the Bishop of the Diocese; who shall transmit the same, before 11th July, 1821, to his Archbishop, to be laid before the Privy Council by the 1st of Aug. who shall cause an Abstract to be laid before Parliament

Justices in England shall appoint a Time and Place (between the 25th of June and 21st of July 1821) for the Overseers or Householders to attend with Returns and Answers to the Six first Questions stated in the Schedule, and cause Notice of such Time and Place to be given to them and the High Constables; and the Overseers, &c. shall then deliver Returns upon Oath.

Justices in England shall receive the Answers and Returns, and administer the Oath in the Schedule, with Power to examine the Overseers and Householders upon Oath, and adjourn their Meetings not later than the 21st July 1821; and shall deliver the Answers and Returns to the High Constables, who shall indorse the Returns, and transmit them to the Clerks of the Peace and Town Clerks by 28th July, 1821.

The Sheriff Deputes, &c. in Scotland, shall appoint Schoolmasters, or other fit Persons, to take Account of the Matters required by this Act; and the Sheriff's Officers, &c. shall deliver the Schedules to the Persons, so appointed, who shall take an Account of the Number of Persons, and inform themselves of certain Particulars, by proceeding from House to House: and preparing Answers to Questions according to the Form in the Schedule.

The Sheriff Deputes, &c. in Scotland, shall appoint a Time (not sooner than the first, nor later than the last Day of June, 1821) for the Schoolmaster or other fit Persons to attend with Returns and Answers to the Questions in the Schedule, which the Sheriff, &c. shall receive upon Oath, with Power to examine the Persons upon Oath, and shall cause the Return to be indorsed; or he may direct the Returns and Answers to be verified upon Oath before any Justice of the Peace.

The Accounts taken throughout Great Britain for preparing the Answers and Returns shall be preserved by the Churchwardens, &c. in England, and other Persons in Scotland, and delivered over to their Successors; and the Clerks of the Peace, &c. in England, and the Sheriff Deputes, &c. in Scotland, shall transmit the Returns to the Secretary of State by 1st August 1821, an Abstract of which shall be laid before Parliament within three months.

Persons employed to have an Allowance for their Trouble and Expences: in England from the County Rates and Poors Rate. In Scotland from the Land Tax.



The French Chambers have been hitherto engaged in stormy discussion respecting the validity of some of the late Elections. These have all terminated favourably for the elected and the Ministers; but too much violence has been displayed in the attempts made to prevent the minority from being heard. By an Ordonnance issued the 20th inst. the King has instituted a Royal Academy of Medicine, which is to be divided into three branches, Physick, Surgery, and Pharmacy. A certain number of foreigners in these three branches are to be admitted as associates.


A conspiracy for restoring the old despotism has been discovered at Grenada, and the ringleaders apprehended. There had been disturbances for several days at Cadiz, in consequence of the populace calling out for the trial of the authors of the massacre of the 10th of March. The military were at length called out, and order re-established. The Spanish militia, amounting to 80,000 men, have been completely new modelled.

Rodrigues, who had been Chief of the Staff to General Campana, and who is accused of being one of the principal actors in the horrid massacre at Cadiz on the 10th of March, has been delivered up by the Provisional Government of Portugal. One of the Journalists points out some serious inconveniences which must result from the recent prohibitory Commercial Decrees of the Cortes, so far as they apply to certain articles of importation from this country. The interior of Gallicia still continues to be infested with banditti.


The Allied Sovereigns at Troppau are said, among other avocations, to have been devising a new system of restriction over the German Press, upon which subject a communication is expected to be made by the Austrian and Prussian Ministers at Frankfort, as soon as the Diet shall have resumed its sittings. It is understood that the chief feature of this newfangled project is the establishment of a General Board of Literary Censorship at Leipsic and it is proposed to be decreed that no work shall be exposed for sale at the fairs there, without having obtained the sanction of the Board. The Govern

ment of Wirtemberg, in reply to a communication respecting this project, is said to have expressed its determination to remain faithful to that provision of the Constitution which guarantees to its subjects the Liberty of the Press.

The King of Saxony has issued a Decree in which he renews the Constitution of the Saxon Diet, as it was established in 1728, with some slight modifications, without granting any new right of representation to the proprietors of the States not noble, or to the inhabitants of the towns. It also confirms the provision by which none can be appointed Commissioners of the Diet, except those of the Noblesse. This Decree is expected to give rise to very animated discussions in the Diet.

