صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Having been invited by the burgesses of Zurich to fight their battles against Lutold, baron de Regensberg, he collected his own troops and those of Zurich, drew assistance from Alsace, summoned to his standard the mountaineers of Uri, Schweitz, and Underwalden, and marched against the


"In this petty warfare he displayed as much prowess and conduct as he afterwards showed on a more conspicuous theatre. The respective forces met in the vicinity of Zurich. Rhodolph, after drawing up his men, led them himself to the attack with his usual ardour, and broke through the foremost ranks of the adversary, when he was thrown from his horse, and stunned by the violence of the fall. His troops were driven back, and the enemy, surrounding him, began to strip him of his armour. At this moment of danger, Muller, a citizen of Zurich, a man of great strength, flew to his assistance, protected him with his shield, and raising him from the ground, mounted him on his own horse. Rhodolph, deriving fresh courage from the imminent danger which he had just escaped, rallied his troops, led them again to the charge, and after a great slaughter gained a complete victory."

The following passage sets forth the magnanimity of this noble warrior in the most favourable light:

"Rhodolph had no sooner taken possession of the inheritance of the house of Kyburgh, than he was summoned by the abbot to do homage for certain ficfs held under his monastery. On his neglect to comply with the summons, the indignant prelate led a considerable body of troops to Wyle, on the borders of Tockenburgh, with a view to invade his territories, and compel him to render homage. Rhodolph prepared to repulse this aggression, when he received intelligence from Alsace that the citizens of Basle, instigated by their bishop, had risen at the conclusion of a tournament given by his cousin, the count of Luffenburgh, and massacred several nobles of his family and party. He was roused by this act of treachery, yet being involved in hostilities with two powerful barons, and menaced by the abbot of St. Gallen, he could not fly to Basle to avenge the murder of his relatives and friends. But he had learned to curb his enterprising spirit, and to bend to his circumstances. He summoned his confidential followers, and thus addressed them:- On one side I am drawn by my own interest, and on the other by the earnest solicitations of my friends. I have

hitherto withheld my homage for the fiefs which my uncle, Hartman, possessed, and which form part of my just inheritance, but let every man who has two powerful enemies reconcile himself to one of them; if therefore you deem it more noble, as I do, to avenge injuries offered let us make peace with the abbot. In truth,' to our friends than to pursue our own interests, exclaimed Rhodolph, there is no need of any arbitrator; the business must be settled instantly, and I will be my own mediator.' With the confidence of a great mind he mounted his horse, and accompanied by only six attendants, rode across the fields and bye paths to Wyle, where the abbot was sitting at table with a numerous body of knights and nobles. He presented himself at the door, and requested admittance. When the porter announced Rhodolph, count of Hapsburgh, the abbot conceived it to be a mistake, or a frolic of one of the guests; but was soon undeceived and astonished by the appearance of Rhodolph himself, who ventured unarmed and unattended, amidst a body of men assembled to make war against him. I am come,' said the gallant warrior, to terminate our quarrel. You are my liege lord, and I am your vassal; you are not unacquainted with the reasons which have hitherto prevented me from receiving my fiefs at your hands. Enough of contention; I am willing to refer the cause to arbitration, to acknowledge your rights, and now declare, that there shall be no war between the abbot of Gallen and Rhodolph of Hapsburgh.' The abbot, affected by this frank and gallant behaviour, received him with open arms, and invited him to table. During the repast, Rhodolph related the unfortunate termination of the tournament at Basle, and described the fury of the people, and the arrogance of the bishop in such glowing terms as excited the resentment of all who were present. Observing the effect of his appeal, he still further roused their feelings by exclaiming:- The duty of knighthood compels me to neglect all other considerations, that I may take vengeance on the people of Basle and their Italian bishop, for the knights and nobles whom they have insulted and massacred.' The company unanimously cried out, it is the cause of the whole nobility;' and the abbot of Gallen and his followers tendered their assistance.

