صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

the glories of the Empire are pure Imperialists and long to hail Napoleon II. in Louis Napoleon. His partisans are said to be very active in the provinces where they take every color that may seem

Notices of New Works.

to which are added those of His Companions. By Washington Irving. Author's Revised Edition. New York: George P. Putnam. 1848.

probable to render their candidate more acceptable. THE LIFe and Voyages of CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS; He is represented to be of enormous fortune which is all to be spent for the dear people. Taxes are to be abolished and every person is to be made comfortable and content. In one place it is promised that Ledru Rollin shall be his prime minister, in another Raspail, in another Thiers. Many in Paris itself speak of his intention to divide immense sums of money among the needy poor and laborers out of employ. In some of the most benighted districts of France, it is believed that the Emperor himself, in proper person, has returned to France. Cavaignac will have the respectable vote of nearly all honest and moderate republicans who still believe the republic practicable in France and wish to make the trial. He has at command too the immense and powerful cohort of public functionaries and all the aids and appliances of Executive patronage. He will use them too without stint. I have nearly come to the conclusion that Cavaignac is as interested and selfishly ambitious as any of his rivals.

We can imagine no more agreeable occupation than that in which Mr. Irving is now engaged,-the supervising the publication of his complete works in the beautiful text of Mr. Putnam. At his time of life, with the consciousness of having secured a fame which will not pass easily away, it must be a pleasant labor, indeed, to survey the works of his genius as they appear in a worthy and comely edition, while the toils of authorship exist only in the memory and the bays he has won are as green as the binding of his volumes! Having bid adieu to public life and exchanged Madrid for Sunnyside, he doffs the diplomatic dress for his morning-gown, and gives up court etiquette for slippered freedom. In this charming retirement, proof-reading becomes attractive and revisal a luxury. It is a thing to be performed con amore at the breakfast table or in the library, and not at the bidding of the printer's devil, by the midnight taper. Oh, fortunate litterateur ! We are glad that to thee, at least, the walks of letters have been ways of pleasantness, and we trust that thou mayst long live to enjoy the dignified leisure of mature age. Very many years may it be, ere the cruel Atropos with "abhorred shears" shall

Ledru-Rollin will be the chosen of all the ad-cut the thread of thy existence! vanced republicans. It is said that Raspail will decline in his favor. If so, Rollin will unite the votes of the red and social republicans and come in first after Louis Napoleon.

Thiers, if voted for at all, will divide with Cavaignac the votes of the friends of the moderate republic. He will have too some who dream as possible, what I deem as improbable as a legitimist restoration-the recall of the Orleans family.

The only chance of a respectable vote for Marshal Bugeaud is in the union of the legitimist and Orleans parties. This is said to have been consummated, but I do not think that with the most favorable results for this combination, it will do otherwise than place Marshal Bugeaud last in the political race which is about to come off.

I think now that Louis Napoleon will be the first President and that in process of time-and not after a very long interval, he will write himself Emperor of the French-unless foreign war should intervene and become the means of elevating to that giddy and dangerous height some ambitious and successful soldier. Such a man would be the more fit and legitimate inheritor of the crown of Napoleon.

W. W. M.

It is matter of very excusable pride to the American student, that the story of Columbus and the remarkable age of which his biography forms a part,-the age of Ferdinand and Isabella,-should have been reserved for two Americans to narrate; and that these writers, by their patient and laborious research, lending to the task all the faculties of their minds and throwing around the whole the spell of a melodious diction, should have so narrated it, that it is not likely that the office will ever again be attempted in the

English language. Until the appearance of the work now under review, the English reader knew not much more of the Genoese "Admiral," than what is condensed, with commendable accuracy, in the little stanzas of the school-boys,

"Columbus was a sailor brave,

That first did cross the Atlantic wave,
He sailed far over the ocean blue,
In 1492,"-

and although a host of writers in many languages had treated of topics relating to Spanish history, (and among them one or two, who tried the very age in question)-Mignot,

