BLESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast,... The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ... - الصفحة 45بواسطة Episcopal Church - 1853 - عدد الصفحات: 673عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
| Family Sanctuary, Family sanctuary - 1838 - عدد الصفحات: 598
...always. Amen. SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Let us pray. BLESSED LORD, who hast caused all holy Scripture to be written for our learning ; grant that we may...which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. O Lord, the whole earth is enriched by thy bounty, and every thing that lives depends upon thy... | |
| 1838 - عدد الصفحات: 864
...most frequently used, introductory to the sermon, is that for the second Sunday in Advent : * Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy scriptures to be written...comfort of thy holy word, we may embrace, and ever hold last the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ.' This... | |
| Henry Stebbing - 1838 - عدد الصفحات: 776 map Advent. briefly com love thy n his neigh 1 And tli i awake ou whei hand ! The Collect. LESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written...comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever l«U* Messed hope of everlasting life, which given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. *M wlwion i« a... | |
| George Barber Paley - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 88
...beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. — Amen. All present kneeling. Reader. Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written...which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. — Amen. Eeader. COLLECT FOR THE MORNING. O Lord, our heavenly Father, Almighty and everlasting God,... | |
| Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 598
...reformers knew nothing of it. How calm and peaceful is the strain of their beautiful petition,— " Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy scriptures to be written...which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ." Nothing, says the church of England in her sixth article, is to be required of any man as an article... | |
| 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 300
...\r\r\' • SCRIPTURE TRACTS. ADVENT. ARRANGED BY STRICT VISITOR, *' Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written...which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen." — Collect for second Sunday in Advent. BRISTOL. PAINTED AND SOLD BY II. AND A. HJLt.. STANDARD... | |
| John Hall - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 506
...Sunday after Easter 465 Jsmes I. 17—21. The nrtt fruits onto God. A PRAYER BEFORE SERMON. BLESSED LORD, who hast caused all holy scriptures to be written...which Thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. THE LORD'S PRAYER. OUR FATHER which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name ; Thy kingdom come ;... | |
| 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 604
...knew nothing of it. How calm and peaceful is the strain of their beautiful petition, — " Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy scriptures to be, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Clirist." Nothing, says the church of England in her sixth article, is to be required of any man as... | |
| Menzies Rayner - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 476
...word, and for the consolations, and the heavenly hopes of thegospel of our salvation. And O, blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written...hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given us in thy Son, and Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN. Benedictions. TVTAY grace, mercy and peace from God our Father,... | |
| 1840 - عدد الصفحات: 440
...that collect little Jane was learning ready for to-morrow, taken from those words ? I heard her say, ' Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark,...ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life.' I remembered it well ; for I used, when I was myself a child in the Sunday-school, to say it year after... | |
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