"Rhodolph thus converted an enemy into a friend, and employed against the bishop those very troops which had been assembled against himself. He led these nobles, the soldiers of Zurich, the Swiss mountaineers, and his own faithful warriors to the gates of Basle, and

soon forced the citizens to promise satisfac- || enemy, whose homage he received, and to
tion, and deliver hostages. He next turned
his arms against the bishop himself; who consi-
dering the Rhine as an effectual barrier against
the incursions of his adversary, derided his
efforts. But Rhodolph, passing this broad
and rapid river by a portable bridge of boats,
an invention which he seems to have first re-
vived since the time of the ancients, wrested

from him all his territories beyond the walls
of Basle, put to flight or exterminated his
peasants, burned his bouses and villages, and
laid waste his forests and corn fields.
this deplorable situation the bishop sued for
and obtained a truce of twenty-four days; dur-
ing which time the difference was to be settled
by arbitration, or the war to be rencwed.

"Rhodolph was encamped before the walls of Basle, waiting for the expiration of the truce. Having retired to his tent, he was awakened at midnight by his nephew, Frederic of Hohenzollern, burgrave of Nuremberg, with the intelligence that he was unanimously chosen King of the Romans, by the Electors of Germany. In the first moment of surprise, Rhodolph could not give credit to this unexpected intelligence, and even expressed his indignation against the burgrave for attempting to deceive and insult him. Convinced, however, by his solemn protestations, and by letters from the electors, he recovered from his surprise, and joyfully accepted the proffered dignity. The news of his election being quickly disseminated, the citizens of Basle opened their gates, notwithstanding the remonstrances of the bishop. We have taken arms,' they said, 'against Rhodolph, count of Hapsburgh, and not against the King of the Romans.' The bishop acceded to terms of peace, the prisoners on both sides were released, and Rhodolph's followers admitted in triumph. The new sovereign was received anidst general acclamations; and the citizens took the oath of fidelity, and presented him with a considerable largess towards defraying the expences of his corouation. The bishop, chagrined at the success and elevation of his rival, struck his forehead with vexation, and profanely exclaimed:-'Sit fast, great God, or Rhodolph will occupy thy throne."

After describing the events that followed the election of Rhodolph, our author gives an interesting account of his first war with Ottocar, King of Bohemia, his rival to the Roman crown, who was then in possession of Austria, Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola. These provinces were conquered by Rhodolph, and ceded to him by his vanquished

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whom he granted the investiture of Bohemia and Moravia. But the wound which Ottocar's ambitious spirit had received, was not completely healed, and as soon as be was able to procure fresh allies, and thus increase his force, he burst into Austria, and carried several places by force of arms. Rhodolph lost no time in collecting his armies, and the weak succours which his allies could afford him, and marched to meet the invader. He took up a position at Weidendorf, after having crossed the Danube, aud soon beheld Ottocar occupying Jedensberg, at a short distance from the place of his encampment.

"While the two armies continued in this situation, some traitors repaired to the camp of Rhodolph, and proposed to assassinate Ottocar; but Rhodolph, with his characteristic magnanimity, rejected this offer, apprised Ottocar of the danger with which he was threatened, and made overtures of reconciliation. The King of Bohemia, confi dent in the superiority of his force, deemed the intelligence a fabrication, and the proposals of Rhodolph a proof of weakness, and disdainfully refused to listen to any negotia


"Finding all hopes of accommodation frus trated, Rhodolph prepared for a conflict, in which, like Cæsar, he was not to fight for victory alone, but for life. At the dawn of day his army was drawn up, crossed the rivulet which gives name to Weidendorf, and approached the camp of Ottocar. He ordered his troops to advance in a crescent, and attack at the same time both flanks and the front of the enemy; and turning to his soldiers, ex|| horting them to avenge the violation of the most solemn compacts, and the insulted majesty of the empire; and by the efforts of that day, to put an end to the tyranny, the horrors, and the massacres to which they had been so long exposed. He had scarcely finished before the troops rushed to the charge, and a bloody conflict ensued, in which both parties fought with all the fury that the presence and exertions of their sovereigns, or the magnitude of spire. At length the imperial troops gained the cause in which they were engaged could invictory the life of him on whom all depended the advantage, but in the very moment of was exposed to the most imminent danger.

