صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Chateaurenaud, (Mr.) his Precautions to fecure his Ships
130. Church Party prevalent, 73. Coehorn (Gene-
ral) his Expedition, 43. Colepepper (Mr.) hisRecan-
tation, 149. Convocation, their. Addrefs, 139. Their
Thanks to the Commons, 148. Council of War held,
81, 86, 88, 90, 92, 96, 129, 130. Cutts (Lord)
Storms Fort St. Michael, 102.


Emperor, his Affairs in Italy, 70. English Nation
variously affected with the Fleet's coming home.


Fleet (Grand) its Motions, 71, 73, 79, 132. Fort St.
→ Catherine taken, 87. Fuller Profecuted and Pu-
nish'd, $3.


Generals, a Promotion of them, 225. GEORGE

(Prince of Denmark) made Lord High Admiral, 43.

Goes to Portsmouth, and fignalizes his Clemency, 49.

His Recovery Congratulated, 141. Meffage about him,
149. Godolphin (Lord) made High Treasurer, 31.


Hallifax (Lord) Proceedings against him, 210. Clear'd,

215. Hamilton (Duke of) his Speech and Proteftati

on, 54. HANNOVER (Duke of) his Expedi

tion 27. Claufe in Favour of that Houfe 209. Hara

(Sir Charles) put under Arreft, 129. Clear'd, 225.

Harley (Mr.) chofenSpeaker, 121. Hardy (Captain)
Knighted, 137. Heffe d'Armstadt (Prince of) pub.
lifbes a Declaration in the Emperor's Name, 85. Hop-
fon (Admiral) his brave Actions, 132. isKnighted and
Rewarded, 15o. How (John E/q) made Pay-Mafter
General of the Guards and Garrifons, 162.


luftructions for the Defcent at Rota.



Landau invested, 47. The Siege carried on, 69, 105. The Tow
taken, 106. Liege taken, 114-115, 116. The Lords Cenfure on
Dr. Drake's Book, 36. On the Picture of a Modern Whigg, 37-
On the Animadverfions upon two Sermons, ibid. On Dr. Binks's
Sermon, 38. On another Pamphlet, ibid. Lords Lieutenants
appointed, 50, 52, 162.



Occafional Conformity, Bill to prevent it, 155, 173. The Com-
mons Reafons for it 179. The Lords Arguments, 113. The Com-
mons Reply, 201. The Differences between both Houfes about it
remain unreconcil'd, 203. OR MOND (Duke of) takes Pof-
feffion of Rota, 84. His Declaration, 85 Comes to Port St.Ma-
ry, 86. His Letter to Sir George Rook 91. He Lands at
Vigo, 131. He comes to Rodondella, 136. He would have
Winter'd in Spain, ibid. He Embarks for England, ibid. His
Answer to the Thanks of the House of Commons, 141. Made Ld.
Lieutenant of Ireland, 204.



Ranelagh (Earl of) Proceedings against him, 151. He lays down
bis Place, 152. Is expell'd the Houfe of Commons, 112. Refolu-

War declar'd, 29. Welt-Indies, Succeffes of the Queen's Arms
there, 143. A Project to fend a Powerful Force thither proves A-
bortive, 202. William (King) dies, i. and is buried,.22 A
Chimerical Project aferib'd to him, 33. Worcester (Bishop of)
Proceedings against him and his Son, 145.




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