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A letter from Dresden of the 4th, says "The spirit of fanaticism has again made its appearance under increased circumstances. In the duchy of Berg, the sectarians are multiplied to an alarming extent. Females of every age assemble together, under others, who call themselves "The Mothers of Sion." They pretend to have visious and revelations, and the new converts have more respect for these deluders than for the established worship; but the greater part of them frequent the castle of Count , who passes for an inspired man, and gives lectures, which are listened to with admiration. The Count visits the poor and sick in his neighbourhood; but when he is seized with a fit of inspiration, he cries out like man possessed with the Devil. long ago he menaced a poor sick woman



with damnation. She was so terrified that she died in the most horrible convulsions, thinking herself past redemption.


The following highly-interesting documents have been received from Naples: one is a translation of a Message from King Ferdinand to the Deputies of the Parliament of Naples, informing them of letters that he had received from the Sovereigns of Austria, Prussia, and Russia, inviting him to repair in person to Laybach, and announcing his determination to accept of the invitation; the other, is the letter of invitation from the Emperor of Austria (said to be conceived in the same terms as those of the other two Sovereigns); in which, Ferdinand says, there was no alternative, as the Sovereigns had


declared that they would treat with no other person, not even with the Princes of his Royal Family.-The moment this Message was published in the Parliament, dissatisfaction was every where heard. The people viewed the proposed departure of the King as a treacherous measure, and the cry was universal that he should not be allowed to go. The debates on the Message were very warm, and some Deputies characterized it as unconstitutional. There is, however, no doubt of the King's departure for Laybach,

COPY OF A LETTER FROM THE EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA TO THE KING OF NAPLES. "Troppau, Nov. 20. "Sir, my Brother, and very dear


"Unhappy circumstances have prevented my receiving the letters addressed to me by your Majesty during a period of four months. The events, however, to which those letters have probably related, have not ceased to occupy my most serious meditations, as well as those of the Allied Powers assembled at Troppau to deliberate in unison on the consequences with which these events menace the rest of the Italian Peninsula, and perhaps the whole of Europe. In determining on this common consultation, we have only acted in conformity with the transactions of 1814, 1815, and 1818-transactions of which your Majesty, as well as Europe at large, knew the character and object, and upon which that tutelary alliance is founded-solely designed to guarantee from all danger the political independence and territorial integrity of all its states, and to ensure the repose and prosperity of Europe at large, by the repose and prosperity of each of the countries of which it is composed. Your Majesty, then, cannot doubt that the object of the Cabinets assembled here is to reconcile the interest and well-being, the enjoyment of which the paternal solicitude of your Majesty would lead you to desire for your people, with the duties of the Allied Monarchs to their own states, and the rest of the world. But my Allies and myself should feel happy to fulfil these solemn engagements, with the co-operation of your Majesty, and we now, faithful to the principles we have proclaimed, demand this co-operation. It is solely with this view that we propose to your Majesty to assemble with us in the city of Laybach. Your presence, Sire, we are sure, will hasten a reconciliation almost indispensable; and it is in the name of the dearest interests of your kingdom, and with that watchful solicitude of which we believe that we have given more than one testimony to your Majesty, that we now invite you to receive new

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In an Address by Ferdinand I. to his Deputies of Parliament, he observes, "The Sovereigns of Austria, Russia, and Prussia, united in Congress at Troppau, have sent me three letters, in which they invite me to repair in person to Laybach, to form part of a new Congress, to be held in that place. In taking on me this care to convince you of my love and solicitude for the nation, I desire that a deputation of four members, selected from the Parliament, may accompany me, and be witnesses, of the dangers that threaten, and the endeavours that may be made, to enslave us.

"It is necessary, however, that until the termination of these negociations, Parliament do not propose any new measure in the different branches, but that affairs may remain in the state in which they are at present, limiting its care to the part it is already called on to take in the organization of the army, and that all the arrangements, dictated by time and circumstances, may continue in the new year as they were fixed in that which is about to expire. It is my decided wish that the greatest economy in expenditure may be adopted in all the departments, as soon as the situation of affairs will permit.

"I leave with you, in parting, all that I hold most dear. You will continue to feel those sentiments of attachment which you have ever professed for my Royal Family.

