صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

"So long! It is scarcely fifteen minutes since I left you."

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No longer? It seemed an age." "It always seems long to one waiting."

"But did you find him there?” "Of course!" was the curt reply. "But I see gray streaks in the east. It will soon be daylight, and we have need to hasten."

They reached the point whence they had emerged from the field into the highway, when, drawing bridle and looking back, they saw in the distance a slender figure gliding across the space before the cabin, and mounting a horse which had been concealed under a tree, gallop rapidly away and disappear in the timber.

A sigh, apparently of much relief, escaped Ashby, and with a quick, energetic voice, he gave the order" Forward! we must reach camp before the tattoo!"

The horses sprung forward at a swifter gallop, and in less time than it had required to make the outward ride, the adventurers regained the coppice, where, tying their horses, they left them as they had found them, and walked rapidly toward the camp.

They were challenged by the same sentinel they had encountered before, who, in the now increasing light, though his eye glanced only carelessly over the figure of Haines, sought earnestly to obtain a distinct view of the countenance of Ashby. But his broad hat was slouched low over his brows, and the muffler covering the lower part of his face well pulled up, rendering his features impossible to be distinguished. But with a look of growing wonder, the sentinel continued to gaze after the receding figures, until they were lost in the distance among the tents, when he gave a long, low whistle, ending with an emphatic

"Well! who next?"

The tattoo was sounding as the adventurers reached the camp; but they passed through the busy multitude that poured out of the tents, and gained their quarters without having attracted particular attention.

The first waking hour in camp is a busy one. The calling of the roll, the

morning drill, the preparation and hearty discussion of breakfast, leave not many idle moments to our soldiers; and it may be doubted if any service of the camp is more agreeable, or more faithfully performed.

The exquisite aroma of the pure “ Old Java" provided by the paternal government, and which had never undergone the process of thorough distillation before it came into the hands of the army, as most of that we civilians procure has done, pervaded the whole camp. A gentle exhilaration, such as the odor of the Arabian berry is wont to produce, enlivened the spirits of each little group of soldiers, even before the delicious beverage had touched their lips. Forgetting the carnage and the Herculean toils of the past, and the threatening conflicts of the future, they gave themselves up, like unburdened children, to the enjoyments of the present. Hard-tack and bacon were devoured with a relish that toil and outdoor life could alone impart, and the merry jest and the good-natured repartee leaped from lip to lip with unflagging zest. Thank God for these careless, joyous interludes in the hard life of our brave soldiers!

In a tent not far away from the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, a little group of young officers sat lounging after their ample breakfast, enjoying the inevitable pipe. As the graceful wreaths of smoke floated away from their lips, they leisurely discussed the different topics of the day brought to them by the last mails, and now and then indulging in a little good-natured bantering of one another. Two of these, Major Bateman and Captain Carleton, are already known to us. The former did not present quite his usual bright and active appearance.

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Major, by your looks I should certainly think you had lain awake all night, thinking of the fair lady whose face I caught sight of yesterday, as she fell from your breast-pocket. Now don't look so much annoyed, but own up at once. Isn't it so?"

"Captain Carleton," replied the major, with an expression of great annoyance, "you are a privileged character, or I

should say that you carry your jokes a little further than is becoming or agreeable. But under the circumstances, I say nothing."

"Oh, I beg pardon, major! I don't in the least desire to take advantage of any reputation for buffoonery I may have acquired, to put improper questions; but really, now, any unprejudiced judge would pronounce you guilty, from your anxious looks at this moment. Isn't it so, boys?" said he, roguishly appealing to his comrades. "Why, he looks as fagged as if he had ridden all night with the guerrillas at his heels. And by the way, one of the picket-guard reports having seen two men skulking out of camp last night on foot. Perhaps you may know something about it, major."


The annoyance of the major evidently was reaching a point where Carleton might learn that the liberty he was taking with his superior officer was not to be pardoned on the score even of its being only Carleton, and he's privileged, you know!" but just at this moment, a squad of men advancing attracted the attention of the group, and the matter was forgotten.

It was a little scouting party, who had just ridden in from a long and fatiguing night-scout, bringing with them a couple of prisoners. One of these was a sullen, low-browed fellow, just such an one as we are in the habit of imagining the guerrillas to be. In fact, he did belong to that execrable class of Southern raiders. He was habited in a soiled and ragged suit of the "butternut" cloth of the country, and with equipments of assorted qualities, wherein raw bull's-hide belt and straps contrasted strangely with their pure English pistols and a capital Minie rifle. Fierce black eyes scowled from under a rusty slouch hat, and long black beard hung down over the old bed-quilt, upon one shoulder, which answered the purpose of an overcoat.