"Several knights of superior strength and courage, animated by the rewards and promises of Ottocar, had confederated either to kill ar

take the King of the Romans. They rushed forward to the place where Rhodolph, riding among the foremost ranks, was encouraging and leading his troops; and Herbot, of Fullenstein, a Polish knight, giving spurs to his horse made the first charge. Rhodolph accustomed to this species of combat, eluded the stroke, and piercing his antagonist under his beaver, threw him dead to the -ground. The rest followed the example of the . Polish warrior, but were all slain, except Valens, a Thuringian knight, of gigantic stature and strength, who reaching the person of Rhodolph, pierced his horse in the shoulder, and threw him wounded to the ground. The helmet of the King was beaten off by the shock, and being unable to rise under the weight of his armour, he covered his head with his shield, till he was rescued by Berchtold Capiller, the commander of the corps of rcserve, who cutting his way through the enemy, flew to his assistance. Rhodolph mounted another horse, and leading the corps of reserve, renewed the charge with fresh courage; and his troops, animated by his presence and exertions, completed the victory.


"Ottocar himself fought with no less intrepidity than his great competitor. the total rout of bis troops, he disdained to quit the field; and after performing incredible feats of valour, was overpowered by numbers, dismounted, and taken prisoner. He was instantly stripped of his armour and killed by some Austrian and Styrian nobles, whose relations he had put to death. The discomfited remains of his army, pursued by the victors, were either taken prisoners, cut to pieces, or drowned in their attempt to pass the marsh, and above fourteen thousand perished in this decisive engagement.

"Rhodolph continued on the field till the enemy were totally routed and dispersed. He endeavoured to restrain the carnage, and sent messengers to save the life of Ottocar, but his orders arrived too late; and when he received an account of his death, he generously lamented his fate. He did ample justice to the valour and spirit of Ottocar; in his letter to the Pope, after having described the contest, and the resolution displayed by both parties, either to conquer or die, he adds: At length our troops prevailing, drove the Bohemians into the neighbouring river, and almost all were either cut to pieces, drowned, or taken prisoners. Ottocar, however, after seeing his army discomfited, and himself left alone, still would not submit to our conquering standards, but fighting with the strength and spirit of a giant, defended himself with wonderful courage

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until he was unhorsed, and mortally wounded by some of our soldiers. Then that magnanimous monarch lost his life at the same time with the victory, and was overthrown, not by our power and strength, but by the right hand of the Most High.'

Successful in all the wars he undertook, Rhodolph did not abuse the power he had acquired. His most ardent wish was to secure the imperial crown to his only surviving son Albert. For this view he summoned the diet of Frankfort, but the Electors declined complying with his request, and referred the nomination to a future diet. In order to dispel the grief which he felt at their refusal, he visited his hereditary dominions, and then prepared to proceed into Austria and see his son, but his strength was exhausted. Seventy-three years weighed down his head, and he replied to the physicians who exhorted him to remain tranquil, Let me go to Spire, and see the Kings my predecessors.' He accordingly descended the Rhine, but had not sufficient strenth to proceed beyond Germesheim. He prepared for his end with marks of the most ardent devotion, and died on the 15th of July, in the seventy third year of his age, 1291, and in the nineteenth of his glorious reign. His body was conveyed to Spire, and interred with those of the former Emperors.

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Rhodolph was above the ordinary stature, being nearly seven feet in height, but extremely slender; his head was small and almost bald, his complexion pale, his nose large and aquiline. His natural aspect was grave and composed; but he no sooner began to speak than his countenance brightened into animation. His manners were so captivating, and he possessed the art of persuasion in so eminent a degree, that, to use the expression of Dornavius, one of his panegyrists, he fascinated persons of all ranks, as if with a love potion.' He was plain, unaffected, and simple in his dress; and was accustomed to say that he considered the majesty of a sovereign as consisting rather in princely virtues than in magnificence of apparel.

