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النشر الإلكتروني
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"Now we are ready for the story," said she, closing her book. I hope it will be ever so long."

"We, too, will listen as cousin Laura reads the story of "Maola's Dream; or, the Strait Gate."

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| towards her little friend than before. She felt sorry for their little quarrel; and almost decided to go and find Edna, to 'make up' with her. But still there was enough naughty pride in her heart to hold her back. Tears began to flow, and she gradually sobbed herself to sleep "You will be sorry for Maola when I tell you Dreaming, she thought she had been wan that she was an only child, and was but a help-dering for a long time in a road which seemed less babe when her mother died. Yet Maola, broad, safe, and pleasant; and near which grew tenderly cared for, never felt how deep was most tempting flowers, and fruits. She had her loss. Her father was ever affectionately willingly followed the directions of her guides, indulgent; and the servants, especially her and had ever been cheered by the alluring faithful nurse Margery, did all they could to beauties which they had pointed out to her. please her. She had many good qualities; she But how cruelly had she been deceived and loved her dear papa, and was thought to be a disappointed! She had wished for flowers; and generous, good-hearted little girl; but the sad had been led into miry swamps, where the truth is, she had been so petted and indulged soft sods sank under her feet, and mud and that she had become, I fear, almost a spoiled water oozed forth at every step; while the child. flowers when gathered proved to be without fragrance. She had pursued bright, rainbowhued bubbles, which burst as soon as she touched them. She had plucked luscious looking fruit, often being scratched and torn in the attempt; and many had turned into ashes in her hand, while the others were always sour and bitter.

"Had you seen her in her pleasant home, where she had more of nearly everything she desired than any other little child I know of, you would have thought she must be one of the happiest little girls in the world. And I think she would have been, had she known that the true secret of being happy is to make others As has been prettily said:

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'Make others happy. All who joy would win Must share it. Happiness was born a twin.'

"One step in the right way was taken when Edna, a little girl of the same age as Maola, was invited to live with her and be her companion in her sports and studies. They passed a few days very pleasantly together. Edna was gentle and light-hearted; Maola's frown of discontent wore away, and she was again cheerful and smiling.

"But at length, unloving words, such as children will sometimes speak to each other when they forget how much pleasanter it would be for them to be always kind and good, passed between Maola and Edna; and the playmates separated, feeling very unhappy. Edna went away to the meadow to seek flowers, while Maola sat down in the summer-house to look at her new book.

"She could not have felt much like enjoying it, as she sat turning over the leaves, now and then looking at a picture. Indeed, she was going to lay the book aside when, chancing to see a story which appeared interesting, she began to read. It's title was The Golden Rule.' It must have been a good story, for Maola certainly felt pleasanter and more kindly disposed

"After a time, weary and sad, she had turned aside into a footpath which led her to the shaded side of a grassy hill, a most inviting place for rest. It seemed to her, that, as she sat thinking of all this, a beautiful being approached and said, 'Welcome, my poor, wayworn little pilgrim, to this pleasant retreat. How often have I called you and you would not hear.'

"These words were spoken in a tone so soft and gentle that Maola scarce knew whether she

heard or felt them.

"She continued, 'I am sorry, but not surprised, my little one, to see you thus. You have been straying about for a great while in the promising but deceptive domains of Selfishness, guided always, until now, by her and her attendants. You have done well now to stop on the Mount of Reflection. Now if you would like to see what is the true way of life, the way of pleasantness and peace, come up higher, and I will show it to you.'

"Maola had no wish to refuse, and they went on in the direction opposite that from which she had come. The thick mist before them began slowly to roll away, and Maola was delighted to see a beautiful country appearing in view. They stopped while its nearest border was yet afar off, but it seemed to her that the air was

"The glorious beauty of this palace-like temple surpassed everything else that Maola had seen. It appeared like a pile of marble and gold. At the east front, on which rested the earliest beams of the rising sun, was the gate by which alone the temple might he entered. It was very much like that which Maola had first seen, the one which formed the entrance to the country; but it was still more beautiful. Over this, in letters composed of the most brilliant gems, were inscribed the two great commandments of the law.”

clearer, and that she could see objects plainly | pupils to the top of the hill—where was a plain at a greater distance than ever before. There on which stood a splendid temple-; for their were lofty, air-loving hills; sunny slopes; flow-light was like the stars.' ery plains; shaded valleys; rippling brooks; and charming little lakes nestled among groves of old trees. All this and much more, Maola saw at a glance, but she now knew better than to trust to outward appearance alone; and not until she had seen that the people, especially the children, were everywhere cheerful and joyous, did she exclaim, 'Oh, what happiness! May not I go and live in that beautiful land?' "Most surely you can,' was the reply, and so can every one who is willing to go in the right path and obey all the laws of the country. But tarry here now, observe and think, and then decide for yourself in which way you will go. Look yonder and tell me what you see.' “'I see,' said Maola, a tall guide post, and I can read in shining letters,-"Enter ye in at the strait gate." There is a finger pointing in the direction of a path which extends to the westward. People are walking in this path towards a beautiful gate of white marble.'

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"Look closer now, and read what is there written in letters of gold.'