The other prisoner was a slender boy of apparently not more than sixteen years, neatly and trimly dressed in darkblue flannel, and of a graceful and gentlemanly deportment. His fair, oval face was lighted up by a pair of beautiful dark-blue eyes, and fanned by clustering,

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"Did your party all escape unhurt?" "All but one, major. Poor Corporal Jones was knocked off his horse by the butt-end of this fellow's rifle, and I heard his skull crack like a pumpkin-shell. I clutched the fellow from behind, but too late to save poor Jones. Poor fellow ! We buried him under an oak-tree in the woods, in just such a spot as I would like to sleep in myself, if I have to make my last bed out here in this wild guerrilla country!"

"You did well, sergeant; but who is this boy? where did you find him? He's not a guerrilla, surely!"


No, sir; and I think he is under some obligations to us for capturing him. He doesn't belong to that kind of cattle at all. He had been captured by the rascals only an hour or less before. At any rate, that is the story this fellow tells me. I couldn't make much out of the boy himself. He doesn't seem to speak much English; but whether he is French, or Spanish, or what not, is more than I know."

"Ah!" said the major, turning to the boy; "don't you speak English?"


Non, monsieur; je parle not mosh Anglais. Je comprends not mosh de ce gentilhomme me say."

"Where do you live? and how came you out alone before daylight in these dangerous times?"

The boy shook his head with a puzzled

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The soldiers fell back, and Carleton, accompanied by the boy, took his way towards the headquarters of the commander-in-chief.

look, at these questions, while his eyes idently troubled and disturbed; and no roamed over the group before him, as if wonder, poor fellow! He ought not to seeking aid. be detained a moment longer, unless sus"He don't understand me," said the ma-picious circumstances should be developed jor; "I'll try and put my question more to make it seem necessary. Fall back, plainly." And going nearer to the boy, men! Make way for the captain and his he raised his voice as if speaking to a prisoner!" deaf person. Sprechen sie Deutch?" he shouted. "Kann'st du nicht mir sagen warum sie sich finden aussen am Macht?" An expression of suppressed mirth flitted for an instant over the boy's face; but instantly assuming his former puzzled look, as if trying to master the meaning of his interlocutor's garbled German, "Monsieur," said he at last, "je ne comprends pas que vous me speak. Je ne sais pas dis langage dat you call Englis."

"He is out of my line, altogether," said the major, ruefully. "He seems to be saying that he does not comprehend the English langage, as he strangely mispronounces the word. It is very strange, in these days of public schools, that he can't pronounce English better. I have a boy not three years old can do it. Who is there speaks French? Captain Carleton, will you try your hand at it a little?"

The boy started at the name; and as his eye glanced upon the captain, who emerged from the group of young officers who surrounded him, a keen, vivid blush for a moment crimsoned his face, and as instantly receding, left it perfectly colorless.

"I am sorry to say that I do not understand French sufficiently to hold conversation," said Carleton, gazing at the boy, while an indefinable feeling came over him that he saw that agitated face not now for the first time. But where he could have seen it before, he could not in the least degree conjecture, and there was now no time to study the matter.

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Entering his tent, he saluted this high officer, and at once announced his business.

"A prisoner, sir, a French boy, who speaks no English, and we cannot examine him. By order of Major Bateman, I have brought him to you."

"A French prisoner? Indeed!" said the general, as Carleton stepped aside, permitting the boy, who stood with downcast eyes, to become visible. A flash of intelligence darted like lightning over the face of the commander, as his eyes fell upon the boy; but as instantly assuming a look of cold inquiry, he looked steadily in the young officer's face, as he asked,

"Where was he taken? and who is he? Do you know anything of him?"


No, sir. He was captured by one of our scouts this morning. They came upon a nest of guerrillas, with whom they had a hot skirmish, losing one man, killed by one of their number, whom they succeeded in taking prisoner. The rest, having fresh horses, escaped. This boy, according to the other prisoner, had but just been captured by them. But how it all came about, and why he happened to be out so early in the morning, his ignorance of our language has prevented our learning. I should almost as soon have expected to see a girl brought in prisoner, as such a delicate boy as he."

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With a respectful salute, Carleton immediately left the tent, acquainting the sentinel, who was pacing up and down in front, with the general's orders, - that no one should enter while he was examining the prisoner.

"Well, Jean, how has this misfortune happened?" said the general, after the tent curtain had dropped behind the retiring officer. "Can you contrive to tell me in English,”—a bright smile lighted up his face as he said this," or will it be necessary for our conversation to be carried on in French?”

“I think I can manage English tolerably well, sir," replied the boy, in a low, gentle voice, and with a quiet smile.

"You have shown great adroitness in escaping the inquisitorial examination you would have been obliged to submit to from a great many persons, had you spoken English. But how did you manage with the guerrillas?"