"In an age of superstition, the picty of Rhodolph was pure and ardent; and he was punctual and devout in attending the services of the church. He esteemed and honoured the humble minister of religion, but chastised the insolence of the haughty prelates, who forgot the meekness of the gospel in the splendor and exercise of temporal dominion. Although he recovered estates and advocacies which the hierarchy had usurped from the empire, and resisted all claims of exemption from the public charges, which religious esta

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blishments arrogated to themselves, yet he supported the dignity and privileges of the sacerdotal order, and enforced by his own example, respect and deference for every member of the church."

not only by subjugating the Austrian dominions, but by carrying his arms into the heart of Germany. To avert or suspend the progress of the enemy, Ferdinand sent embassadors to Solyman, with rich presents and proposals of peace. This measure, instead of conciliat

Having given longer extracts than we intended from the first part of thising, increased the presumption of the Sultan;

work, the history of the founder of the illustrious house of Austria, we shall be compelled to leave untouched many interesting passages, which seem equally deserving of notice. But unsatisfied, like the generality of men, with admiring the, elevation and outward magnificence of a superb edifice, we have examined its foundations and the means through which it was erected.

he arrogantly commanded the Austrian embassadors to follow his camp, and attend hisfurther pleasure. After embarking his artillery on the Danube, in a flotilla of 3000 vessels, he crossed the Save, and leaving the Danube on the right, led his numerous hordes through the western provinces, as if to penetrate over the mountains into Styria. He found no obstacles till he approached the frontiers of Styria, when his progress was checked before the petty and obscure town of Guntz, which has obtained an unfading name by its resistance on this memorable occasion. The place was hundred troops, but it was commanded by baldly fortified, and provided with only eight Nicholas Turissitz, and defended by an intrepid garrison, whose memory deserves the applause of christendom, for their unexampled resistance against the whole Turkish army. The town was assailed on every side by this stupendous multitude. After in vain attempting to undermine the walls, they planted their artillery on the neighbouring hills, and even on mounds of earth, which were raised above the highest buildings of the place. Breach after breach was effected, and assault after assault was made, but all these efforts were bafBed by the skill, the vigilance, and the heroie bravery of the governor, aided by the intrepiHe equally resisted bribes, promises, and threats; and after a siege of twenty-eight days, the Sultan was compelled to accept a feigned submission, and suffer him to continue in possession of a fortress which he had so gallantly defended."

The first volume embraces a period of three hundred and forty years, from 1218 to 1558, from the birth of Rhodolph, King of the Romans, to the abdication and death of Charles V. The irruption of the Turks into Servia, in 1439, under the command of Amurath II. supplied our author with an opportunity of giving an account of the Turkish nation, which he has not neglected. His sketch of the rise of that people, the conquests, defeat, and captivity of Bajazet,|| by the Mongol Tamerlane, is rapid, faithful and interesting. The 20th chapter presents a general picture of Europe in the year 1493, the relative strength of the states of which it was composed, and records the invention of gunpowder, and the art of printing, with the changes whichdity of his garrison. they occasioned in the art of war and the system of European policy, and by the importance of the matter which it contains, and the manner in which it is treated, deselves peculiar attention.

The second volume embraces a period of two hundred and eight years, from 1503 to 1711, from the birth of Ferdinand, founder of the German branch of the house of Austria, to the deposition of Joseph I. The second invasion of Austria by Solyman, in 1582, with an army composed of several hundred thousand men, and the noble resistance of the sinall, obscure, and weakly fortified town of Guntz, forms one of the most interesting events contained in this volume.

"Solyman, galled at his recent disgrace before Vienna, spent two years in making prepations, and resolved to avenge his failure,

The situation of Ferdinand II. when besieged in Vienna by the protestant insurgents in 1719, and his astonishing escape, are too remarkable to be passed over in silence.