Becker, Hallam, Dr. Robertson, Sismondi,-it was left for Prescott to educe order out of chaos, to embody in a lucid and connected exposition the events of the most interesting period of all modern time, and at that point of remote distance, which alone gives the proper historical perspective, to set before us that estimable pair of sovereigns, upon whom we look with livelier feelings of interest than any of their majestic contemporaries. These two writers, Irving and Prescott, though we place them together as historians of the same chain of events, differ widely in many important particulars, and as this difference is nowhere more strikingly manifest than in their treatment of Columbus, it

The following inscription intended for the Louvre pos- may be well to run a parallel between them, and see how

sesses both simplicity and dignity

Pande fores populis, sublimis Lupara: non est
Terrarum imperio dignior ulla domus.

they stand in comparison. First, they differ in the manner of their narratives. It is proper to say, indeed, with reference to the account which Prescott gives us of the worldfinder and the events of his singular career, that it is merely

the Origin and Progress of Political Power and the Laws of Nations; a commentary on the Constitution of the United States of North America, and a lucid exposition of the duties of Voters, Jurors and Civil Magistrates; with questions, definitions and marginal exercises, adapted to the use of schools, academies and the public. By Joseph Bartlett Burleigh, A. M., a member of the Baltimore Bar and President of Newton University. Philadelphia. Grigg, Elliot & Co. 1848. pp. 372.

incidental to the main purpose in view, and could not be THE AMERICAN MANUAL-Containing a brief outline of expected to unfold his adventures as minutely as a personal biography, written in the glow of admiration. But apart from this, the manner of our two authors is very different. We see no conflict of statement, no disagreement in facts, but the divergence is to be noted in their general views, drawn from the facts as put together. Prescott, with the poise of judgment, which belongs only to the true historian, presents a calm explanation of the tardiness with which the proposals of Columbus were considered at the Court, admits the delay, but assigns the many causes which led to it,-appreciates the impatience of the suitor, full of his We think Mr. Burleigh has done the cause of education idea of a new hemisphere, yet reminds us of the generous great service by this publication. In clear, comprehensive patronage of the Castilian Queen, ready even to pledge her treatises on politics, the book lists of our schools are nototiara for the prosecution of the enterprise, and altogether riously deficient. And yet what is more desirable-what places the conduct of the sovereigns in a more excusable more vitally important to American youth, than an acquainlight than that in which it had before appeared. Irving, tance at least with the rudimentary principles of the great tout au contraire, warming with a genuine feeling of affection science of politics? This is hereafter to be the absorbing for the navigator, proceeds, perhaps, with undue severity business, the one great duty of their lives. Under these against these royal delinquents, recites the circumstances of circumstances, no honest teacher, no affectionate parent, no their indifference and neglect toward the claims of Colum- wise statesman can reconcile it to his conscience, to regard bus, and finally concludes with some eloquent reflections on with indifference the acquisition of this sort of knowledge, their ungrateful conduct during the last moments of his life. by those who are hereafter to assume the tremendous resWe would remark a difference also in the style of these ponsibilities of independent electors. We can all see the authors. Prescott is sober, earnest and philosophical, his folly of sending a young man into a profession blindfold, style is stately, and yet it wears not the buskin of Gibbon, ignorant of its requirements, uninstructed in its technicaliand there is every where displayed such tact in arrange- ties. Yet here, for the most part, his insufficiency does ment and such taste in the grouping of figures and incidents comparatively little harm to any one but himself. At the as could only have been attained by careful attention to the ballot-box, however, he exerts a direct influence over the best models. In his passages, having reference to Colum-interests and destinies of millions of his fellow-citizens. bus, we see no attempt to invest him with adventitious Self-preservation, alone, then, should induce us to pay earntraits, the man is set before us "without the foreign aid of est attention to the qualifications of voters. We may prate ornament." But Irving is the most picturesque of writers about the purity of the ballot box, and the guarantees of the and the most charming of biographers. He makes a sea- constitution as much as we please, but there is only one piece on every page and the hero of the story is always in way to insure the one, and to enforce the other. What puthe foreground. The first adventures of the young mari- rity can we expect in the stream, if the fountain be defiled? ner, his listless life around the docks at Lisbon,-the em- We must cleanse the well-head first. We must go back to barkation of his crews for the western world, their depar- the very beginning-we must take the embryo voter and ture from Palos, and the little barks becalmed on the sur- prepare him for the solemn duty which is to devolve upon face of the autumnal ocean,-the perils of tempest,-are him. Without intelligence and honesty universal suffrage all, in the highest degree, graphic descriptions, and when is one of the most deadly poisons that ever ate into the heart land is at last discovered, our author is so highly artistic of a commonwealth; and without a careful training of the that we might almost fancy that the pencil of Vanderlyn had caught its hues from the delineations of Geoffrey Crayon. In another work, relating to the same country and times, in which he traces the events which accompanied the expulsion of the Moors,-the "Conquest of Grenada," the same peculiarities may be observed. If we might be pardoned the conceits, we should say that the work of Prescott was a woof made of the finest fleeces from the hills of Leon,-Irving's the gay embroidery of Xarifa in the ballad But to leave generalities and come at once to particulars; the former a strain of wondrous and prolonged harmony, the the American Manual is, as its title page imports, an elelatter an aria played upon the courtly lutes of the Al-mentary work on politics. The necessity of government,


