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النشر الإلكتروني



nuggets the Sacramento and pers, who had passed their lives an indefinite surrounding area in trackless plains and among were demonstrated to be richly rugged mountains, were auriferous. And when the inured to hardship of every news came to the ears of the kind, and indifferent to peril. scientific geologists, it seemed The new-comers were men of clear that the scattered gold all sorts-the majority of them, was but the débris of the over- perhaps, absurdly unfitted for hanging Sierras. In the rush the adventures which they that followed the first an- rashly undertook. They were nouncement poor Sutter was drawn by the gold, as by an swept off his legs. In the first irresistible magnet. Visions of place, all his workpeople deserted wealth to be easily won overhim his cattle strayed un- came constitutional timidity, herded; he could not afford to animated exhausted or despairtempt his hands with fancy ing energy, and gave new life wages; and in the paralysis of in- and strength to frames debilidustry he failed to meet his obli- tated by dissipation. Mingled gations. The loose mining laws with these weaklings of the Union came into play, sturdy miners, and desperate and claims were pre-empted ruffians who scrupled at nothand pegged out on the lands ing. The mixed multitude that passed from him. He had swarmed in on California from lavished his economies on benef- all directions and by every icence and hospitality. Now means of conveyance. They the wealthy settler was beg- chartered schooners from Ausgared, and he became a man tralia and the Pacific Isles; with a grievance. After strug- they faced the winter terrors gling on, in 1873 he emigrated of the Horn in unseaworthy eastwards to press his claims ships, indifferently found and on Congress. Penniless and dangerously overloaded. Some friendless, the old man had few, who had the means of proalmost broken his heart, when viding a costly outfit, resigned he received the pitiful compen- themselves to the sluggish oxsation of a trifling pension, and teams; but the most of the he only survived for a year to gold-seekers who came from draw it. the Eastern States, when they passed the Missouri, tramped it on foot. They crossed sterile deserts of salt and alkali; they ferried themselves somehow across flooded rivers; rivers; they struggled through quicksands which sometimes engulfed them; they threaded their way among icy crags and dizzy precipices, and stumbled along through the boulders and débris in the depths of gloomy chasms, soon to be spanned by girdered via

The Sutter Discoveries, as they were called, precipitated the evolution of America. They unlocked treasure-stores which for a long time were to give it an unparalleled financial position. The Government had actually to devise extravagant ways and means to relieve the Treasury of the glut of hoarded metal. Meantime, the immediate consequence was a general exodus to the West. The trap

ducts and suspension - bridges. The mortality was frightful, and not a few of the more hardy survivors only reached the Californian El Dorado to sicken and to die. The seaborne traffic speedily fell off. For a few months the high passage-rates had paid well; but after a time no cautious shipowner would charter for California. Even the whalers dared not touch at San Francisco or Monterey. The crews deserted bodily, and not unfrequently the skipper followed their lead, leaving his vessel at its moorings to take care of itself.

When Sutter settled upon the coast, he got from the Spaniards a grant of sixty miles in length by twelve in breadth. His energy did something to waken up a lethargic society, living in luxurious indolence on the flocks and fruits, and scratching patches of the rich soil here and there with their primitive ploughs. Sutter, besides starting the industrial enterprises we have mentioned, set an example of intelligent farming, and cultivated 1500 acres. Much of his property, as of that of the Spanish mission - stations and landowners, consisted of great herds of cattle and troops of wild horses. And yet the wealth running on four legs could seldom be realised, for except when ships put in for supplies, there was as little of a sale for beef as for horseflesh. When the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo handed California over to the Union, San Francisco was but a rudely fortified mission-house, surrounded by adobé hovels for the peons. There

was nothing to tempt the cupidity of pirate or privateer, and the Golden Gates were only guarded by some rickety fortifications, a survival of the more palmy days of Old Spain. The Americans found themselves in possession of a strip of territory three times the area of England, with 1000 miles of seaboard. As for commerce, there was next to none, so that Eastern statesmen had realised nothing of the magnificent capabilities of San Francisco Bay. But the American, like the Scotsman, will penetrate everywhere where he sees a way to doubling a dollar. The soil was deep, the climate genial, and in a few months after the annexation San Francisco was a rising township of wooden structures, with no fewer than three "hotels"! But nothing portended a boom, and it seemed likely enough to stagnate, for the headquarters of the new regimé had been established at Monterey.

