صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


LETTER III. The Author wishes for no interference in religious
matters. Right of the Legislature to inquire what Sectaries and

The doctrine of breaking an oath never renounced by the Church
itself, but often acted upon. The acrimony of modern Papists not`
abated. Disunion and separation not necessarily uncharitable.

P. 187-195.


THE genuine principles of Roman Catholics developed in their
Notes to the Bible, printed first at Rheims and Douay, but re-
printed at Dublin in 1816. Inexcusableness of this measure,
during the tolerant state of the public mind towards Roman Ca-
tholics. The sanctions prefixed to that Dublin Bible. Notice of
this work in the British Critic. A large collection of texts from
Dr. Troy's edition of the Bible, here adduced; tending to excite

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