youth, these qualifications will not exist in the man. We all know these things, but who acts upon them? Our teachers? Not they. There is no one branch of their duties which they more sedulously, perseveringly and entirely neglect than this very one which of all others demands their most constant attention. We hope that the book before us will have the effect of opening the eyes of teachers generally and of the whole community. ;

the origin of law, the duty of submission to both, the intercourse of nations, and kindred topics are discussed We have not been fortunate in our remarks, however, if with sufficient fullness to satisfy the demand of those for we have conveyed the impression that the histories of Mr. whom the work has been prepared ; but the author has very Irving are calculated simply to amuse, for there is much properly directed particular attention to accidental politics solid instruction conveyed in them, which the English as being the most practical. He has sketched the origin of reader can obtain from no other source. They have been the American Constitution, glanced at the history of the old compiled with great care, and a constant reference to ori-articles of confederation, shown their inadequacy for the ginal documents, and the author has freely availed himself exigencies of the time and the country, and after relaof the researches of M. Navarrete, whose assistance he acknowledges in the preface to the present volume. It is certainly a great point gained to make useful knowledge readable, and the most prosy and captious critic will not contest the facts of Mr. Irving, because they are pleasantly

The au

ting the progress of public sentiment and legislative action up to the adoption of the present admirable system of gov. ernment, he has examined and expounded the Constitution itself in a clear, simple and intelligible manner. thor's exposition of the duties and responsibilities of voters, jurors and civil magistrates is concise and admirably adapted to the understanding and the wants of the great body of This book has reached us through Messrs. Drinker and the people. Along the margin of each page there is arrangMorris. ed a column of words corresponding to certain marked words



in the text. These the author calls definitions, synonyms | Etching Club Editions,-will be glad to see the works of and verbal exercises, &c. The plan is novel and orig- the bard of Olney in a similar garb. The present volumes inal. It must exercise the pupil's ingenuity, stimulate en- | are, indeed, very elegant and as the expense of their pubquiry, and arouse an intense interest in what learners gen-lication has been necessarily great, we trust they will meet erally consider the dullest part of their tasks, the proper with an extensive sale. The designs and engraving, we application of words and the investigation of verbal differ- understand, are by American artists, so that in this respect, ences. Throughout the whole book the political sentiments at least, the style of the work differs from those already are unexceptionable and the moral tone of the highest order. mentioned, and reflects even greater credit upon the pubWe presume the work may be had at any of our book-lishers.