Then there came that memorable afternoon when Marshall, who had been digging the milllead on the Sacramento, burst in upon Sutter at the fort. He could scarcely stammer out an explanation of his excitement, and Sutter thought his friend the contractor had gone mad. He was assured of it when Marshall produced his pocketfuls of yellow siftings, and pronounced them gold-dust. Mica, of course! declared the old settler; he had seen that glitter often before, and knew the fallacious lustre. But what with the weight and the rude assays, it took no long time to convince his

discovery who were casting about for a liv-
ing, fancied they had stumbled
on to the borderland of the fabled
El Dorado. Yet their fondest
fancies fell far short of the
truth; for their notion was
that the wealth was localised
on the Sacramento, and the
Sacramento had only brought
down the loose drift of inestim-
able treasures-stores in the Sierra
Nevada. On the other hand, in
their sanguine excitement they
ignored the fact that gold
gambling is a lottery, with in-
numerable blanks to each solid
prize, and where, at best, the
expenses may swallow the
profits. The signs of the
times multiplied quickly. The
solitary negro waiter at the
principal tavern raised his de-
mand for wages to ten dollars
a-day, and the claim was re-
luctantly conceded. The saddler
was the most important local
tradesman in a country where
everybody rides. There was an
immediate rush for saddle re-
pairs, holsters, and saddle-
bags; but his workpeople,
helping themselves to his
stock, had taken French leave
and gone :
so in a day or
two the master put up his
shutters, with the inscription,
"Gone to the diggings.' Al-
ready the reaction of the social
shock was felt at Sutter's Fort.
Sutter was looking on help-
lessly, while his land was being
pegged out and squabbled over
by strangers. He could get no
help from the States' garrison,
for their Indian recruits had
deserted to a man. His bliss-
ful dreams of a gold monopoly
were dissipated, for every lab-
ourer was grubbing for himself.
He tried in vain to tempt his

incredulity. The
proved ruinous to Sutter, but
he dreamed of enriching him-
self beyond the dreams of
avarice. The idea of the part-
ners was to keep the thing dark
-an absurdity on the face of
it, in that lawless territory,
held on questionable titles,
where might was right and
monopolies were an impossi-
bility. Sutter and Marshall
went searching and washing.
All they found tended to con-
firm their hopes: they passed
on from sifting out gold-dust
to picking up tiny nuggets.
But they had been watched
and tracked by a shrewd work-
man from Kentucky, and im-
mediately the great news got
wind. The hands at the saw-
mills and distilleries knocked off
work and went about prospect-
ing on their own account. A
few days afterwards there was
sensation in sleepy San Fran-
cisco when a man rode in from
the Sacramento with sand to
be assayed. At first nobody
believed: probably the assayers
were not over-expert, and all
declared, like Sutter, that he
had been befooled by mica.
But party after party came
in upon his heels, some of them
bringing nuggets there was no
mistaking. Nothing but the
doubts and fears which must
be speedily allayed could have
torn them away from the
diggings. The doubts being
satisfied, they were in a fever
to get back. Their excitement
and example were contagious:
the epidemic spread in the set-
tlement, and it is astounding,
and yet perhaps not astound-
ing, how suddenly it caught
on. The impecunious loafers,

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There was

mill-hands with treble wages skilled processes.
and unlimited allowances of
whisky. He might have done
a fair stroke of business in the
meantime, for his magazines
were well stocked; but the
master had other preoccupa-
tions, and there was difficulty
in getting anybody to sell.