"Oh, I talked French to them, sir, and quite confounded them with my foreign tongue! I think they would have turned me loose after robbing me of my horse, and perhaps my coat and hat," replied the boy, with a rising blush.

"It is well, at all events, that you have fallen into my hands. There is something though to be done yet, to evade the sharp eyes and prying curiosity of my army."

"Perhaps so, sir; but as I cannot understand or speak English, I think I shall have little difficulty."

and read it with great attention, going over a part of it twice. Then looking the boy full in the face,

"How did you obtain possession of this?" he inquired. "How can I be

sure that it is authentic, or only a hoax? The information it contains is indeed of great importance, if it may be relied on. I wish to know more about it."

"Of how I obtained possession of the document, I must be permitted to remain silent," replied the boy, a bright flush passing over his handsome face. "That it is authentic, there cannot be the least doubt. This I can state confirmatory of it,

that during last night the rebels turned several thousands of horses and mules outside of their lines to take care of themselves."

"Do you say this from personal knowledge, or from mere rumor?"

"From personal knowledge. I have been within a hundred yards of their lines this morning, and I saw immense herds of horses and mules filling their hollow stomachs with the forage they everywhere found. If you doubt," said the boy, with a dignified air, "you have but to send a force and capture them, for they are fast eating their way a long distance from the intrenchments."

"I do not doubt your word, my lad," said the general, kindly; "but I shall nevertheless, as you suggest, capture as many of them as possible. With our excellent forage, they will soon become a valuable addition to our force of animal

And now how shall I reward you for your fearless energy and devotion to your country? Do you need money?"

"It is well! it is well!" said the gen-power. eral, with another well-pleased smile. "But how did you happen to fall into the hands of the guerrillas? You surely had time to reach your home before actual daylight."

"I had done so, sir; but important information, of which I accidentally obtained possession, led me to hazard every danger to place in your hands."

"It should indeed be important, to lead you to risk visiting my camp at daylight."

You will see that it is so, sir," replied the boy, as, drawing a folded paper from the lining of his coat, he presented it to the commander. The latter opened

The boy drew himself up to his full height, his face assuming a grand and noble expression, and his sweet voice becoming deep and full with emotion, as he replied,

"Reward, sir! and have you imagined that I was working for hire? that money must touch this palm to nerve it to its labor? No, sir! He who in these days does not all that lies in his power for his country is no son of Liberty. I ask no reward save your approbation and that of my own heart. And yet perhaps"

He hesitated.

"What is it, my brave boy?" said the general, his eyes misting with unwonted


"The time may come when obloquy may fall upon my name, and the finger of scorn be pointed at The Spy!' when my own hopes and those of others near and dear to me may be blasted by what I am doing now. May I then call upon you to say how and for what end I risk all that is dear to a "- He paused suddenly, a deep blush mantling cheek and brow.


You are a sensitive boy! No true patriot but will honor your name and deeds; and you will yet see the day when your services to your country will be everywhere spoken of in terms of honor."

"It is not for this I work."

"I know it, my boy; no one feels it better than I; and I love and honor you deeply that it is so. And I would do something for you now - something, at least, to render your movements more safe to yourself and to the cause. Can you suggest nothing?"

"Yes, sir; you can give me a letter of protection."

The general hesitated. "I fear it would defeat its object. Should it be seen by friend or foe, it would inevitably lead to a detection of your services, and render them hereafter impossible. You must feel that your usefulness depends on your being wholly unsuspected!"

"I do, sir; but it may one day be to me more than life. Yet believe me, only the most extreme emergency should ever lead me to make use of it."

"But if the enemy should discover it on your person?"

"They would believe, as I should persuade them, that obtaining it was a ruse on my part to deceive and work against you."

The commander shook his head, but opening his writing-desk, penned a few lines and gave them to the boy, who read and carefully secured them in his coatlining.

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"Good-by, my brave boy, and God bless you! And lifting the curtain, he commanded an orderly to summon a guard, with the horse of the prisoner he had just examined.

A guard of a half-dozen men, commanded by a lieutenant, and leading the handsome horse belonging to the prisoner, were immediately at hand.

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I find this boy," said he, addressing the lieutenant, "harmless and innocent of all evil designs, besides being so far unacquainted with the English language as to render it extremely difficult for him to do any mischief, even if he were so disposed. You will therefore restore his horse, conduct him beyond the lines, and set him at liberty."

"Bon jour, mon garcon," said he, turning kindly to the boy, and motioning him to mount. "" Gardez vous!"

"Bon jour, mon generel!" replied the boy, with a profound salutation; and in another minute he was on his way out of the camp and beyond the lines. (To be continued.)

"You will now leave the camp. I will send an escort to conduct you beyond the camp, and let me again impress upon you the importance of increasing vigilance and care. I will meet you again at shall have hereafter.

We have souls here as much as we

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