صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

their work in some small degree subservient to its production. To him be the praise !

The CONDUCTORS of the CHRISTIAN OBSERVER find an additional source of satisfaction in the gradual diminution. of those vehement prejudices, which assailed their undertaking at its outset, and for a time impeded its success. If the groundless and contradictory clamours of " Calvinism” and “ Arminianism" have subsided, they are disposed to attribute the circumstance to an increasing conviction, among religious persons, that the questions which agitate the partizans of these two systems are comparatively unimportant, and little affect the foundations of our common Christianity; and that therefore, on such topics (to use a trite but significant expression) good men may "agree to differ." It has been with the view of bringing Christians to this wise and beneficial determination, that they have employed so much of their time in correcting the mistakes and misapprehensions of writers on both sides of this endless controversy. And although they may have seemed to many, to neglect, in the eagerness of polemical discussion, the paramount interests of practical piety; yet they acted from a belief, that in order effectually to promote those interests, and to call men off from the angry contentions in which they were engaged to the cultivation of a spirit of Christian unity and peace, it was necessary to impress strongly on their minds the comparative unprofitableness of the speculations which excited their animosity, and fully to expose to them the errors and misrepresentations, the prejudice and want of charity with which both parties were sometimes chargeable. They derive comfort, in looking forward to the future, from the hope that it will no longer be requisite to divert an equally large share of their attention from practical objects to those of a controversial description.

Had any thing been wanting to confirm the CONDUCTORS of the CHRISTIAN OBSERVER in the view they have given of the question which has now been alluded to; a view, as they

conceive, perfectly coincident with that of our Church; it would have been found in a work, proceeding from high authority, which has recently issued from the press. The friends of evangelical theology, no less than those of the oppressed African race, have occasion to regret the loss of the distinguished talents of the late Bishop of St. Asaph: but he has left behind him a memorial of his theological opinions*, which will not carry with it the less weight, when the circuinstances are considered under which it has met the public eye. The CONDUCTORS of the CHRISTIAN OBSERVER Will embrace another opportunity of making their readers fully acquainted with this seasonable production. In the mean time they will observe, that could they have emulated the eloquence of this learned and lamented prelate, they would gladly have chosen the same language in which to have enounced the same sentiments. With him they would say to their fellow Christians in general, but especially to the clergy of the land; "Leave these barren disquisitions. Apply yourselves, with the whole strength and power of your minds, to do the work of Evangelists. Proclaim to those who are at enmity with God, and children of his wrath, the glad tidings of Christ's pacification. Sound the alarm, to awaken to a life of righteousness, a world lost and dead in trespasses and sins. Lift aloft the blazing torch of Revelation, to scatter its rays over them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death and guide the footsteps of the benighted wanderer into the paths of life and peace." p. 29.

The CONDUCTORS of the CHRISTIAN OBSERVER have intimated, on many former occasions, that it was their great ain to recommend to their readers a plain and practical religion; and that they should feel themselves greatly indebted to such correspondents as should aid them in their design. They likewise suggested, that this important end might be much promoted, by the occasional introduction of that ligher spe

* Charge delivered to his clergy in the month of August, 1806.


cies of writing, which amuses while it instructs, and which may therefore serve to conciliate the attention of the intelligent youth of both sexes to the concerns of religion; an object which is certainly of immense moment, and yet often of extreme difficulty. They have reason indeed to be grateful for the many valuable contributions which they have received to both these departments of their miscellany. They hope however to be excused, if they venture to call on their correspondents for continued support, in a cause which, they do not hesitate to say, is worthy of their best exertions.

At the close of the Number for December (p. 798) the CONDUCTORS of the CHRISTIAN OBSERVER have stated the ground on which they have thought themselves entitled to increase the price of their publication. What they have there said, they doubt not, will prove satisfactory to every considerate mind; and to that they refer their readers. They have now only to renew their acknowledgments to their correspondents for the able assistance afforded by them, and to the public for its liberal patronage; and again to express their anxious desire, that the efforts which they employ to advance the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom, may obtain his approbation and blessing, and may tend to his glory.




REVIEW OF.... Daubeny's Discourses....

Foster's Essays...Letter on the Death of

Mr. Pitt...Simeon's Churchman's Con-


..p. 94-118.

LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL... Great Britain....

France...Denmark...Germany... Russia

New Publications....... ..p. 120-121.

RELIG, INTEL... Mission to Tartary...

West Indies...Catechising, p. 122-126,

PUB. AFFAIRS... Continental Intel...East

Indies and America...Great Eritain—

General Reflections...New Ministry,


p. 127-134.



RELIG. COM...Funeral Sermon on the

Death of Martin Luther...Bishop Lati-

mer's Sentiments on Baptism, the Church,

Preaching, Interpretation of Parables-

General Remarks...On 1 Pet. iv. 1 and

2...On 1 Tim. vi. 10...Prophecies re-

specting the Destruction of Jerusalem..

Lawfulness of Anger...Advice to young

Men...Private Religious Societies... The

necessary Erudition...Hebrew and Itali-

an Bibles...

.......p. 137-154.

MISCEL.. Scott's Lay of the last Minstrel
.Duelling...Horrors of the Slave Trade
...Anti-jacobin's Review of Foster's Es-
says... Lines on a Daughter's Loss of
to a Friend gathering

wild Flowers..

...p. 154-160.

REVIEW OF... Robinson's Christian System

...Tuke's Principles of the Quakers...

Smith and Williams on the Origin of

Moral Evil, Predestination, &c...Foster's


.p. 161-186.

LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL...Great Britain...

East India College...New Publications,

p. 189-190.

RELIG. INTEL...Institution for Poor Pious

Clergy men...East Indies...America -

Prisoners of War.. .......p. 190-193.

PU3. AFFAIRS.... Continental...Cape of

Good Hope...America...Great Britain,

Parliamentary Proceedings, &c. p. 193

MISCEL...Advice to Ladies on reading
History...On the Principle of Expedi-
ency adopted by Mr. Malthus...A Hymn
Infidelity and Credulity-Extract

from Mr. Pitt's Speech on the Slave


....p. 36--93.

CHRIST. OBS. App. 1806.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


RELIG. COM...Life of Bishop Jewell...

Bradford's Views of Predestination...On

the Blessedness of those who mouin...

Duties binding on Christians in their
Intercourse with others...Letters to a
young Clergyman on ministerial Success

.Education of Children, p. 265-279.

MISCEL...Flattery...The World As It Is...

Farther Intelligence from the Country


................ p. 280–289.

REVIEW OF...Forsyth's Principles of mo-
ral Science...Edinburgh Review of For-
syth...Buchanan's Memoirs on an Ec-
clesiastical Establishment in India, p.

LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL...Great Britain...

Germany... Denmark... East Indies, and

America...New Publications, p. 315-

[blocks in formation]
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