not an ounce of quicksilver in



Then was seen the curious spectacle of fortune - seekers toiling among veritable riches and living painfully and anxiously from hand to mouth. Provisions were at famine prices. Even a novice in an average day's work might wash out 25 dollars' worth of gold. On an income of £1800 a-year, one might have saved siderably in а more settled country. But the bare cost of the coarsest food was portentous. No one could spare time to bring in for sale the cattle that were running masterless on the mountains, or shoot the elk and deer. Later on, a few of the shrewder folk began to realise that purveying for the necessities and amusements of the miners was far more profitable than sharing their precarious toil. A dram of Californian brandy sold for a dollar, and the diggers were a thirsty generation. But at first only one or two longheaded men kept cool enough to enrich themselves by supplying the workers. And never since has any body of novices gone to work with more primitive or inadequate appliances. They shook up the sand in pots and pans, and even pots and pans were at a premium. Good part of the dust ran to waste in those rough and un


The simplest form of cradle was an infinite saving of gold and labour. But few of the adventurers had the tools, the capacity, or the time to knock the rudest form of rocker together, and no one of the three carpenters at the diggings would work under 40 dollars a day. Yet it was pennywise to refuse to engage them, even at those exorbitant wages.

The cradles not only


lightened labour but largely increased the percentage of gold. And when one party concluded to quit" from the Sacramento, two cradles were put up to auction. The bidding was brisk, and they fetched the almost incredible sum of 400 dollars, although the value of the material was nil, and the workmanship of the roughest.

In fact, many of the diggers soon began to move on. Some were disappointed, all were restless; the claims on the lower Sacramento were overcrowded, and reports, exaggerated by rumour, came in of rich discoveries nearer to the Nevada Range. Yet those reports were true in the main, for the farther streams were traced towards the mountains, the thicker became the sign on the golden trails which led to rock repositories, as yet unsuspected. There were concentrated deposits in depressions of the torrent beds, and nuggets of considerable size became more frequent. Yet the biggest was not so very big, nor was there anything to compare with the prizes of Australia. The best authenticated value


was 4000 dollars,
"finds" as that attributed to
the unlucky discoverer of the
great Comstock silver-lode seem
to be more or less mythical.
Industrious washers often made
their 40 dollars a day, but
the dangers to life and property
increased in arithmetical pro-
portion with each league they
laid between themselves and the
Sacramento headquarters. At

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for such have been a poor one, but now
it received a sudden impulse.
One or two noted chiefs came
down with recruited forces to
beset the trails along the Sacra-
mento and the Americans' river.
Dr Brooks, who was one of the
first Englishmen to make his
way to the mines, has left an
interesting account of his ex-
periences both with the white
brigands and the Indians. They
were exciting, and compressed
into a very brief space of time.
With several companions he had
pushed on to Weber's Creek, and
thence to Bear River, a branch
of the Americans'. They had
- had realised
about 5000 dollars' worth of
gold. Then the Indians beset
the camp, stole the horses, killed
one or two of the party, and
wounded others, after sundry
sharp skirmishes. The diggers
took alarm for their gold, and
sent it off to Sutter's Fort, under
what they deemed sufficient
escort. But the brigands were
looking out, and the treasure
was looted. The miners, hasten-
ing back to the Sacramento,
ran the trail of the robbers till
they lost it in the Pueblos and
Sierras of New Mexico, and
they never had another glimpse
of the metal which had cost
them months of arduous labour.
Nor was that at all an excep-
tional experience.

first the unsophisticated Indians had been willing to do a modicum of work with pick and shovel for their food and a free allowance of whisky. Sutter had enlisted several gangs, from tribes with whom he had friendly relations, when his white workpeople went washing on his land on their own account. His Indians struck for wages, and then began raising their terms, when they realised that the yellow stuff could be bartered for blankets, guns, and powder. The news spread to their kinsfolk in the interior, who began to swarm down towards the mines like wasps gathering round honey - pots. They had no wish to work, but they were ready to rob and murder; and in any case the horses picketed outside an encampment were an irresistible bait. Men worn with the day of toil had to set watches through the night. Nor when they had accumulated some considerable store of gold was it an easy matter to place it in safety. There were white as well as red robbers. Brigandage is a recognised Spanish industry; and even when California was under Mexican rule there were bands infesting the mountains. In those days the business must

At first it was all placermining. Placer mining is superficial. It meant washing the stream- beds, scraping the stream-beds, gravelly surface, and removing shallow coverings of barren rock. The essential point in that, as in quartz-mining, is a sufficiency of water. In many cases the miners were con

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