: : Twelve Books of Mr. Jeremiah Bur- they are grounded. Gospel Reconciliation, Or Chrifts Trumpet of Peace to the World. Wherein is Opened Gods exceeding willingness to be Reconciled to Man; And Gods sending his Emballadors to that End. From. 2 Cor.5. 19, 20, 21. 2 The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, on Phil. 4. 11. Wherein is thewed, I What Contentment is. 2 It is an Holy art and Mystery. 3 The Ex cellencies of it. 4 The Evil of the contrary fin of Murmuring, and the Aggravations of it. and tenth Chapters of Hofea. 8 An Exposition on the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth Chapters of Hoses, being now compleat. 9 The Evil of Evils, or the exceeding finfulness of fin, on Job 16, 21. 10 Precious Faith, on 2 Pet. 1, I. 11 Of Hope, on 1 John 3.3. 12 Of Walking by Faith, on 2 Cor. 5.7. Burroughs his fifty nine Sermons on Matth. 11, 28, 29, 30. Arc Printed. A Godly and Frutiful Exposition, on the first Epiftle of Peter. end particularly in hearing the word, By Mr. John Rogers, Receiving the Lords supper, & prayer. Minister of the word 4 Wherein is shewed, I The right man- Gospel-Conversation, on Phil. 1 17 Wherein is shewed, 1 That the Conversations of Beleevers must be above what could be by the Light of Nature. 2 Beyond those that lived un der the Law. 3 And sutable to what Truths the Gospel holds forth. To which is added, The Misery of those Men that have their Portion in this Life only, on Pfal. 17. 14. A Treatise of Earthly-mindednes:Wherein is shewed, What Earthly-mindedness is, 2. The great Evil thereof, on Phil. 3. part of the 19.verf. Also to the same Book is joyned, A Treatise of Heavenly-mindedneß, and walking with God, on Gen. 5. 24. and on Phil.3. 20. of God at Dedham in Effex. M. Rogers on Naaman the Syrian, his Disease and Cure: Discovering the Leprofie of Sin and Self-love; with the Cure, viz. Selfdenial and Faith. Mr. Rogers his Treatise of Marriage. The Wonders of the Loadstone. By Samuel ward of Ipswich. An Exposition on the Philofition on the fourth, fifth, Gospel of the Evange fixth, and feventh Chapters of the lift St. Matthew. By An Exposition on the eighth, ainth, Mr. Ward. Prophesie of Hofea. The The Discipline of the Church in, Yeers, having been eight times printed, New-England: By the Churches and though al the former Impressions wanSynod there. ted the Nature, Causes, Signs, and Differences of the Diseases, and had only the Medicines for the cure for them; as plainly appears by the Authors Epiftle The Wife Virgins Lamp Burning; Twe've new Books in one Volum of The art to preserve 11:alth. 1 25. A Sure Guide to Physick and Chyrurgery: That is to say, The Arts of Healing by Medicine, and Manual Operation. Being an Anatomical De scription of the whol body of Man and its parts, with their Respective diseases, demonftrated from the Fabrick and use of the faid Parts. In Six Books of Riolanus, translated, and adorned with 2 The preternatural disorder of an hundred eighty four Figures cut in mans body, and their Signs. Brass. 3 Of Medicaments. 26 Veslingus Anatomy of the Body of 4 Of the art of Healing. Man; Wherein is exa&ly described,the 5 Of the general Cure of Diseases. 6 Of External Diseases. several Parts of the Body of Man, illustrated with very many larger Brass Plates than ever was in English before. 27 A Translation of the New difpenfatory made by the Colledg of Phyfiti ans of London. Whereunto is added The Key to Galens Method of Physicks 12 Of Childrens Diseases.. Thirty four Books of Nich. Culpeper, 28 The English Physitian enlarged. being an Aftrologo-Physcal Discourse: of the vulgar Herbs of this Nation; wherein is srewed how to cure a mans self of most Diseases incident to Mans Body, with fuch things as grow in England, and for three pence charge. Also in the fame Book is shewed The fitA Tewnty four Books. Are all called the Practice of Physick, Wherein is plainly set forth, The Nature, Cause, Differences, and several forts of Signs; Together with the Cure of al Diseases in the Body of Man. Being a Translation of the Works of that Learned and Renowned Doctor, Lazarus Riverius, now living; Councellor and Physician to the present King of France. Above ❘dicines according to the Cause, and fifteen thousand of the fald Books in Latin have been fold in a very few The time of gathering al Herbs, both Vulgarly and Aftrologically. 2 The way of drying, and keeping them and their Juyces. 3. The way of making and keeping al manner of useful Compounds, made of those Herbs. The way of mixing the MeMixture of the Disease, and the paro of the Body afflicted. 