THE WOMEN OF THE BIBLE; delineated in a series of Sketches of prominent Females mentioned in Holy Scripture, by Clergymen of the United States. Illustrated by 18 characteristic steel engravings. Edited by the Rev. J. M. Wainwright, D. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1849. Royal Octavo.

For sale by Drinker & Morris.

ILLUSTRATED POEMS. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. With
Designs by Felix O. C. Darley, Engraved by American
Artists. Philadelphia. Carey & Hart. 1849.


Mrs. Sigourney's claims to poetic distinction have long since been settled, so that the present elegant volume demands from us no dissertation on her genius. We cannot, however, forbear bestowing our unqualified praise upon t publishers for the good taste displayed in its "getting up." We are glad to see, too, that the eminent abilities of Darley have at length been enlisted in the illustration of meritorious works and that his handsome designs will no longer be thrown away upon evanescent and often vulgar publications. Talent like his should not be kept in the police-office. There 'are some gems of the first water among the

This superb volume, adorned in the highest style of art, and "gleaming in purple and gold," will be a great favorite among the publications for the New Year. Indeed it far outshines any similar work that has fallen under our notice and demands for the Appletons the palm of excellence in their department. The antique binding in embossed morocco, and the exceeding beauty of the printing, would alone entitle it to this praise, but the great charm of the volume will be found in the engravings, which were execu- | illustrations of Mrs. Sigourney's Poems. "The Tomb," ted, we believe, in England, at great expense, and imported expressly for the purpose. We do not know when we have seen anything so exquisite as these varied designs, embracing as well the gaudy Queen of Sheba, as the lovely and unaffected Ruth,-Judith with the sword of vengeance included among her best efforts the poem of "Man's Three her hand, and the desolate mother of the Maccabees.

at the 27th page, and the "Ancient Family Clock," are unsurpassed.

Mrs. Sigourney dedicates this volume with exceeding propriety to the poet Rogers, and we notice that she has in

Guests," written for the May number of our magazine for the present year.

For this volume we are indebted to Drinker & Morris.

A FIRST BOOK IN GREEK; containing a full account of
the forms of words, &c. &c. By John McClintock, D.
D., and George R. Crooks, A. M., of Dickinson College.
Harper & Brothers. New York. 1848.

It would not be doing justice to the work, however, to lavish all our commendations upon its exterior. The literary portion of it is unexceptionable and is somewhat unique as having been executed by many hands. First upon the list of contributors comes our excellent friend, Dr. Sprague of Albany, who always writes well, and who seems to have attained as clear an insight into the character of Hagar, as if he had recently come into possession of her autograph, well authenticated, on some curious papyrus. Then follows an imposing array of bishops, in brotherly companionship with others who recognize not lawn Harper & Brothers are now publishing two distinct series nor liturgy; the worthy Dr. Potts himself, (who is well of elementary classical works, a fact that speaks largely known for his controversial passage with the reverend edi- for their enterprise. The present volume has been brought tor,) having furnished a most spirited portraiture of Jeze- forth by the deserved and remarkable success of the "First bel. We rejoice to see this "dwelling together in unity," Book in Latin," issued by the same house about eighteen among our prominent divines, even if their field of fellow- months ago. The plan of the two works is very similar. ship should be confined to the centre-table, and we predict as the result of it a kindlier feeling among religious people, who have permitted themselves to be estranged by shades of difference in opinion.

The public will be gratified to know that the Appletons have in preparation a companion volume to the present work, to be entitled "Women of the New Testament." For sale by Nash & Woodhouse.

POEMS: By William Couper. With a Biographical and
Critical Introduction, By the Rev. Thomas Dale and
Seventy-Five Illustrations, Engraved by John S. and
Tudor Horton, from Drawings by John Gilbert. In two
Volumes. New York: Harper & Brothers, 82 Cliff

In the "First Book in Greek," we have a general view of the grammar as far as the verbs; the syntax and reading lessons having been judiciously reserved for a "Second Book," which is now in press and will shortly appear. We predict for both a large field of usefulness.