"I confirm my beloved son, the Duke of Calabria, in his functions of my VicarGeneral, as expressed in my act of the 6th July, and 11th Oct. of this year.

"I am convinced that you will receive this communication as a proof of my sentiments for you, and of that necessity which obliges us to prefer the salvation of our country to every other secondary interest."


The Turkish Government has, at length, deigned to receive from the Neapolitan Minister at Constantinople a copy of his Sovereign's Letter, but with a special declaration on the part of the Sublime Porte, that it was to be considered only as an article of newspaper intelligence, devoid of interest.



Advices to the Sd of September have been received from our settlements on the African coast. It will be recollected that the inhabitants of Cape Coast had engaged to pay to the King of Ashantee a contribution of 500 ounces of gold, in return for a stipulation on his part to abstain from disturbing the tranquillity of their territory. This engagement was entered into with the permission of the Governor aud Council of the British factory, who, at the same time, annexed a condition to the treaty, that the King of Ashantee should recognise the inhabitants of Cape Coast as British subjects. The advices from Cape Coast Castle state, that the treaty is in a course of fulfilment. The natives have been assisted by the Council, under the sanction of the African Company, with a grant of 200 ounces of gold, and they had made much progress in collecting the remainder of the tribute, for the receipt of which an Ambassador from the King of Ashantee was waiting at Cape Coast Castle. For this assistance rendered to the natives they have engaged to keep the country round Cape Coast clear of underwood, which, it is supposed, will render the climate much less detrimental to the health of the settlers. The expence will be defrayed out of the funds for repairing the roads and for the general improvement of Africa. A letter from Fort Accra, dated August 29th, contains a short narrative, characteristic of the firmness and vigilance of the Commanders of the British ships of war appointed for that purpose, in checking, by every means in their power, the disgraceful traffic in slaves. His Majesty's ship Pheasant, Capt. Kelly, having anchored in the Danish roads on the 25th, received information that the Captain of a Spanish schooner had sent on shore, at Dutch Town, a number of slaves, and placed them in the custody of one of his agents, to be detained there for him till his return from a voyage to windward. Capt. Kelly sent on shore to demand the surrender of the slaves, allowing only a few hours for compliance; at the expiration of which, having learned by a signal, previously agreed on, from the fort at Accra, that no slaves had arrived, he commenced a cannonade on the town. The chief men of the place became alarmed for their safety, and sent to announce their intention to deliver up the slaves, if a stop was put to the firing. They shortly after sent in 20 slaves; but Captain Kelly, relying on the information he had received that the actual number was 53, recommenced firing, upon which the remainder were sent over. Care had been taken to point the guns above the roofs of the houses, so that little or no damage was done to the

town, and the inhabitants were more frightened than hurt. They were, however, properly admonished for their couduct, and threatened with the utmost severity in future if they presumed to re. peat it.


A mail has arrived from the Brazils, brought to Falmouth by the Diana packet, which sailed from Rio Janeiro on the 27th of October. On the 24th of that month the Creole sloop of war arrived there, with dispatches from Lisbon, giving an account of the Revolution in Portugal. The whole Court was thrown into the utmost consternation by the news, and the King was said to be particularly affected on the occasion. It was strongly rumoured, on the receipt of the intelligence, that the Prince Royal would immediately proceed in a ship of war for Lisbon. But this report was speedily contradicted, and it was said Don Miguel was to be dispatched to settle all the disputes, and to make concessions. The greatest anxiety prevailed respecting the reception of Marshal Beresford at Lisbon, and the manner in which the changes there would be looked upon by the British Government. At the date of the packet leaving Rio Janeiro, nothing decisive appears to have been determined upon. Letters have been received from Pernambuco, to the 14th ult. by way of Liverpool. The alarm excited among the merchants there, by the accounts from the mother country, had been such as to cause a total suspension of business. There had been a movement in the interior, which created considerable agitation; a party of the military having, it was reported, attacked the inhabitants, and massacred several of them; but it was not understood what was the cause of the outrage. His Majesty's ship Icarus had arrived at Pernambuco from Rio and Bahia, and was to sail for Maranham on the 19th of November. The intelligence of the Oporto insurrection first reached Pernambuco on the 25th Oct. by the Chesterfield packet.