29 A Directory for Midwives, or a Guide for women. Newly enlarged by the Author in every sheet, and illustrated with divers new Plates. 30 Galens Art of Physick, with a large Comment. 31 New Method both of studying and practising Physick. 32 A Treatise of the Rickets, being A Disease common to Children wherein is shewed, I The Effence, 2 The Causes, 3 The Signs, 4 The Remedies of the Disease: Published in Latin by Dr. Glisson, Dr. Bates and Dr. Regemorter, translated into English, And corrected by N. Cul peper. 33 Medicaments for the Poor, Or Phyfick for the Common People. 34 Health for the Rich and Poor, by Dyet without Physick The London Dispensatory in Folio, Six Sermons preached by Dr. The Beauty and Sweetness of an 2 Truth and Love happily married in the Church of Chrift. 3 The Spring of strengthening Grace in the Rock of Ages Chrift Icius. 4 The strength of the Saints to make Iefus Christ their strength. 5. The Best and Worst of Paul. 6 Gods Eternal preparation for his Dying Saints. A Commemoration of King Charls his Inauguration. In a Sermon, By william Land, then Bishop of Canterbury. Abrahams Offer, Gods Offering: Being a Sermon by Mr. Herle, before the Lord Major of London. Mr. Spurstows Sermon, being a Pattern of Repentance. Englands Deliverance from the Northern Presbitery, compared with its Deliverance from the Roman Papicy. In a Sermon on the 5 of Nov. 1651. before the Parliament. By Peter Sterry. The Way of God with his People The Best and Worst Magiftrate. By The Craft and Cruelty of the The Magiftrates Support and Bur- A Relation of the Barbadoes. Mr. A Congregational Church is a Ca- ( Dr. Sibbs on the Philippians. tholick Viible Church. By Samuel Stone in New England. A Treatise of Politick Powers, wherein seven Questions are answered, 1 Whereof Power is made, and for what ordained. 2 Whether Kings and Governors have an Absolute Power over the People. 3 Whether Kings and Governors be lubject to the Laws of God, or the Laws of their Country. 4 How far the People are to obey their Governors. 5 Whether al the People have, be their Governors. 6 Whether it be Lawful to depose an evil Governor. 7 What Confidence is to be given to Princes. The Compaffionate Samaritan. Vox Pacifica, or a Perswafive to Peace Dr. Prestons Saints fubmiffion, and Satans Overthrow. Pious Mans Practice in Parliament time. Barriff's Military Discipline. The Bishop of Canterbury's Speech on the Scaffold. The King's Speech on the Scaffold. A Looking Glass for the Anabaptists. Woodwards Sacred Ballance. Dr. Owen against Mr. Baxter. ERRAT A. In the Book of Unbelief, Or, Want of Readineß. &c, Per for them r. you, P.9. P. 9. 1. 1. 13. for good r. God, p. 19.1. 21. for your r. their, p. 30.1. 14. for dier. do, p. 36. 1. 8. for Apostle r. Disciples, p. 38. 1. 1. for hisr. its, p. 94.1. 25. for an equal r. as equal, in that same p. at 3 laft 1. one thing twice, p. 103.19 for condemning ther. condemnation of the ibid. 1. 11. for speaks in r. speaks of, p. 105. 1. 13. for put off r. put offs, ibid. 1. 25. for premilesr.promises, p. 106. 1. 11. for the r. their peace, ibid. 1. 20. for prince r. promise, ibid. 1. 28. for upon cleer eviedencer, that you must have cleer evidence, p. 107. 1. 32. for as bonds r. as to suffer bonds, p. 110. 1. 3. for that unto r. you unto, p. 119. 1. 28. for has need r. had need, p. 118. 1. 13. for lo asr. fo much which p. 124.1. 12. for thereof r. therefore. PA In the Book of Not going to Chrift for Salvation, a great Sin.. 3. 1. 31. for affection 7. affe&ions, p. 5.1. 16. for ignorantly r. ignorance, p. 14. 1. 2. for the pardon r. thee for pardon, p. 20.1. 16. for would r. should, p. 26. 1. 1. for these arer. there are, p. 31.1. 17. at can make a comma, elter. that you can, then read p. 46.1.25. for jubjectsr. subjects, p. 76.1. 7. for I shall as r. as I shall, p. 101.1. 30. for hater. hath, p. 114. l. 11. for God hould r. that God should, p. 115.1. 23. for acknowledg is our r. acknowledg our 2. 220. l. 10. for three r. third. D THE THE CONTENTS OF THЕ Treatise on Mark. 16. 14. Page HAP. I. The Fervency of Christs love. The division of the Text. The Text reconciled with 1 Cor. 15.5. and John 20. 24. What Faith is in general. How this Faith is diftinguished: 1. Historical Faith.2. Temporary Faith. Why so called. 3. Faith of Miracles. This is of Two forts: First, Altive. Secondly, Chap. 2. Wherein Historical and Saving Faith agree; and wherein they differ. Wherein Tempo- rary and Saving Faith agree and wherein they differ. W bat that Faith is, of which the |