THE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS: or, The Arabian Night's Entertainments. Translated and arranged for family reading. With Explanatory Notes. By E. W. Lane. Esq. From the second London Edition. Illustrated with six hundred wood-cuts by Harvey, and illuminated titles by Owen Jones. In two volumes. New York. Harper & Brothers.

The twelfth part, which completes this beautiful publication, has just been issued, and we have seen copies of the Those of our readers, who were induced by our com- entire work, in two handsome volumes, tastefully bound in mendations to buy copies of Milton, Thomson and Gold-muslin, with appropriate devices. The illustrations are insmith, in the beautiful reprints of the Harpers from the deed very spirited and are better, perhaps, towards the close

than at the beginning. The hand of the engraver would a satire, which some northern lady had perpetrated on seem to have become more skilful as he proceeded with his task, and to have caught in a greater degree the idea of the Arabian fantasy. No book has ever attained so wide a popularity as the Arabian Nights, and no edition of it is so good as that before us. It is for sale by Drinker & Morris.

THE ITALIAN SKETCH BOOK. By Henry T. Tuckerman. Author of "Thoughts on the Poets," "Artist-Life," etc. Third Edition. Revised and Enlarged. New York: J. C. Riker. 1848.

It is a gratifying evidence of an improving public taste, that a demand should be made for a third edition of this work. It appears now in an excellent form, with very considerable additions and emendations. Mr. Tuckerman is

one of the most pleasing of American writers, as we think the pages of the Messenger for the current year abundantly show, and belongs to a class, which is we fear a small one, of quiet and earnest thinkers. "The Italian Sketch Book" is indeed delightful reading; being altogether unlike the ordinary volumes of tourists, which are but amplified editions of Murray's Guides, and presenting a most attractive picture of life under the shadow of St. Peter's, almost bringing us so near,-like the Dutch telescope with the Haarlem organ,-that we can hear the clock of Monte Citorio telling the hours upon the slumberous atmosphere.

CHRISTIAN SONGS. By the Rev. James Gilborne Lyons, L. L. D. Fourth Edition. Philadelphia: George S. Appleton, 164 Chesnut Street. 1849.

Our thanks are due to the author for a copy of the fourth edition of this pleasing little volume of poems. The extensive circulation it has already attained and the frequency with which many of the Songs have been republished by the newspaper press, attest the popularity of Dr. Lyons as a writer of devotional verses. The "Song" of "The Magnetic Telegraph" has been particularly admired and has penetrated to firesides far beyond the reach of Mr. Morse's wires. This is, perhaps, after all the true criterion of ex-cellence. For ourselves, we are not highly impressed with the poetical merits of the volume, although the catholic spirit in which it is conceived, and the excellent sentiments that are embodied in the verse commend it to a large share of public regard.

WREATHS OF FRIENDSHIP. A Gift for the Young. By T. S. Arthur and F. C. Woodworth. Baker & Scribner. 1849.

A very neat juvenile gift-book. The contents are of a character to please and instruct the youthful mind, as might be fairly inferred from the name of Mr. Arthur, as one of the compilers. There is also a variety of rhyme, judiciusly intermingled with the narratives, of an appropriate kind, and the book is well illustrated with wood cuts. For sale by Nash & Woodhouse.

THE VINDICATION: A Satire, on "Charleston: A Poem." Charleston, S. C. Printed by Walker & Burke, No. 101 East Bay. 1848.