Advices from Buenos Ayres to the 4th of October have been received. Late in September the federal party nominated Col. Rodriguez Governor of the city and province; but his tenure of that post was more short and disturbed than that of any of his numerous predecessors. On the third day after his elevation a body of troops from Ensenada entered Buenos Ayres, and were drawn up by the orders of the new Governor in one of the squares. The suspicion immediately arose and spread rapidly among the Civic Authorities, that Rodriguez was the secret friend of Puyerdeon and Tagle, and meditated their restoration to power, with the return


of anti-federalism. The civic guard was called out, and in the evening of the 28th of September the citizens of Buenos Ayres were alarmed by the report of musketry in the very heart of the city; of the cause of which very few of them were able to supply an explanation. The firing ceased about 10 o'clock, and an interval of silence succeeded, but without inspiring the confidence of security-the doors of the houses remaining shut, and no one venturing to stir abroad. At one in the morning of the 29th the firing was renewed, continuing with little, intermission

till day-break, when it was succeeded by the ringing of bells, shouts of victory, and other evidences of triumph. The victory had declared itself for the Culbido, at the head of the civic guard, and one of its first consequences was the immediate expulsion of Rodriguez from power. Many persons, it is said, lost their lives. The next care of the City Magistrates was the appointment of a Committee to elect a new Governor, and to arrange the return of Deputies to the Congress. The result was not known when these advices were dispatched.



PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Dec. 21. Those extensive, elegant, and far-famed premises, the Kingston, or Lower Assembly Rooms, Bath, were totally destroyed by fire. The loss of property is stated to be very great. The insurances effected amounted to 13,4007. How the accident happened is not known; the vaults, or rather the rooms under those appropriated for balls, reading-rooms, &c. were used as a private theatre, and a play had been performed there that evening; next to which was a carpenter's shop, and adjoining that a large quantity of oil; consequently a fire breaking out amidst such inflammable matter could not be otherwise than destructive. A gentleman named Houlton, one of the proprietors, bad lately fitted up a suite of rooms in the premises, with much taste and elegance, for his residence, where he had collected musical instruments, pictures, and many fine specimens of art, which can never be replaced; the whole of these were destroyed. The loss to the renter, Mr. Mills, a worthy industrious man, with a large family, is very great. Fortunately no lives were lost. The elegant chande liers, pictures of Beau Nash, &c. were all consumed. Some gentlemen were playing cards at the time the fire broke out, but such was its fury it could not be got under.

Dec. 28. This day, Francis Jeffrey, Esq. was installed Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow. An unusual interest was excited to witness the ceremony, and the Hall was crowded in ten minutes after the doors were thrown open. At three o'clock Mr. Jeffrey entered amidst unmixed applause, preceded by the mace, and followed by Mr. Campbell of Blyshwood, M. P. who is at present Dean of Faculty; the Principal, Mr. Kirkman Finlay (the late Rector); and the Professors. A number of Mr.

Jeffrey's friends from Edinburgh also accompanied him; Mr. Thompson, Mr. Cockburn, Mr. Murray, Professor Pillans, and other distinguished characters. After this installation, which occupied but a very short time, Mr. Jeffrey addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.

One of those natural curiosities, which some persons affect to believe does not exist, called a Mermaid, has arrived on board the Borneo, J. C. Ross, master, now lying in the Thames, from Bencoolen, in Sumatra. It is of a perfect human form from the head to the middle, and the rest consists of a tail of a fish resembling the dolphin.



At the Town Hall, Southwark, Hannah Baker, a miserable old woman, was charged with stealing an egg from a stall, and an apple, orange, turnip, or potatoe, from others, in the Borough-market. When searched, there were found in a bundle of rags in her bosom, notes to the amount of 1737. and in her pocket, silver, making in all 2041. 18s. She refused to tell where she lived; but from documents found on her, the Officer discovered that she lived in Garden-row, Shadwell, with her son, an industrious but poor young man, who never suspected his mother of being possessed of so much wealth, though he had always believed that his father, who was a sailor, had died leaving some money. She was discharged, as no one appeared to prosecute; and the money was given up to her son.

Thursday, Dec. 21.

In consequence of repeated complaints from the respectable inhabitants of St. George's-fields, a private search warrant was issued from Union-hall Office on this night, for the apprehension of


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