"Ferdinand was sensible that the surrender

of Vienna would occasion the loss of Austria, and with it the loss of the imperial crown. He therefore sent his family into the Tyrol, and prepared to maintain his capital, and meet his impending fate with a firmness from which it is impossible to withhold our admiration. The Jesuits had implanted their maxims in the heart of a hero, and he found a support in that religious fervour with which he was animated. He threw himself at the foot of the

crucifix, poured forth his petitions to the saviour of all, and rose with the full conviction of divine assistance*. Notwithstanding all the remonstrances of his ministers, all the terrors of his situation; notwithstanding the total failure of his hopes from human relief, and all the entreaties of the ministers of that religion to which he was devoted, he persisted in his resolution of encountering the vengeance of an euraged multitude, and burying himself under the walls of the palace which had been the seat of his ancestors.

"He found full employment for all his resolution; his dangers increased from day to day, from hour to hour; the walls of his palace were battered by the Bohemian cannon; he heard on every side the cries of vengeance and exclamations,- Let us shut him up in a convent, bring up his children in the protestant religion, and put his evil counsellors to the sword."

"At length the crisis of his fate arrived : || sixteen protestant members of the states burst into his apartment, and with threats and reproaches, clamorously demanded his permission to join the insurgents. But at this awful moment a sudden scund of trumpets announced the arrival of succours. The deputies, thunder-struck with the alarm, hastened from the palace, and with the chiefs of their party sought safety in concealment, or took refuge in the camp of the besiegers.

* We have seldom an opportunity of discovering the secret thoughts of sovereigns on great and trying occasions, we therefore gratify the reader with an account given by Ferdinand himself to his confessor, Bartholomew Valerius, who entered his private cabinet at the moment when he had concluded his devotions. "I have reflected," he said, " on the dangers which threaten me and my family, both at home and abroad. With an enemy in the suburbs; sensible that the protestants are plotting my ruin, I implored that help from God which I cannot expect from man; I had recourse to my Saviour, and said, Lord Jesus Christ, thou redeemer of mankind, thou to whom all hearts are opened, knowest that I

"This succour which had so unexpectedly saved their sovereign, was a corps of only five hundred horse, which had been detached from Krems, by Dampierre, and secretly descending the Danube, had entered the only gate which, from its situation, could not be guarded by the vigilance of the enemy. Their appearance operated like magic; their numbers were exaggerated by fear or exultation; and rumours were instantly spread that further reinforcements were approaching. The malcontents shrunk away in silence, or fled from the city; and those whom fear had hitherto deterred, hastened to display their loyalty. Six hundred students flew to arms; the example was followed by fifteen hundred burghers, additional succours poured in, and in a few hours, all appearance of danger and discontent had subsided. Nor did the good fortune ofFerdinand end with his deliverance; for in the midst of his exultation news arrived that Bucquoy had defeated and dissipated the ariny of Mansfeld, and Thurn was suddenly recalled by the deputies from the blockade of Vienna, to secure the capital of Bohemia."

The third volume, or as the author entitles it, the second, having divided the first into two parts, the one containing 543, and the other 713 pages, comprises a period of 107 years, from 1685 to 1792, or from the birth of Charles VI. to the death of Leopold II. and contains the reigns of Charles VI. Maria Theresa, Joseph II. and Leopold II. As this part of modern shall not extend our extracts further, but history is more familiar to our readers, we conclude with a short examination into the

merits of this work.

Industry and the most indefatigable researches are necessary to enable an author to gather fame in the fields of history; they are necessary but not sufficient; he must also possess a mind unshackled and unprejudiced. Imagination, like a vain boaster, is apt to exaggerate the virtues and martial deeds of her heroes, to place them in situations in which no eyes but hers have beheld

seek thy honour, not my own. If it be thy them, and to clothe them in robes which her fairy hand has woven; her dazzling colours are too bright for the sober truth of historical pictures. Strong and acute sense, capable of steering in a straight direction between the numerous and contradictory reports which deluge the memo y of a prince, or a distant event; of diving into the annals of former times, not in

will that in this extremity I should be overcome by my enemies, and be inade the sport and contempt of the world, I will drink of the bitter cup. Thy will be done! I had scarcely spoken these words, before I was inspired with new hope, and felt a full conviction that God would frustrate the designs of my enemies." -DE LUCA, p. 335.

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