From the "Advertisement" extraordinary which prefaces this little pamphlet, we learn that it was called forth by

Charleston, and that the author, (who is no other than our correspondent "Alton,") having gone into the court of Chancery where the Muses preside, with a complaint against the fair offender, obtained a decree denouncing the aforesaid "satire" as libellous; whereupon, he, the aforesaid author, instigated thereto doubtless by the nine Chancellors above-mentioned, undertook to write, and did write the Vindication which is before us. Now we must say that this northern lady might have been much better employed than in abusing Charleston, which is proverbial as the abode of refinement and hospitality, and which southerners are proud of, for its society, its capital dinners and its cotton. Our author takes up the cudgels most manfully not only for Charleston, but for the entire South, in a spirit which we cordially commend, and carries the war afterwards into Yankeedom with some animation. His blows are at times too harshly administered to our northern friends, but this is a poetic license. As a poem, the Vindication does not aspire to epic dignity, but it is not wanting in lines that run smoothly and carry with them energy of thought.

SCHMITZ AND ZUMPT'S CLASSICAL SERIES-Sallust and Virgil. Philadelphia. Lea & Blanchard.

The high reputation for classical learning that Drs. Schmitz and Zumpt enjoy, will commend these volumes to the attention of teachers of the Latin language. The edition of Cæsar's Commentaries, belonging to this series, which we are disposed to regard the present copies of Virgil and was published some time since, met with general favor, and Sallust as eminently adapted to the use of students. The notes are sufficiently numerous to give assistance, where it is really necessary, without furnishing a temptation to The series possesses two great advantages, the books are sluggishness by supplying a full translation of the text. small and neatly printed, and they are so cheap as to be within the reach of almost everybody.

They may be found at the bookstore of Drinker & Morris.

THE BOOK OF PEARLS: A Choice Garland of Prose, Poetry and Art, Containing Twenty Finely executed steel engravings. New York. D. Appleton & Co. MDCCCXLIX.

THE LADY'S ANNUAL: A Souvenir of Friendship and Remembrance for MDCCCXLIX. With Original Contributions by Female Writers. Edited by Emily Marshall. Illustrated by Twenty-Six engravings. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 1849.

THE JUVENILE SCRAP-BOOK for 1819: A Christmas and New Year's Present for Young People. Edited by Grandfather Merryman. With Twenty-Eight Engravings on steel. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 1849.

Here are annuals for the few and annuals for the million! We place them in the order of merit and not in the order of pretension, for, as generally happens, the title-page which promises most, is that of a book, excellent no doubt in its way, but not remarkable as a specimen of modern publication. Still it will be very acceptable to the little "Jack Horners," for whom it was designed. "The Lady's Annual is somewhat higher in the scale of art and is very nearly bound in morocco. "The Book of Pearls," however, deserves much greater praise, for it is really attract

ive, both on account of its choice engravings and its reada- fumes published by the Appletons alone, that all tastes are ble and well-selected literary papers. Two or three of the engravings we would especially notice,-the head of Lord Byron, Joan of Arc and Sappho,-all classically beautiful and suited to the fame of this trio of worthies.

likely to be gratified in the way of Christmas Gifts. We are not sure after all that the present luxurious octavo is not the most attractive of the series, for it embodies almost the whole devotional poetry of England and America for

These volumes may be obtained of Nash & Wood- three hundred years, and introduces us once again into that house.

DE BOW'S COMMERCIAL REVIEW of the South and West.
Oct. and Nov. 1848. Vol. 6. Nos. 4 and 5.

Our Crescent City friend, whose usual visit was denied us last month, comes now in duplicate form, as plethoric as an alderman of the second Municipality. In his regular habit, we receive him always with a kindly greeting, but when he comes in such an unquestionable shape as at present, he is of course doubly welcome. What says poor Hood?

There's a twofold sweetness in double pipes;
And a double barrel and double snipes

Give the sportsman a duplicate pleasure :
There's double safety in double locks
And double letters bring cash for the box;
And all the world knows that double knoc
Are gentility's double measure.



