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" Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, yours is as fair a name; Sound them, it doth become the mouth as well; Weigh them, it is as heavy; conjure with 'em, Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Caesar. "
Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ... - الصفحة 380
بواسطة William Scott - 1814 - عدد الصفحات: 407
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The poetic reciter; or, Beauties of the British poets: adapted for reading ...

Henry Marlen - 1838 - عدد الصفحات: 342
...Brutus, and Caesar : What should be in that Ceesar ? Why should that name be sounded more than yours ? Write them together, yours is as fair a name ; Sound...as well ; Weigh them, it is as heavy ; conjure with them, Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Ceesar. Now in the names of all the gods at once, Upon...

The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, المجلد 2

William Shakespeare - 1838 - عدد الصفحات: 522
...that Caesar ? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, yours is as l'air a name ; Sound them, it doth become the mouth as well ; Weigh them, it is as heavy ; conjure them, Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Caesar. [Shait. J4ow in the names of all the. gods at once,...

Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of ..., المجلد 17

Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art - 1885 - عدد الصفحات: 492
...Tamar and Danube : What should be in that Danube ? Why should that name be sounded more than yours ? Write them together, yours is as fair a name ; Sound...as well ; Weigh them, it is as heavy ; conjure with them, Tamar will start a spirit as soon as Danube." It may perhaps be doubted, after all, whether Mr....

Julius Caesar

William Shakespeare - 1967 - عدد الصفحات: 262
...Brutus and Caesar. What should be in that 'Caesar' ? Why should that name be sounded more than yours ? Write them together, yours is as fair a name; Sound them, it doth become the mouth as meli; Weigh them, it is as heavy; conjure with 'em, 'Brutus' will start a spirit as soon as "Caesar"....
معاينة محدودة - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The music, or melody of rhythmus of language

James Chapman - عدد الصفحات: 286
...Brutus! andCa>sar! What should be in thatCaesar? — Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together. — Yours is as fair a name....well. Weigh them. — It is as heavy. Conjure with them. — Brutus ! will start a spirit as soon as Csesar ! Now, in the names of all the gods at once,...
معاينة محدودة - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Il guardiano della storiografia: profilo di Federico Chabod e altri saggi

Gennaro Sasso - 1985 - عدد الصفحات: 370
...Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that 'Caesar'? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, yours is as fair a name; Sound...mouth as well; Weigh them, it is as heavy; conjure with'em, 'Brutus' will start a spirit as soon as 'Caesar'». E si ricordi la poetica «riflessione»...
معاينة محدودة - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

An Audition Handbook of Great Speeches

Jerry Blunt - 1990 - عدد الصفحات: 232
...Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that "Caesar?" Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, yours is as fair a name; Sound...with 'em, "Brutus" will start a spirit as soon as "Caesar." Now, in the name of all the gods at once, Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed, That...
معاينة محدودة - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Frontiers of Consciousness: Interdisciplinary Studies in American Philosophy ...

Stanley J. Scott - 1991 - عدد الصفحات: 334
...Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that "Caesar"? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, yours is as fair a name; Sound...with 'em, "Brutus" will start a spirit as soon as "Caesar." Now in the names of all the gods at once, Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed That he...
معاينة محدودة - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1996 - عدد الصفحات: 1290
...Brutus, and Cxsar: what should be in that Cassar? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? hedding tears? As thus; — to drop them still Саяаг. Now, in the names of all the gods at once, Upon what meat doth this our Qcsar feed, That...
معاينة محدودة - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Coming of Age in Shakespeare

Marjorie B. Garber - 1997 - عدد الصفحات: 260
...Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that 'Caesar'? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, yours is as fair a name; Sound...with 'em, 'Brutus' will start a spirit as soon as 'Caesar'. (i. ii. M2-7)13 If this sounds a little like Edmund on astrology, or lago's advice to Roderigo,...
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