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" She has lived among horrors till she is become "native and endowed unto that element. "
The life [after sir T.N. Talfourd], letters and writings of Charles Lamb, ed ... - الصفحة 212
بواسطة Charles Lamb - 1876
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who Lived about the Time of Shakespeare ...

Charles Lamb - 1845 - عدد الصفحات: 484
...ordinary poets. As they are not like inflictions of this life, so her language seems not of this world. She has lived among horrors till she is become " native...She speaks the dialect of despair, her tongue has a snatch of Tartarus and the souls in bale. — What are " Luke's iron crown," the brazen bull of Perillus,...

Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who Lived about the Time of Shakespeare ...

Charles Lamb - 1845 - عدد الصفحات: 492
...ordinary poets. As they are not like inflictions of this life, so her language seems not of this world. She has lived among horrors till she is become " native...She speaks the dialect of despair, her tongue has a snatch of Tartarus and the souls in bale. — What are " Luke's iron crown," the brazen bull of Perillus,...

Studies of Shakspere: Forming a Companion Volume to Every Edition of the Text

Charles Knight - 1849 - عدد الصفحات: 574
...sake of those which are more easy." Let any one try which is the STUDIES OP BHAKSPEHE. more easy, " to touch a soul to the quick, to lay upon fear as...to wean and weary a life till it is ready to drop," as Charles Lamb deseribes the tragic art of Webster ; or to make a Desdemona, amidst the indignities...

Studies of Shakspere: Forming a Companion Volume to Every Edition of the Text

Charles Knight - 1849 - عدد الصفحات: 582
...any one try which is the STUDIES OF SHAKSPERE. more easy, " to touch a soul to the quick, to lay npon fear as much as it can bear, to wean and weary a life till it is ready to drop," as Charles Lamb describes the tragic art of Webster ; or to make a Desdemona, amidst the indignities...

The Works of Charles Lamb: To which are Prefixed His Letters and a Sketch of ...

Charles Lamb, Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd - 1851 - عدد الصفحات: 964
...ordinary poets. As they are not like inflictions of this life, so her language seems not of this world. She has lived among horrors till she is become " native...She speaks the dialect of despair ; her tongue has a sinatch of Tartarus and the souls in bale. To move a horror skilfully, to touch a soul to the quick,...

Essays and Reviews, المجلد 2

Edwin Percy Whipple - 1851 - عدد الصفحات: 412
...They are full of " deep groans and terrible ghastly looks." " To move a horror skilfully," says Lamb, "to touch a soul to the quick, to lay upon fear as much as it can bear, to ivean and weary a life till it is ready to drop, and then step in with mortal instruments to take its...

The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakspere ...

William Shakespeare - 1852 - عدد الصفحات: 708
...the tragedy of passion. Lamb has beautifully described Webster, as almost alone having the power " to move a horror skilfully, to touch a soul to the...much as it can bear, to wean and weary a life till it ig ready to drop, and then step in with mortal instruments to take its last forfeit." Lamb adds, "writers...

Specimens of English Dramatic Poets: Who Lived about the Time of Shakespeare ...

Charles Lamb - 1854 - عدد الصفحات: 572
...masque of madmen, the tomb-maker, the bellman, the living person's dirge, the mortification by degrees ! To move a horror skilfully, to touch a soul to the quick, to lay upon fear as much as it can boar, to wean and weary a life till it is ready to drop, and then step in with mortal instruments to...

Songs from the Dramatists

Robert Bell - 1854 - عدد الصفحات: 282
...none of our dramatists have exhibited so effectively. ' To move a terror skilfully,' observes Lamb, ' to touch a soul to the quick, to lay upon fear as much as it can bear, to wear and weary a life till it is ready to drop, and then step in with mortal instruments to take its...

Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who Lived about the Time of Shakespeare ...

Charles Lamb - 1854 - عدد الصفحات: 572
...ordinary poets. As they are not like inflictions of this life, so her language seems not of this world. She has lived among horrors till she is become " native and endowed imto that element." She speaks the dialect of despair, her tongue has a snatch of Tartarus and the...

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