And so with regard to our commercial cotemporary, although he is more connected with produce than poetry, there is always a double value in his double numbers.

charming society of old English Poets, not to know whom argues a very imperfect acquaintance with the beauty and grace of the language. We cannot, of course, enumerate the gems we find in turning over the leaves of this volume, but we can say that Mr. Griswold seems to have made very happy, selections. The "Dies Irae" of Crashaw, "To Daffodils" of Herrick and some of the exquisite fancies of Vaughan find a place in company with the best thoughts of Wordsworth and Croly and the solemn music of Bryant. The work is beautifully printed and is handsomely illustrated with steel Engravings. It has reached us through Nash & Woodhouse.

THE SALAMANDER: A Legend for Christmas. Found amongst the papers of the late Ernest Helfenstein. Edited by E. Oakes Smith. New York: George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway. 1848.

Ernest Helfenstein, we believe, is but a literary alias, under which Mrs. Oakes Smith has contributed heretofore to the magazines, just as the Essayists of Queen Anne's day addressed the public under the nommes de plume of Isaac Bickerstaff and Will Honeycomb. Mrs. Smith, in her own name, has long been known as a charming writer both of prose and verse and "Ernest Helfenstein" has won as high With this expression of our good-will, frivolously though a fame in the line of metaphysical speculation. The presincerely given, let us say a word with regard to the intima-sent volume is a delightful little romance, very much in the tion of Mr. De Bow, that we have "excluded him from all style of Undine, which has evidently cost the author much the laurels of the Southern periodical press," in not asso-pains-taking in its artistic elaboration. It is most appro ciating him with the Southern Quarterly and the Messen-priately published as a gift-book and has several spirited ger in our comments on the Index of the "Brothers in illustrations by Darley. Unity." We did not allude to the omission of the Review because we were under the impression that commercial magazines were not within the scope of the Index itself. This impression was derived from the fact, that Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, a northern work of very similar character with Mr. De Bow's, was also omitted. We certainly do not think him "nothing if not statistical," for we took occasion to regret, as long ago as June last, that we did not see more frequently the pleasant traces of his literary walk through the pages of his own periodical. In our day, when, in the language of Mr. De Bow's motto, "Commerce is King," when "the Duke of Norfolk deals in malt" and Halleck himself is at the desk of a comptingroom, we cannot complain that intellect should be "on change," but we feel assured that Mr. De Bow will yet do brave things for Southern literature as well as Southern traffic, and we trust that his valuable work will abundantly prosper and be circulated, as Mr. Longfellow says,

From the bleak shores of the sea to the lands where the
Father of Waters

Seizes the hills in his hands, and drags them down to the


CHILD OF the Sea, and OTHER POEMS. By Mrs. S.

Anna Lewis, Author of "Records of the Heart," etc., etc. New York: George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway. 1848. Mrs. Lewis's Poems have been so largely and justly reviewed in a recent number of our magazine, by the discriminating hand of Mr. Poe, that we deem it quite unnecessary to say anything more of them at present, than that we regard them as establishing the author's claim to a high rank among the Poets of America. The present volume abounds in felicities of expression, striking turns of thought and melodious versification. Mr. Putnam has done well to present these poems in a popular and attractive form.

BLACKWOOD'S Magazine for November,

The present number of Blackwood contains several agreeable articles, among which may be found the last of the series entitled "Life in the Far West," by the late George Frederick Ruxton, who died a few months since at St. Louis. An obituary of this gifted young man accompanies the paper. Some account is given by him of the Mormon settlement at the Great Salt Lake in California, together with a rapid history of the delusion and a biography of Joe THE SACRED POETS OF ENGLAND AND AMERICA, for Smith, which are neither so accurate nor so well drawn as Three Centuries. Edited by Rufus W. Griswold. Il- those presented in our last number, but which are still readlustrated with Steel Engravings. New York: D. Ap-able. pleton & Co. 1849.

On the cover of the present number, the reader will see an advertisement of Leonard Scott & Co., setting forth Such is the number and variety of the presentation vol- the terms of their republication of English literature.

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