صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

precious, the stones are kindled, to remove the reproach of Egypt from the lips of the Prophet.

IN the first Advent He showed The Three mercy. In the second he bestows


Peter of

A.D. 1180.

grace. In the third He will give Blois.
glory. For, the Lord will give grace
and glory. In the first He appeared
contemptible, and vile, and frail: for
Herod despised Him, the Jews reject-
ed Him, the Gentiles slew Him. The
Apostle speaking of the second, be-
holding, saith he, the glory of the Lord,
we are changed into the same image
from glory to glory, even as by the Spi-
rit of the Lord. In the first He was
judged unjustly. In the second He
justifies us by grace. In the third
He will judge righteously. He was
a Lamb in the first: He will be a
Lion in the last: He is a Friend in
the second. Of the first He saith by


Peter of
A.D. 1180.

The Three Isaiah, I was dumb, and opened not My mouth. Of the last: Now will I cry like a travailing woman. Of the second He saith, We will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He, Who once came meek and gentle, will hereafter come as the tremendous and terrible Judge. He, Who once came in the spirit of humility, will hereafter come in the spirit of judgment and in the spirit of burning.

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O HOLY Lamb, slain ere the world was made, And hast Thou from Thy Father's bosom come, Thyself the sacrifice

Dimly shadowed of old!

Glory to God, His only Son who gave,

The Son who died, a living sacrifice,

And Spirit who came down

To light the altar-flame.

The Passion.

tues of Christ.

Antony of
A.D. 1195,



He was humble in the taking upon The vir Himself of our nature, when He regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden. He was poor in His Nativity, in which a poor Virgin, when she had brought forth the Very Son of God, had not where she could lay Him; she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger. He was wise in His preaching, because He began to do and to teach. He was merciful in His receiving of sinners. For I came not, saith He, to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. He was patient under the scourge, the blows, and the spitting: whence He saith by Isaiah, I have set My Face like a flint. For a flint, when it

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