"The letters shone like stars in the lofty arch which formed the gateway, and Maola read,Do to others as you would have them do to you.' She then again turned her attention to the happy children who had passed through this door of love, the only entrance to the peaceful land.

"In one place, a merry group were picking apples, which hung ripe, red, and tempting, from the boughs of a noble tree. There was no selfishness. No one wished the best for himself alone. If one found an apple larger and fairer than the others, he shared it with his companions or gave it to some one who was unable to reach any.

"In another place, many were trying to reach the top of a high, rough, and rocky hill, from which a fine view of the country could be obtained. Silken banners, bearing bright mottoes, were waving in the air. All went on pleasantly. The strong helped the weak over difficult and dangerous places; and, besides, there were persons whose business it was to assist the youthful travellers and show them where they might gather fragrant flowers and precious gems. These teachers could be readily distinguished by the brightness which was about them; especially those who were successful in leading their

Turning to Bertha, cousin Laura asked, "Can you repeat these commandments?"

Immediately Bertha answered, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. This is the first commandment. And the second is like this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."

"Very well. Now we understand that only those people who are disposed to obey these laws can enter this beautiful temple."

"Did Maola go in ?" inquired Effie. "Not then," replied cousin Laura. "Well read and see if she didn't by and by. I hope she did."

"In the valley beyond the hill, and all along the western border of the country, flowed the deep, silent waters of a dark river, from which rose a dense mist which stood like a wall reaching to the clouds, completely shutting out from view the water and the opposite shore. A single golden streak on the edge of a black cloud was the only promise of light beyond.

"Maola grew sad as she saw many persons whom she had been watching suddenly disappear in this thick fog. 'Oh,' said she, 'must they all be lost in those dark waters?'

"No,' said her guide, 'they are not lost: they have gone across the river to a splendid city, of which this country, which you admire so much, is but the suburb. The burdens, which, lightened by Faith, Hope, and Love, with the assistance of Patience, are here cheerfully borne, there, only may be laid aside forever. Many little ones who have trodden the flowery paths of the plain but a short time, follow eagerly the angel voices which they hear calling to them from the other side. The tem

ple which you see, is but a small part of a very magnificent one which is on the farther shore, and is connected with this by a bridge. Over this bridge is, by far, the pleasantest way of crossing the stream. It is merely passing from the vestibule into the warm, light, and richly furnished apartments of the Father's mansion. Yet none go until they are bidden.'

"Maola was now attracted by the sound of music. Some one was singing; and, as she listened, she heard her name distinctly called. She awoke, and saw Edna coming towards her with a handful of forget-me-nots and other wild flowers. She gave them to Maola, who greeted her with a kiss; and they became friends again. Then, while it was all fresh in her mind, Maola related her wonderful dream. She had learned a lesson never to be forgotten; and, let us hope, was happier for it all her lifetime."

Perhaps you may have seen this story in the paper to which it was sent shortly after it was read to Bertha and Effie; but I will give you one in the next chapter that was told to them another day, and I have her word for it, has never before been printed. As the character of the heroine bears a strong resemblance to that of the little girl whom we saw a short time ago taking her first lessons in reading, and who now cherishes her books as her best friends; you may think the story was made on purpose for her. I am sure I have my suspicions on the subject.

(To be continued.)

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LITTLE HATTIE. One very cold day in winter, I took her to walk. Poor little thing! she was almost frozen, and complained of her fingers and feet aching. Presently we ma another little girl, with no shoes on, and only a ragged shawl to protect her from the biting frost and wind. She asked for a few cents; but, as I had no change in my purse, I could give her nothing. Hattie's brown eyes filled with tears as she looked first at the child, then at me, and then down at her own warm dress and comfortable cloak; but I said, Come, dear; don't stand in the cold. Perhaps we may meet the little girl again when we are out and then we will give her something."

I turned away, and walked on a few rods; then turned back again to take my darling's hand. There sat the little creature upon the cold sidewalk, with one shoe off, and the other untied. Hattie, come," said I. "What are


you doing?" "Oh, auntie," returned she, "dis poor little dirl so cold! I dot plenty more soos."

THE LILY. It was pure and white and fragrant, and breathed out its sweet odor in the cheerless room where the sick girl lay. She held it in her thin, hot hand. It would soon be wilted; but now it was fresh and beautiful. A kind lady had brought it to cheer the child as she doled out her weary day while her poor mother was away at her work. The lady had no money to give, for she also was poor; but she remembered the little sick girl, and picked her only flower for her comfort; and, as she went to her scholars in a far-off street in the city, she stopped to speak a word to "Lottie," and to shake up her pillow, and put the lily in her hand.

"You must ask God to take away your sins, and to make your soul as pure and white as this beautiful flower, Lottie, and by and by, you shall shut up your weary eyes, and go to sleep in Jesus, he will present you spotless


unto his Father in heaven."

Lottie did not forget when the lady was gone, but said her little prayer, and looked at the pretty flower until her eyes were indeed very weary, and she fell asleep, clasping the lily; b t she awoke in Paradise to find herself made white and pure in the blood of Jesus, and for ever clasped in her heavenly Father's handBlessed little Lottie

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